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  1. Hardin Hornets have plenty of big athletes, teams better not sleep on them.
  2. Brady Owens JR Kelly vs StJohn23 4-15-21
  3. Pierce Levinthal Kelly Sr March 30 vs HJ February 15 vs Jasper @BC tournament
  4. West Brook won 7to6 Gavin Kash 2 HRs
  5. Saturday February 6 JV noon V to follow
  6. I can't wait. Been waiting for this since early March!
  7. Kelly V @ Kirbyville 5pm
  8. Kelly JV 3 Lumberton JV 1 Kelly V 13 Lumberton V 0 Kelly @ HF 2/8 430 & 630
  9. The 8elite Galdiators would like to scrimmage a team (kid pitch not coach pitch) on Sunday January the 28th. Email coach Matt, [email protected], for details.
  11. FALLBALL I am not at all affiliated with Bridge City Little League, but wanted to let others know they too offer fallball. They have games on Mondays and Thursdays, so it doesn't interfere with Fordpark fall ball. I have had my 2 sons play there over the years and have always had a good experience. We don't live in Bridge City area but that isn't a requirement to participate. They are still registering players this week upto the 11th, I believe, but if they don't get enough the league won't make. Check it out, BCLL.ORG
  12. August 5th will be 1:15 at Marauder park in Lumberton on Keith road.
  13. We will have a workout for players interested in joining the 09 Gladiators. Age requirements are born on or after May 1 2009. July 23rd 2pm at the Setxbaseballacademy at Ford park. (Red and blue building) August 5th time to be announced, Marauder park in Lumberton (end of Keith road) We had a great 7u year and are looking forward to next season! •52 wins (43 select, 9 2016 fallball) •8 championship games •5 1st place finishes •Usssa and Nations competition •We have Nonprofit tax ID# for easy fundraising and expect our dues to decrease from last year •2017 dues were $65/month and covered ●2 practices a week on Ford fields ●batting practices at SETXBASEBALLACADEMY ●all tournaments, registration and insurance ●practice balls, catcher's gear, etc. We are looking to compete in coach pitch as well as kid pitch. Stay tuned, contact me at [email protected] for more info.
  14. 7u Gladiators, has room for an additional player(s). We would like to welcome anyone interested in joining our team to contact one of our coaches, or the manager Matt McLaughlin, to setup a tryout/meeting. All players must have a birthdate of May 1st 2009 or younger. Call or text Matt at 409-273-2453
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