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  1. Silsbee won first game 14-0 against KIrbyville
  2. Looking for some suggestions on a Batting coach.
  3. Bump :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
  4. definitely come on out.. I can tell you from experience, this team has been a good fit for us and our child's goals. Fundamentals and team first attitude.
  5. Looking forward to these try outs. This is a good solid young team who has continued grow and sharpen their skills. Placing second back to back in the last two tourneys shows this team has the talent and promise to go farther.
  6. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  7. Do you still have the Bat? My daughter grew out of hers and wants to stay with the same model. thanks..
  8. A huge congratulations to the 10u Team.. Way to go!!
  9. congratulations to Beaumont Blast and Unleeshed!!!  Glad to see you brought it!!!  [glow=red,2,300]PEACE LOVE AND SOFTBALL[/glow]
  10. [font=comic sans ms][size=10pt]I am also a parent of a GT Shocker player. I will be the first to tell you that she attended many practices from other teams in our area and she [glow=red,2,300]CHOSE the GT Shockers [/glow] based on their work ethic, their drive to continue to improve and coaches who expect the best from them everytime they step on the field. Even though my daughter is only 11 She adores Craig and Trout. She likes what they stand for!! She wants someone to push her to be a better player, her motto is never settle for less than perfect. She can't wait until she is old enough to play for Craig or Trout.. Anyone who feels it is necessary to post petty comments in a public forum is childish and just plain rude. HOTTESTBATS if you have an issue with Craig then please feel free to speak with him face to face or in a private message. Those of us whose daughters put their heart, sweat and tears into every game deserve an "Atta Girl" no matter what they place or where they play. There is no need to spit your venom here attempting or unattentionly downgrading a well needed congratulations with a pot shot at Craig or this organization.. I know many of the girls on the GT 01 team. We played with several of them before my daughter had to move up and those girls deserve every bit of congratulations for their hard work without a anonymous person making a snarky comment no matter who it was aimed at. You may not have directed your comment towards the girls directly but Craig is a part of our organization and leaves a sour taste none the less. Hottestbats I will give you one bit of friendly advice  :) ... if you profess to keep your name out of the public forum to save your "granddaughter" any consequences, backlash (or embarrassment) perhaps just keeping these types comments quiet would be simpler. I am sure your granddaughter may know many of these talented young ladies and share a common love for the game... I am sure your granddaughter puts in as much hard work, plays as well as these girls do and is proud to say she plays for (insert team name here) As an organizaton, as a parent and a daughter who is a player we are proud of the Shocker name, no need to get over anything..  Every softball family knows you congratulate your child for doing her best (win or lose) and push her to do better when she doesn't (win or lose).. hottestbats, as the saying goes it's all......[/size][/font] [glow=red,2,300]PEACE LOVE AND SOFTBALL!!![/glow]
  11. Silsbee all the way.. Lumberton will be Hearing [b]#4 Coy Bird [/b] name alot from the announcer.. :-) 
  12. Will there be anymore try outs offered or is the team full up? First year 12u? also where will the team be based from? Thanks
  13. Congratulations 14u Young guns.. Glad to see the talent in SETX representing our area so well.. Best of luck on your next one.. Hope your success continues.
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