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Everything posted by bmtdc1996

  1. I know it is very early but any names appearing on the horizon yet?
  2. Asolutely love this show and hate to see it end.  I don't live in Texas anymore and it was one of my connections to the great state.  Going to miss this show. Already have the first two seasons on DVD and can't wait to get the rest.
  3. Looks like the Hornets just need to play defense and they would be in the driver's seat.  What I don't get is how in small schools where players play both ways, some of the same guys making these great passes and catches and runs on offense cannot make the same big plays on defense.  Or does Hardin have two separate squads for O and D?
  4. Wow, what a game!  Someone please play defense. 
  5. I think the Newton people were probably hoping for that storybook game.  Winning the first game after losing a wonderful coach.  These are young men playing this game and you never know how they will react.  The important thing is everyone at Newton learns from this experience.  Congrats to EC for the win.  Newton, hold your head up and get ready for the rest of the season, honor the memory of your coach with your effort. 
  6. Great story.  An exceptional young man. 
  7. I remember Coach Hoffpauir from back in the 80's.  He is a good one.
  8. I am sort of out of the loop (living out of the area now), why did EC hire another basketball coach (assitant, co-head coach or whatever he is going to be) after the start of school.  Is he going to be teaching?  I agree with some of you, this may be good and it may not be so good.  Hope there is no friction.  I wish the best for the Bucs.
  9. This was a great season, you that haven't had the opportunity to see it yet are in for a treat.  I am going to watch it all over again on NBC, I just enjoy the heck out of that show.
  10. Congratulations to Joe and Andy.  Joe deserves this honor.  They make quite a team. Also, Joe is a master story teller, I think he knows every coach over the age of 45 in the state of Texas and quite a few under that age as well. 
  11. I know what swole is.  I've been around SE Texas a long time.  I would just call those boys "pumped" or "ripped".
  12. Congrats to Andy.  A great coach and an even better man. 
  13. Somebody do the math, what is Kountze average points per game so far this season?
  14. Now that is funny, love the tackler's reaction!  Would have loved to be in the locker room after this game!
  15. Love this show!  It's got everything you can love and hate.  I think it is going to be a great season.  I am rooting for the East Dillon Lions!
  16. I want Hardin to win and this thread to die
  17. Is HF living with the hope that Silsbee and HJ will be out of their district by then or what?
  18. In my opinion, this is an impossible task. As an old school guy I see way too many names from the 60's and 70's that A LOT of you younger guys probably never heard of. I agree with whoever said it should be broken down into decades. Heck there are some young guys on this list who aren't out of college but three or four years.
  19. Bolt is an amazing athlete. He decided to run all the way through the finish line and look what he does. Tyson Gay was no slouch either, he broke the American record. I am looking forward to the 200m. what will it be...19.1 or 19.2????
  20. Andy Evans, great Christian man and has always been a great influence on the young men around him.
  21. Speed can be developed up to a certain point, you are only given so much fast twitch muscle fiber to work with, it is a scientific fact. In football there has to be a God given ability to see the field, react to it what ever the situation, whether you are a QB, RB, WR, LB or where ever. I believe you are born with heart and desire and you have the choice to develop it. I don't believe it can be coached into you. A good coach with help you discover that it is in you though.
  22. I would love to see the Hornets get a winning streak going against the Bobcats. I know over the last 20+ years Hardin hasn't won too many and I doubt there has been two in a row. So, with that being said, come on Hornets and start ruling the neighborhood!! Hardin by as many as possible!!!
  23. B. Parker is a great guy, he was the super way back in the 80's.
  24. Way to go Hardin! I was a coach there back in the eighties, the grass wasn't "that bad" but I do agree, HD's was a much better field. It was tough to watch a game from the home stands early in the year, looking straight into the sun. Surprised they are just now getting that changed. Now the track back then left tons to be desired. Glad to see they have an all weather track. Haven't been around much lately so I am behind on the news, who is the new super? Looking forward to seeing great things from the Hornets!
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