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Everything posted by OG BLEACHER CREATURE

  1. IG,Power,Peppers,SI,Storm,Eclipse and even perhaps Aces(Parent(s) are nuts) No particular order here. If you want top exsposure for your recruiting $.  Thats where you need to go. Just saying.  Houston is not  S.E.Texas?
  2. [quote name="Big V" post="1290362" timestamp="1349374123"] Have learned over the years that softball players don't choose their bats because of how they look. Next time your at a park where the 'Big Girls' (18 Gold) are playing, look at which bat is used by the majority of the power hitters. My daughter is playing for a Gold team now and every player on our roster has at least one Xeno in their bag. [/quote] Huh? your team is sponserd by TPS ? Ig, Eclipes they are sponserd by TPS. I am just telling you what my kiddo said said about the bat. BTW At the Gold level your "power hitters" should and for the most part can hit w/ any bat they pick up. Otherwise its just personal prefrence or they use the bat that the college they are committed to uses at that coaches request. Mine got to try it while on a visit and was asked to swing this year. Good thing she prefers Demarini  ;)
  3. 2013 DeMarini CF5 Insane Endload Fastpitch Softball Hands down better than the Xeno! DD loves hers! Says its almost as good as her Phenix was. but this one will pass @ ASA/Premire.....  8)
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