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Everything posted by SportsFanLuke

  1. I don't have a kid in the program! That's why I'm objective to you folks that are living through your kids!
  2. Boyd's larck of offensive knowledge has cost GCM any chance to stay close to Dawson!
  3. The infield is tarped and the radar looks like it'll stop soon. Should be playing within an hour. IMO!
  4. Congratulations to Josh! He definitely delivered an impressive performance in game 2 this past weekend against us. Good luck to him in his future on the diamond!
  5. Gee, I had a front row seat for this and you are EXACTLY right! I was one of the parents taking pictures. When I was through taking my pictures, my boy turned back around and faced the Lion team. Dude don't have a clue!!
  6. Great job Price and the rest of the Coogs!
  7. Hail Mary, if you're referring to the GCM game, the sign was removed from the press box because the white paper could interfere with players picking up the flight of the baseball. There were no words spelled incorrectly. The sign read BTHO Livingston.
  8. Denton Lucas, Sr. for GCM- 3 run walk off homerun tonight vs Livingston. His 3rd on the year.
  9. Dust yourselves off and keep fighting Ganders! Get 'em on Saturday! Very classy post injun and ndn4eva! And that is a compliment!! Go Ganders!
  10. One of the players listed needs a correction to his name. Jeremy Knight is actually Jeremy Kight, GCM Sr with one HR to date. Thanks and keep up the good work you're doing!
  11. Definitely some big games Friday as well as GCM vs Crosby on Saturday!
  12. Great post Gee! Both are very good ball players with huge hearts and I know that they and all players will leave it all on the field! This will be a great game, no doubt!
  13. Don't sweat it Dirty Bay but thanks for your support! Actually, I wasn't worried about my son last night, he's more than capable of defending himself but can we talk baseball now? Last night is past! Oh wait, maybe I need to watch the video...ha!
  14. Gee, go check your Facebook in box. No video, just some info.
  15. Agreed Pats! Take care of business tonight boys!
  16. No excuses here either Gee! Just didn't finish!!
  17. Eagle, My comment about losing the game on the questionable call was referring to that "call" being the final out of the game. The umpires did not beat us! We did! Dayton, I don't need to watch the video but thanks anyway!
  18. Let's just say, we gave up an 8 run lead and lost on a very, very questionable call at first in the bottom of the 7th. Then, the BS started.  >:(
  19. Dayton Transplant, #20 pushed the coach after your coach grabbed a hand full of #20's jersey and told #20 to take the a** whoopin' and get on the bus, unacceptable and low class for a supposed adult! That's when #20 pushed the coach, and I use the term "coach" loosely! That's really all that I'm gonna say about the horrible display of "leadership" that was displayed by the "coaching staff" wearing purple and white!
  20. Congrats Ganders! Good job Mikey!
  21. Yes, I believe that's Clay's 2nd and Lucas' 1st.
  22. Goose Creek Memorial Patriots Homeruns  Denton Lucas Sr. GCM- 1 James Clay Jr. GCM- 1
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