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  1. Who ever said he was goin the have that many walks? The boy is a very good pitcher with a good pick-off move! Both teams sorta struggled at bat but i believe SP had more hits, but HI had some pretty solid defense today. And from what i can tell both teams had good sportsmanship which i like a lot plus the game was good. Nice job SP and HI
  2. I know BS #11 is the ace! but I have heard different things so i wasn't sure and that kid was like a vacuum on SS
  3. Well i heard that HI's ace had a sore arm when they played Evadale? But i di notice an increase in speed from the Evadale game to the BS game. He wa throwing at least 5-6mph. faster against BS.
  4. No im not kidding lol i know Zach has an arm and can throw good but speed is nothing, he maybe throws the spped of HI's ace? So HI is use to hitting off fast pitchers. But I do agree he is a good pitcher i was at the E vs. BS game
  5. Yeah lol well tell BS 7, 8, and 9 hitters that not me! I seen the game im not choosing sides im just speaking the truth. And i doubt there would have been a difference with the #1 pitching only for the reason that HI has played against some pretty good pitchers plus that still dont help the fact that HI was hitting the holes in the out field?
  6. Im thinkin Eye-Witness is from SP? And he is right you cant win a game with that many walks but you could also pitch your #1. I mean be smart its baseball. BS is a very good team and so is SP from what i hear but everyone has a bad game and BS got some good hits on HI But what kills them is that their 7,8, and 9 batters want no part of a 76mph. fastball so they are barely in the box so they will never make it through there line-up, where as HI has a pretty solid line-up and has some clutch hitters at the bottom of the line which helps a lot. It will be a good game between SP and HI. But if HI plays like i know they can i think they can pull through with another win. Good Luck SP! And play Hard HI i have to go for the underdog i see the harsh things about yalls team just time to step-up and show everyone how yall can really play!
  7. I have so far watched every game the Cards have played, I am not even from there but i wanted to see the talent level they have generated this year, and so far from what i see even if anyone thinks the games they have won were flukes or even by walks!(BS) Thats part of baseball all i can tell them is you should never underestimate a team from there past. They are pretty solid on defense this year and the further the season goes on the bats are just getting hotter, from what i can see is you better watch out for HI cause they play hard and they play to win. I believe they want something to prove to all the schools and people that have negative things to say that they have a chance and are working to get better everyday!
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