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Everything posted by elvis09

  1. What will this make us in standings,district and the whole season?
  2. What about em southeast texas??
  3. I agree,that really dnt mean nothin eaither its only week one
  4. I thought you could not play at your home???
  5. I say after png they gave up....Thats just my opinion???Sry guys yall tried yalls best.My respects
  6. I thought you had to play at a differnt stadium than your own? Y are png playing at home??
  7. HMMM?
  8. HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA now thats funny. Now why would someone blame that on us :-\ :-\ Shame shame???? I think that 50-0 is to much maybe 7-8dayton??? That makes us number 1 and places us on the top 25
  9. I think that since png blew out ned and we lossed to png buy 1 tuch down we Might just win aginst ned....but i got hopes....GO BIG BLUE
  10. Scalp em raiders.... Stop em...
  11. Oh i now people that go to your school and say yall aint as good as last year..so I still say its a challange....
  12. You people make me mad..I hope you shuraly go to lumberton thats what school is all about we practice and this is what we get for practicing..>WINS!!!!!!!! Not ignorance
  13. yeah just like you said PNG????? It will be close .....
  14. No no thats not what im saying......Lumberton is for real i know this...
  15. Find just to make you (people) Happy i will deleate it.......
  16. See you people dont gget it do you????? You guys say that we couldnt beat central because the were fast.Well we proved yall wrong agin.....
  17. Any updates out of lumberton and dayton????? Quikly please????
  18. Whatch your moth young man???
  19. were not sweating it...thanks
  20. i say that should be right but i think Newton would win this one....and kountze would be murdered
  21. You see were just the begining.....
  22. What that supposed to mean???????and whats your real name raiderpride
  23. bullets13 You dont know we havent been this far in year now that were 5-0 the party just begun....
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