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Everything posted by PlayActionPass

  1. The only answer I can think of is greed and/or selfishness. I didn't have it, my kids didn't have it, so why should anybody else's kids get to have it. Or, it is my money, I earned it, I shouldn't have to foot the bill for somebody else. If they want it, let them pay for it themselves. The second reason is why Public Education is in the state that it is in right now and we have people and politicians like Dan Patrick trying to completely destroy public education. It is sad to say, but anytime you vote straight Republican ticket at the State level, you are putting another nail the coffin of Public Education. And when it is finally dead and buried, there goes High School sports as we know and love them.
  2. It would seem logical when you can get just as high quality of an education in a much more desirable facility with up to date security and advanced technology, just a few miles down the road. I wouldn't want to raise my children in a community that doesn't want to invest in their future.
  3. I'm pretty sure there were some other factors that have slowed the process down. It just closed on Friday.
  4. I don't think they have started interviews yet.
  5. Was Jowell Hancock in the mix at any point?
  6. I'd forgo the Homestead exemption if it applied to me, the taxes on my $225,000 modest dwelling will go up approximately $1,000 a year and I am willing to pay that. I'm also willing to incur any cost of living increases within the community that may or may not happen if this bond passes. You are not willing to do either. Doesn't make me right or you wrong, just different opinions.
  7. That says it all right there, in your opinion and the opinion of the NO voters, what Nederland has right not is adequate. The YES voters think the kids and educators of Nederland deserve better than outdated schools and a swamp for a football field.
  8. The problem is, if you fix the schools with your own money then FIMA won't pay, correct?
  9. No judgement here, I respect everyone's right to their own opinion, choices, views and rights. Some people are simply benevolent and others are not. Some people are charitable and others are not. Some people are giving and others are not. Some people have a vision (long term) and others do not. Not saying either group is right or wrong, just categorizing. I mean some people choose to go the "cheap" route and others choose to go the "quality" route. Some people want the "best" for the kids of Nederland and some people think "adequate" is good enough. Ultimately this bond is an investment in the future, and a long term solution to the facilities problems in Nederland ISD. But, those that are opposed are choosing to make it out to be an issue of a Superintendent or a School Board "over spending." Of packing the bond with "frivolous" luxuries that are unnecessary. However, it is obvious by Nederland's bond history, it does not matter how small or simple the bond package is, some communities are reluctant or down right defiant to investing in the future generations. Those people who say, "if it was good enough for me and mine then it is good enough for everybody else," tend to flock together. It is obvious Nederland is one of those places.
  10. @CardinalBacker @Reagan Just curious if either of you claim to be Christians?
  11. You're wrong. Just because you run the "Spread" doesn't mean you you can't control the clock and the ball. Tarkington actually has kids built more for a multiple offense than they do the Slot-T. And Bass is a dang good coach and he will do what is best for the kids. This was a good hire and an expected hire. The PNG connection is solid.
  12. You are wrong. The overall number is not what people need to be looking at when they vote. They need to be looking at how much it is going to cost "them" the individual and what they are willing to sacrifice to benefit the children of Nederland and prepare the students of Nederland ISD for the future. People like you want to put these big numbers out there and scare people into voting no. When in all actuality, the hit to the individual is very small.
  13. Yes, I have an answer. But, unlike you, I'm not trying to scare people with numbers. I'm simply stating what the monthly impact will be to the individuals budget. And I will reiterate, individuals with a mortgage will never even know there was an increase because property tax is build into their mortgage.
  14. The cost to the taxpayer will still be less than $30 a month based on property value of $100,000. So basically less than the cost of 5 trips to Starbucks or one dinner at Chili's. Are you really that cheap?
  15. A series (3) of 40-50 million dollar bonds, spread out over 60 years would have given Nederland a much bigger bang for their buck and they wouldn't be in this situation. But, the people of Nederland are misled by a certain loud group that thinks bonds are bad and have the attitude of "what I had was good enough for our generation, so it should be good enough for the next generation." Flawed thinking at its finest.
  16. Some people just like to keep putting band-aides on massive wounds. That is why Nederland is in the situation they are in right now.
  17. Any "names" associated with this one yet? I will be interested to see what surfaces here. Open 2 years in a row. When does it close? How many have applied?
  18. Chapel Hill is also looking
  19. Nederland students are being short changed in a number of areas, and that is what the Bond is trying to address. This Bond is all about keeping the students competitive in the 21st Century. It is about Progress and expanding on programs that the District is unable to, because of the facilities are stuck in the 1950's. You are obviously basing your opinion on test scores and what you determine as academic achievement. Progressive proponents of the Bond package are basing the need, on being able to compete in the ever changing world of education where students are prepared for the FUTURE. This is not about reading, writing and arithmetic. You are talking about an "adequate" education and the proponents are talking about being the BEST.
  20. So Reagan, what do you "project" to be the increase in the "cost of living" in Nederland because of the Bond? Because any numbers you throw out there will only be a guess. You and nobody, including the best Economist in the world, have an absolute determination as to the impact on the individual. You say that the Bond is full of wants, that is your opinion. Based on every other thriving School District in the WORLD the Bond is full basic educational needs in the 21st Century. So you accuse the supporters of lying to the voters, when the negative propaganda you are spewing is chocked full of biased projections that are mere guesses.
  21. Yes, which 100% of home owners with a mortgage will never see, because property taxes are built into your mortgage.
  22. Maintenance cost will actually go down. Expenditures for upkeep will be diminished. Dude, you are losing me here......
  23. Progress my "friend." Move forward or get left behind. Kids should not have to do without, just because a few people are not willing to increase their taxes by .02 cents per dollar of property value
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