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Everything posted by randy77705

  1. Sorry, buddy but I have about had it with the negative shit about my community. I'm a 50 yr old proud HF Horn! I own several business and its gets real frustrating to watch what has just happened to my school. People whom like to hide and talk negative will always get my true feelings.

    Thank you

    Randy Alvarez

    1. WOSgrad


      I completely get that, Randy.  I like you am surprised that this guy who has no dog in the fight would get so bent.  Unfortunately, as an admin I can't state such in open forum and must be somewhat of a peace keeper, role which I fulfill sometimes better than others.

      Please feel free to weigh in on the issues, just try to keep the comments to or about other posters to a minimum.

      Thanks for being on the board,

      Todd Broussard (WOSgrad)

      West Orange-Stark Class of 1986.

    2. Whoa


      Grandchild about to start school (4years old) and they live there. 


  2. I talked with Coach Harris at length last night and i can tell you right now he is not going anywhere! The problem is he has instilled an offseaon (in season) because are you really off. The little poor Johnny actually is having to put work in to play. Basketball parents mad because during athletetics they workout wow what a concept!!!!!! Now this mercedes guy you say you played and coached here??? 5 days a week is to much working out really? I have worked out for over 30 years on the average of 5 -6 days a week 2 hours a day! im 46 i can walk talk work play run fish just do anything working out is good for you period> or they can sit around in the house play xbox watch movies eat bonbons they can even watch daddy work his butt off outside and not offer to help! Now in my younger days we worked out. With all this being said its not the School Board ITS not The SUPERINTENDENT that to I CAN PROMISE.... 2 Words PARENTS AND ENTITLEMENt! Oh one more thing to have any entegrity instead of these made up screen names sign your real name. Randy Alvarez
  3. Dawg, really do tell who is the GOB I would love to know who is playing in  position that should be moved! Would we won district with this one move? If all you have is negative talk why don't you sign your name don't hide behind a screen. Let me ask a question do you really care if HF wins or not? If you did you would see the kids are lazy mine included! I'm going to give this man a chance. Oh one more thing good old boy is at every school
  4. Really do y'all watch the games! It has nothing to do with coaching THIS year! What is happening now is a combination of what the prior systems had done which is LEAVE! Why don't give this guy a chance to go thru an offseason with OUR Longhorns! The kids are weak they get pushed around cant blow anyone off the line can't tackle because they are weak and have their parents at home lying to them after every game saying its ok little Johnny you will get them next week well sorry tell little Johnny to quit his crying quit blaming others and get his butt off the couch eating bonbons and go run lift or hell just go outside! Now you say he isn't fielding his best TEAM now that is funny!!!! Please tell me what's his best team? Jimmy Johnson couldn't have coached at HF to many Jerry Jones. Randy
  5. Hall of Fame Coach Les Koenning HF 1963-1977 and one of the top all time High School Football Coaches Phil Danaher will be Honored during halftime in the game against Orangefield! Also, over 235 ex HF football players will be there dating back from 1950 to 2011! Most of the ex players coming are from 1970-1984! Great times loud and proud!!
  6. Keeping with the changes this year, we will be hosting all H-F ex football players. Starting at 5 pm next to baseball field. It's October 5th at home against Orangefield. There will be free links, boudin and sodas. Also, you will receive a free tshirt with your football number and year graduated! Best of all the Coach who put H-F on the map in the early and mid 70's Coach Les Koenning will be there! This man is a legend. For more info contact : Randy Alvarez 651-9499 Derrick Edgar 658-6009 Larry LeBlanc 790-2402 Loud and Proud!
  7. Quote from: wackpack on Today at 09:19:07 PM EC 21 Hf 7. Junior Varsity Rice Bowl 2012 EC 21 HF 7. EC and HF had alot of freshman on JV. Looks like both schools have some talent coming up. Uh no HF has no freshman on JV, we have our starting QB and a 276 defensive tacke starting p. varsity as freshman! We also have our starting RG/linebacker out with broken hand. With all that we still have won 24 games in a roll 3 this year combined score of 91-6 and tonight we played a 5A school Westbrook who had close to 60 players and we whipped then 42-0. So Wackpack get story straight because if our freshman would have joined our JV it would have been a different turn out!!!
  8. H-F Freshman 42 Westbrook 5A school 0 Without King and Malone
  9. Thanks first down!
  10. Very proud of our community. In one week the talk has become positive, I'm a realist we are not close to where we should be but we are on the right path! Friday night was one of the largest crowds in 10 years. Not only large but loud, tailgate party was a success. Let's not stop now these boys responded with a great hard hitting game and we came out on top. I need some help I watched Stephenville play and wow the noise anyone know how they make those shakers????
  11. Sorry I saw no transplants tonight, I saw all Longhorns and if you didn't see that we watches a different game ! No more negative talk period! We just won a big game for the team. Randy Alvarez
  12. Great game by our boys played with a lot of heart! Largest crowd I have seen at Longhorn Stadium in 10 years. Tailgate was huge success . You could feel the positive emotion from everyone. The victory line was like old times! I'm a realist we may not be all the way back but I can promise we are now on the correct path, next home game this party will be bigger and better! Thanks to all you Longhorn fans it's so much better to be positive for these young men, I really think they fed off of our energy. If anyone has any ideas please contact me. Randy Alvarez
  13. The tailgate party has been moved! It will be inside the gates. South of the bleachers, we are doing this for one reason, why have a show of spirit way out in the parking lot this is not for the parents ( well sorta) but to let the kids see ALL of US Longhorns there for them! You will see my white Ford with the big flat screen TV showing the 1978 HF team, which lost to Sealy in the Quarterfinals that year. Of course Sealy was lead by none other then Eric Dickerson now inducted to NFL Hall of Fame. Come out if you don't know me or anyone else please come shake our hand. I want to welcome all of you that have moved to our school and community. Let's have a fun time, be loud and most of all give the support to the Longhorns. You know in the whole realm of things aren't we all here for the same reason to better our kids. Why not reach out to other kids and pat them on the back and tell them get out there and win! Let's rock this town tomorrow night like it has never been done. Invite everyone! Randy Alvarez
  14. Ok here goes from my screen name 99% of you from HF will know who I am! I'm not here to bash anyone or any school. All I'm asking is to give these boys your best! What does that mean how about no more negative talk. Vince Lombardi once said winning is contagious but so Is Losing! You really want to make a difference in some young men's lives then show up Friday at the first official tailgate party in North parking lot food and drinks available. Also, instead of showing Facing the Giants we will be showing games from 1950s til the present! Good old fashioned Longhorn football! So instead of sitting on here writing about it let's do something about it. I don't care where you have moved from your welcome anytime to me your now a longhorn. Tailgating starts at 5pm then at 6:30 we will be forming an old fashioned victory line. Remember a house is only as good as its foundation and we the community we are that foundation for this team let's get the cracks out!
  15. We have some really great athletes coming up through the program. I for one would like a fresh look. Someone who will stay with H-F and not follow the desires of the parents but put kids first where they have the chance to succeed. Everyone wants to know what is wrong out here in H-F well if your a parent look in the mirror and ask Am I doing what is right for the program or am I just out for little johnny? If you answer  correct little Johnny wins. Let the coaches coach.
  16. H - F 8th grade will be there. I need rules and dates. I sent messages
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