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Everything posted by raath64

  1. Lumberton opening day is Saturday 3/17/2012. Games start at 11am. Go to Lumbertonlittleleague.org and hit the contact us link.
  2. Give me a call. Richard -284-1506
  3. Have you found a team?
  4. Registration is now closed. Thanks to all that signed up!!
  5. Jeff McCarson 466-0509  12u select team looking for players
  6. Thanks to all that came to try out. Our roster is now full. Good luck to everyone and lets PLAY BALL!!
  7. Online registration is now open!!
  8. This tryout has been cancelled.
  9. Lumberton Little League will be holding sign ups on January 28th and febuary 4th at Strike Force sports in front of Lumberton Walmart from 9am till 2pm. Online registration will be open shortly. Please check Lumbertonlittleleague.org. If you have questions, please email [email protected]. Thanks.
  10. would like to try out. can you tell me when and where?
  11. Currently playing LL but would like to move up. Play infield/outfield/catch. Beaumont area
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