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  1. Are y'all going to have another tryout?
  2. I have a 2013 xeno for sale that has never been used still in the wrapper. I am asking $200 the bat is a 33" 23oz. It was the wrong size for my daughter and I lost the reciept to return it. If you are interested call me at 409-718-7542!
  3. Do you have open tryouts because I would like for my daughter to tryout for y'all in the fall because I know that y'all don't pick up players until then but she would like to practice with y'all
  4. Thanks trout she is looking forward to trying out
  5. Does anyone know when the GT Shockers Gold team is going to have tryouts for the fall season
  6. I saw where they were looking for anyone interested in coaching but I'm not sure if they have actually are going to have a 14U team at this moment.
  7. Shake and bake thanks for the info and these guys really do seem like nice guys! I think it's great that they continue to coach after their daughters have moved on but I'm sure they got involved in softball because they had a daughter that played so I just don't agree with the fact that all these teams are complaining because other teams are forming. Now I do think there are alot of select teams out there but the thing is not all of them have teams for the younger girls. GT Shockers is just now forming a 10U team and I know the coach that will be coaching those girls and alot of people don't like her but as far as I'm concerned she is a great coach. My daughter had her as a coach and she loved her. So all I am saying if all these organizations had teams for all age groups then there probably wouldn't be as many teams out there.
  8. Are there going to be any 14U (98) teams for next season. I have seen the Young Guns and Vicious98 is forming but does anyone else know of any others that will be in this age group. If so do you have open practices?
  9. I agree with the fact that all the girls don't play to try to go to college but there are some girls that have a dream of playing college ball with no pressure from parents at all. I think it would be great for this area to get all the girls with that dream to play college in the future to consolidate to one team but I don't think there will ever be an agreement on which organization they should go to because each organization thinks they should be the one the girls go to. Don't get me wrong I am not saying that it is wrong to be passionate or defend their organization I think it is great that the coaches do that. Graig S. is a prime example of this I read a thread on here a few weeks ago where someone was trying to start mess and Graig S. defended his organization and I was very impressed that I thought that would be a great organization for my child to try out for and even asked if they were going to have a 14u team next season. Now I am just wondering why all of the bickering is going on. As far as the daddy ball goes I don't think there are very many teams with coaches that don't have a child on the team. My daughter has played for a couple of teams and I am not going to name them but they had big issues with daddy ball and my daughter was a starter and played the position she plays and wanted to play so it's not like I am complaining because I thought my daughter should be playing a certain position. I just saw what was going on and alot of times. So my question is the two guys (Griag S. and Crushcoach) do ya'll have kids on your team? As far as the tryouts before nationals well I think a team that wants to get an early start I don't see anything wrong with it as long as they are not trying to make the kid quit the team that is going to nationals. There was a team that had a tryout before the state tournament and there wasn't anything said about that. I don't believe in a team that wants a commitment NOW and even makes comments about not wanting the kid to try out for other teams because they don't want them practicing with them and trying out for other teams now i think that is wrong because a player should have a choices. So with all of this being said why can't all the teams just get along and quit bickering and if a new team forms why bash them for forming unless they are at tournaments or practices trying to recruit your girls. I don't see why the coaches don't get together and talk to form the ultimate team in th GT area instead of just complain that it hasn't happened yet! Quit complaining and take action because I think it would be great!
  10. Is there any way my daughter could go early or later because she has pitching lessons starting at 6
  11. Does the GT Shockers have a team that will be playing 14u after state?
  12. What time are your tryouts going to be held?
  13. 12U team looking for teams to scrimmage contact Ryan at 409-718-7542
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