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Everything posted by JSINGLE22

  1. Dan Fletcher is the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Dose any one Know Jaden Dillions Cell number from bc this is John S. need it quick would like to watch you guys win. Good LUCk.
  3. There all Great Coachs. Not an opinion but a fact.Why dont we honner them all but put Coach Griff on top.k. He earned it. He never doubted his young team. While everyone elce did. Hes a Great coach.
  4. Sounds like a Big ole CHICK FIGHT in here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. NIce hit Jaden. How About another?
  6. But whats up with old Casey jackson i planned to see him at the top of alot of rankings whats the deal i havent hurd much on him and would like a little information on how hes doing
  7. Well i hope to see jaden excel he has a ton of great things about him that people seem to pass up. All around great player and Kid.
  8. I know of a few Kids whove used Roids but are there really that many were Schools have to spend excessive amounts of money to get this new test?
  9. well what are the options if i may ask
  10. Hahaha Thats funny THink About it...lol Dont Hate
  11. Yea its amazing but who would you pitch a good pitcher 11 innings he might get the job done but why not let his arm have a break. Not a good idea
  12. Yes they can keep there eyes on the kids its there JOB to COACH and to get his team to Excell. Mainly its kids trying to throw it to hard or to far.
  13. Vidor will surpise you when there team was young and we had to battle it out with them in Pony 2003-2004 they were a tough team and had some very Great players. But whats up with Roman Frainklin not playing he should be out there. And thumbs up to Vj bunner. Sorry bout the problems before man in pony all that junk over the years man. Keep up the hard work. John Singleton 22
  14. I think Our pitching staff is Decent enough were LCm will Excell no matter what people say we have a great coach that is dedacated to the whole team.Sure the pitchin could be better. But im sure will improve with our hitting.Wish Coach new my attitute was a whole lot better so maby in the future ill add a lil help to improve pictching Here at The Great LCM< See ya at state John Singleton
  15. BC's Got it in the Bag
  16. Good Luck Bc i hope i see you guys win it,
  17. How About some of the great players like Frankie Tays or Robert Merritt, how bout Jeramy Green. Or Dan Fletcher.
  18. Vj is a great player but growing up and goin threw select and little league hes just a nother person i rember we played the Bc pont allstars agisnt theres for distract the beat us 10 to 2 but i hit a bomb on him. To many people on here are over Rated and the ones that can play are under Rated whats the deal. Quit all the hype talk and let us do our thing no ones the best no ones the greatist. just play. John SIngleton
  19. Chauney Whats up boy you know who the best in the district would be right lol you have to start working on these coaches again for me there.Ben will not have surgery he is just tired of baseball and is giveing up. He is a good friend and all but he wines if he loved the game as much as me i would feel diffrent about everything. But he throws junk swing and promise you will hit it. I am goin to hate leaveing LCm but they wont let me play ball and i love it and i have a chance with it so Im sorry Guys looks like im of to Bc to start a new life. post more commits on her. John Sinlgeton
  20. I cant find a team to play with or just practice with i need all the help i can get. I plan to move back to Bc but i guess ill just have to wait until i talk to there coachs. I hope it works out between me and Bc ive hurd Billy Bryant has a lot of good things for his baseballers thats why i hope to be with his team next year. So what would anyone recomend about me finding a team to get with before or after the season. Singleton
  21. Lcm is very good with are baseball but i do no enjoy it here coach griff never really gave me the chance i rember freshman year he said sinlgeton sit down along with skinner and bufford. We dident have to try out to make the team. But after that alot went down hill i could barley lift my arm up it hurt so bad. I told Griff my problems but really it seemed as if he dident care for me as he did when i was good, so i had no coice but to quit his team its all politics here and i cant wait to step on the mound for Bc once again. He also said it wasint just cause of my arm that i was full of talent and had good things to come but that i needed to work a little harder in school. I admit i do need to work harder. But im very dissapointed in Lcms Program i have had to miss out these last 2 seasons so i hope i can rebuild at bc and become something Great. John Singleton
  22. I have been asking friends about the Big timers and it seems that the team would probally fit me but i missed the tryout, I dont no what to do my friend Josh Garza plays for them but he never called me the weekend of the tryout i was very excited and ready to step on the field and show them who i really am. If anyone knows anything on how i could possible get on the team or get with someone elce i wold really love that. For those that have missed me you can say Sinlgetons Back and ready to play haha Cant wait to get on the field with you guys. John
  23. He Is the Full Package. He has came along ways seince we were little. He has steped up to be an outstanding leader on the field and off. I rember growing up in Junior High and Intermediat school Johnny was always involved, He showed that he took pride in his school. I have looked up to Johnny for quite some time now, He has his foot in the door i just hope it dosent get slammed in. John Singleton
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