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Everything posted by sports_mom

  1. I will have to say West Sabine on this one, especially since Tubbs is out
  2. Sounds like to me that it was crappy calling both ways and alot of trash talking from both sides. Sounds like some of the parents need to grow up and maybe take a few lessons on sportsmanship from some of the kids. You know kids actions come from the way they were taught at home... sounds like not much respect for others is being taught anywhere... GET OVER YOURSELVES... it was just a game... and from what I hear a good one... you know yall get on here and trash talk each other but off that field most of these kids are friends... and you want to talk about schools consolidating... I hear tell that if Daisetta dont get any better grades they shutting the doors and HD will have to go to WH... Ummm better watch it Cats you may become a OILCAN after all.........
  3. 30 seconds left in 3rd score still the same HD on top
  4. HD 20 WH 16 4:33 left in the 3rd
  5. I just hope HD plays fair after all the last time I went to a HD/ Oiler game the announcer was hollering over the loud speaker ever single direction the Oilers runner was going. How sad that the adults have to be the ones acting like little kids.. I say let the teams play their game without all the hoopla from the adults for once most all of these boys would or is friends off the field but its the adults that make it such a rival and war. I dont know who will take this if its a fair game I say Oilers but of course being on HD field well everyone knows how that goes... Good luck to both teams, play safe and have fun.
  6. at half Hardin 27 West Hardin 7 What happened to WH this year?
  7. believe the score 24-7 with 2 min. left in half.
  8. Good Job Oilers .... Your Community, School and County is proud of you.. You did a great job even though you didnt make it to state you went farther than any other Oilers B-Ball team your hard work and great team effort was everything... You boys are great examples of fine young men.... we respect you for that... God Bless
  9. Way to go Hardin County BBallers
  10. gonna go with EC on this one
  11. I agree watch what you say....look at all the smack talk the other schools did and they lost.... but I am still going with the oilers.... all the way baby...
  12. Oilers all the way... I hear Martins Mill is good but so is WH...... gonna stick with my boys...
  13. anyone know the stats on this game yet...
  14. Proud West Hardin fan going to go for HJ on this one... go get em hawks.....
  15. to many oiler fans watching and waiting
  16. whew hoo way to go oilers..........
  17. come on oilers.......you can do it
  18. keep up the good job Oilers... Play your A- Game all the way to the end..... thanks for the updates
  19. so why cant they win state ... they have just a good of a chance as the next team out there...IT COULD HAPPEN...
  20. win or lose West Hardin is still top notch in my book, I read these post on here and listen to all the trash talk about our boys and not one of our boys has come back with an insult.... Congrads on great sportsmanship Oilers.... Just shows you got CLASS much more than some of the others. Cayuga maybe a good team but so is the Oilers and therefore I think it will be a good game to watch. Everytime the Oilers do good the others trash talk about them, just shows me how scared they are of the Oilers.. So Oilers Keep up the good work... You have Class keep showing it... WE LOVE YOU GUYS HERE IN THE PINEY WOODS OF SARATOGA TEXAS.
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