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Everything posted by Gabe

  1. Gabe


    Well said Stringer. I'll see you this weekend and will be rooting for you with a new found respect.
  2. All that talk of the Spurs being "the good guys" of the NBA, they are a dirty team and Duncan cries after every foul. Three times this series Nash has had something done to him. Plus I have a lunch bet with Van at the paper that the suns will win the series so Im not looking good with those two on the bench! Just trying to find an excuse here
  3. This series is great to watch! These two teams are so fast and you can tell do not like each other, but I hate to say, Stephen Jackson is a punk
  4. I have been to their practice tons of time this season and it isnt like the guy just sits in the dugout and watches time go by. Ive had to sit and wait, which I dont mind at all since I love watching practice, just to talk to him. He knows I am there but he is busy with his team and preparing them for the game at hand. It is time to move past bashing Coach Bryant and talk more about who people think the coach of the year is.
  5. Just to defend him once more, and i know they were loaded with talent, but the Cards did reach state two years in a row..and they havent lost many games since hes been around. cant just throw the guy out and say he doesnt do anything right when the cards have had the success they have over the years. many teams are loaded but go nowhere. he takes the talent and does the things to get BC where they are supposed to be.
  6. Best I heard this year was Griff. He was griping at an ump over strikes and balls and the ump says "Coach do you want to come talk?" Griff - "Not really but ok" and walks over to him. Minute later you hear Griff say "You know how I know it was a strike?" he points to catcher rowell "He said it was! And he doesnt lie, hes a good kid" The pressbox was rolling!
  7. Talent just makes a coaches job a little easier. Someone still has to be the one to decide how to use that talent. The use of two freshman and keeping guys motivated in BC speaks volumes of Bryant. There are a ton of candidates out there and all would be a fine choice. Just dont count out Bryant because he has talent. The Yankees are the most talented team in the league and last I checked they are 8 down.
  8. Matt Johnson rolled his ankle when fielding a bunt attempt in the fourth when he had a no-hitter going. Great season Bears.
  9. Heard the sparks are flying out there...Does not sound good
  10. Yea that storm does not seem to be moving at all
  11. There is a lightning delay in Top 5 It is not an official game until Wharton bats It would be official after 4 1/2 if home team is winning but Wharton is home team tonight.
  13. Bolton to 2nd on wild pitch; Dishon still up
  14. Base hit to right by bolton
  15. Strike out for BC 2 down top 5th Bolton up
  16. Stringer NINE strike outs; 113 on year! BC 1-0 heading to 5th
  17. 8th strike out for Stringer runner on 3rd, two down
  18. Stole third; 3 times Wharton stole third
  19. Double for Wharton, same guy who had only other Tiger hit
  20. One down in bottom 4 6-3 put out
  21. 3 up, 3 down BC 1-0 going bottom 4 Wharton 4-5-6 coming up
  22. BC already 2 down in top 4
  23. Stringer now 7 Going to fourth BC 1-0
  24. Make that 6 strike outs 2 down in btm 3rd with Wharton guy on 3rd
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