I absolutely believe the "top dogs" don't want the basketball team or any other sport than football to excell. If they cared about the program they would allow the Head Coach to have a say so on who assists him. Rather than just throw a football guy in to the job. Also, if you think about it....any head coach who is trying to win a game has a million things and scenarios running through their mind. So an exact foul count an every player is not always going to be his top priority to keep up with. Just as an exact pitch count is not kept by the head coach. Just one of the very reasons for assistants. I know for a fact Coach E didn't know Kelvin had 3 fouls, because I witnessed him turn to his "mindless" assistant (which answers the queston of which one I am refereing to, since yes the other was at Disney World) and scream, "I needed to know when he had 2". At which point he would've most likely sat Kelvin for a while. Once he had 3 it was too late. Anyway, I not saying that alone is why they didn't win....I was just merely making a point that he is at a disadvantage with those assistants. I do think Jardell does a good job when he is there and I do belive he cares for the kids, but you can always count him out during "A Whimsical Christmas" and any other dance competition that takes priority in his life. Again, I don't intend to degrade Jardell, he's a great guy and has already put his time into basketball years ago. I believe he was thrown into this job just to fill a position. Which is my complete point in this.............we need assistants who really want to be there and who make the program a priority!