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Everything posted by Gabe

  1. Welcome back my man. Hope you are well-rested and ready to go until about June.
  2. I have forgotten that part of the equation. That did not play a role in the coverage of football this week but it does sometimes become the overriding factor. Not always but we do take it into account.
  3. Out of the three teams we mainly cover they finished the highest last season. So start there and move towards the others. That is also an easy way to make sure you stay even in coverage.
  4. I did just leave Nederland volleyball....lol
  5. Sabine Pass was top story today. So boom.
  6. Memorial will get the exact amount of coverage as both PNG and Nederland. Two stories a week leading up to the game and then coverage of the game. 3 stories for each football team that way nobody can have a gripe but......you know how that goes LOL
  7. You do realize in late May I did a story on Kadon being named the starting QB and who was set to replace Martin at RB? So I have already touched early bases. Sorry I don't need your advice on what type of stories I need to write. I asked you once and you didn't answer, do you subscribe to the PA News? That way you can see where stories run and full lengths of stories and understand fully what we do.
  8. Do you subscribe to the PA News and see it on a daily basis? Or is this all hearsay?
  9. PNG will build a dome within the next 10 years. I'm calling it lol
  10. No! That dang smoke messes up the windows in the press box making it almost impossible to see the field. Last thing I need is someone saying I got stats wrong LOL
  11. I can't please everyone and it sounds worse that what I am taking it. I'm not bothered by any of this, just having a conversation like everyone else does. I am able to point out the facts when someone questions my job.
  12. sounds like the parents of many kids I know from MHS who thank me for giving their kids coverage in all sports. Doesn't sound like we are that different man. All I am asking is for you to stop and realize we have to make decisions each day like any other business. There was no malice as to why memorial did not have a story in today's paper. There is a full season to get to man. Who cares who got coverage first? We can't be everywhere everyday. The only times we do that is Friday nights. We don't miss any games. On the other days we go to each school during the week. Who gets what story what day comes down sometimes to what works best for us and also the coaches. Thats all.
  13. yes sir captain. For as good as you tell others how to do their job I hope you are perfect at what you do for a living lol.
  14. Gabe Pruett works fine.
  15. Oh and the day I went to the girls basketball signing was my day off actually. It had nothing to do with that there was nothing else going on. I went to Memorial High School on my day off to make sure it got taken care of for your student athletes.
  16. But I am having fun, cant you tell? LOL
  17. I assure you you have nothing to do with if a picture is in color or not. Lol. You have a nice night and good luck to your Titans this year. Like I said if you have a problem with my coverage down the road please email [email protected] or call me at 721-2436. We can talk instead of hiding behind a computer. My office is located at 2349 Memorial Blvd. I get here at 2 Tuesday-Friday so you can also stop by and have a conversation with me. I would like to help you realize you are wrong.
  18. You did notice the PNG and Nederland photos today were black and white so that makes no sense. You have gone from saying we give no coverage to the stories are smaller when its Memorial. So which complaint do you want to stick with? PNG story was 445 words to be exact. I am at 258 words and I am halfway through the Memorial story for tomorrow. Oh and just found out, the picture tomorrow will be in color so you lose that one too. Want to try again?
  19. You make me laugh, you really, really do. I will not justify why I did not go to Memorial's practice yesterday. There were reasons and if you cannot read the two stories I did Monday and see why for yourself then oh well. However, I want you go to back through the last three years I have been here and find me a game we did not cover a Memorial Titans game. Here I will help you out, there were zero. That includes the last two seasons going 3-7. I did just as many previews on the Titans as I did the Bulldogs and Indians (one each week for each of the three) and player feature stories (one a week for each team). Last year all 10 games were covered and I personally was at six of the 10 games including road games to Houston, Channelview and Baytown. I was there for the North Shore game too. Let me ask you this even though it pertains to other sports. Name another member of the media present when 3 girls basketball players signed to go to college on a Friday at noon? There was me and one TV station. The second, do you know how many other news media was there when a Titans baseball player signed the following Monday besides myself? None. Just me. There is not a single member of the local sports media who has been to Memorial sporting events more than me. I know that to be a fact. Two years ago I counted front page sports stories and the list was 75 Nederland, 75 Memorial and 73 PNG. One year ago it was just about the same but Memorial had more stories in that high school sports season. Know your facts before you run your mouth. Nevermind, I'll tell you why I didn't go Monday to Memorial. First, I was a one-man department meaning I would work from 5:15 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday. I hit up PNG at 515 in the morning because it was the easiest to get out the way since nobody else was practicing. Then I had a choice between Nederland and PAM. Nederland had three players being declared no longer a part of their program. That story took rank. I personally called Coach Harrison and told him the situation but told him I would be there on Tuesday, which I was and will have a story in Wednesday's issue. He completely understood and we talked several other times during the day Monday. Any other questions? Feel free to email me if I didn't answer your glaring misinterpretation of the truth.
  20. Check your messages. What I mean by "not knowing what was going on" i mean about the private school area.
  21. Look out for PNG running back Preston Hughes. Dude is a beast.
  22. Private schools can be in play for both. No need for a release from the school you are leaving. And no I am not saying I heard this was what was happening with either of these young men.
  23. Neumann reported today Marshall Lange and Blaysin Fernandez are competing for the starting QB job.
  24. I figured I would let the situation play out and the telling factor would come next week when practice starts.
  25. I first reported this on May 21. It was my understanding the suspensions for both Mayfield and Johnson had nothing to do with football and that both had a chance to come back after the summer. I have not talked to Coach Neumann about this issue since May.
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