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Everything posted by NHS1990

  1. You just described our country. About 85% of our country want one thing, and believe one common cause on an issue, but it's the 15% who speak the loudest who changes our country! Don't allow that 15% to control what you want to do (and believe)! [quote name="The_Hatch" post="1057953" timestamp="1316172723"] I agree, but myself and a few friends of mine used to attend the WH games regularly. We would never miss. About 8-15 of us would sit together and would yell so loud all game long we couldnt talk the next day. We'd leave with headaches, but it was so much fun. Never any profane comments made and nothing severely derogatory for that matter.. Not about the kids, anyway. "Cmon Ref, are you blind!?!?". Or "what are you doing, coach!?!?" was about as mean as it got. ...then, out of nowhere, after about 4 seasons of being the "cheerleaders in the stands"  several of us recieved letters in the mail telling is to tone it down.  We were out of hand and were too "rowdy" for a family environment.  Needless to say, it took the wind out of our sails and our spirit section dispersed.  :(  The players would always compliment us, the fans would rally behind us, but apparently someone had a problem with our volume and our over-enthusiastic demeanor. We still go to every game we can, still support our team whether they're 2-8 or 8-2, but we don't yell like we used to.  ... It's actually kinda sad. [/quote]
  2. [quote name="caneyhead#1fan" post="1057432" timestamp="1316099526"] Who cares about the top player, the top team in southeast texas and the universe is defiantly the Orangefield Bobcats [/quote] Ok. I'll start a new thread about that though. And you can bet OF will be at the top of the list (in the entire universe)! But that is not what this thread is about, thanks!  ;D
  3. Wow, VPirate! Well u know they didn't come from 5 on 5 or myself.  :D [quote name="VPirate" post="1057210" timestamp="1316051770"] I had 7 smites until I started posting on the Vidor-Nederland predictions thread, and I didn't even start posting until page 4. Guys karma usually means someone agrees or likes with your post, smite means they don't agree or just don't like what you posted does that help......and I think you need 200 posts to be able to smite or give karma. [/quote]
  4. [quote name="5 on 5" post="1057119" timestamp="1316042592"] [quote author=EZDawg link=topic=88173.msg1056022#msg1056022 date=1315937073] So...is 'smite' a good thing?? [/quote] If I could I would 'smite' you for such a dumb question.....but I do 'applaud' you for trying to figure this thing out!. :D [/quote] Thanks, i think? Do what U wish, b/c depending on how some interpret this issue, smite is considered a good thing in some peeps minds. I'm fairly new to this board, so I am unable to 'applaud'/'smite' people until reach 200 posts. I guess it wasn't that dumb of a question, b/c I have read varying opinions on it. I think i understand it better, but I'm not sure. Hey 5 on 5, Is 'smite' a good thing in ur opinion or not?
  5. To me, a scrimmage is about like a pre-season NFL game. You get an idea of what ur team has for the season, but it's not a full 4Quarters with pressure situations when the game is on the line. [quote name="vp08" post="1057141" timestamp="1316044242"] [quote author=BaseBow link=topic=88038.msg1056638#msg1056638 date=1316007127] [quote author=lonestartexan977 link=topic=88038.msg1054296#msg1054296 date=1315696103] Well, lets see....Vidor beat WOS in a [glow=red,2,300]scrimmage [/glow] this year and it was by more than one point.  (one point being all nederland could win by agains WOS)  Texas High is a tough, quality team and yes, Bridge City and Kirbyville are 3A but quality teams none the less!  The game with Vidor/Nederland will be a good game, and it's hard to win in midcounty  but I see Vidor coming out on top in this one.  Vidor 24 Nederland 17 [/quote]another scrimmage winner ....congrats LIL buddy ;) [/quote]whether it be a scrimmage or a real game, isn't it the same people playing with the same copetitivness.(I might have spelled that wrong) [/quote]
  6. [quote name="VPirate" post="1056676" timestamp="1316010079"] Really this whole rival thing was started by 1 or 2 people. What I think is when these young men step on the field they don't like each other very much....;D Off the field I know several Ned. players and Vidor players that get along great. [/quote] That's the same with Ned/PNG players and fans. Friends for 51 weeks of the year, then it's ON!!
  7. In the past, I haven't either, but 11 pages of 'Smack Talk' back-to-back in a little over 3 days may make some people reconsider!  ;D What do U think VPirate? [quote name="VPirate" post="1056656" timestamp="1316008907"] [quote author=GoDogs27 link=topic=88038.msg1056636#msg1056636 date=1316007012] [quote author=rzueman link=topic=88038.msg1055924#msg1055924 date=1315929964] 1ri·val noun \ˈrī-vəl\ Definition of RIVAL 1a : one of two or more striving to reach or obtain something that only one can possess b : one striving for competitive advantage [/quote] a) Vidor is striving to reach a playoff berth that Nederland possesses almost every year b) Vidor is striving for a competitive advantage over Nederland Conclusion: Vidor considers Nederland a rival, but Nederland doesn't consider Vidor a rival. Historically, Nederland has the competitive advantage over Vidor. The overall record is really lopsided. Now, can't we just co-exist? [/quote] I for one do not consider Ned. a rival....never have.  ::) [/quote]
  8. [quote name="bronco pride" post="1056647" timestamp="1316007732"] Has anybody on here seen bh and dayton play this year besides me. I saw bh play on our biweek and there is no way bh wins this game. Im guessing most people on here predicting a close game have not seen both teams play. Brenham fan went out on a limb saying it would b closer than last year considering we won by over 50 I would have to agree [/quote] I'm not predicting who I think will win, b/c I haven't seen either team play. but many on here look at records, yards for/against, points for/against during the preseason and don't take into consideration who the opposing team played against. ...and no, I'm not just referring to Dayton fans or BH fans. I realize it's our only current measuring stick, but too much weight is put on it. One's opinion holds a lot more weight if you've physically watched both teams play (this year). Otherwise, it's just 'Smack Talk'! (which is fun, no doubt). Is The Hill for real? The jury is still out...but lookin' good-IMO.  ;D
  9. Brenham's Defense way too stout for Magnolia West: Brenham 27 Magnolia West 14
  10. [quote name="dayton" post="1055957" timestamp="1315932379"] [quote author=cornhusker link=topic=88122.msg1055954#msg1055954 date=1315931528] The Hill can play with any teams in there district and 20 4A district. [b]These two district are not as strong as years past.[/b][/quote] you may be right.... but that's what people say everytime a new team steps up to some form of prominence. [/quote] I've noticed that too. It's happened the past two years in 20-4-A basketball, since Nederland won district both of those years. I realize Ned has not won district in b-ball for 55 years, but that's another topic. Came mostly from Ozen and Central fans who finished 2nd & 3rd respectively. Sometimes I guess it's just difficult to lose that top spot.
  11. He will most likely be the final piece of the puzzle to help them win their 3rd straight District Championship and their 1st State Title! ;D
  12. [quote name="mytwocents" post="1056037" timestamp="1315937702"] [quote author=NHS1990 link=topic=88173.msg1056034#msg1056034 date=1315937567] [quote author=mytwocents link=topic=88173.msg1056024#msg1056024 date=1315937129] Hey i beat aaw with 9%  8)  ;D And it depends on how you look at it NHS1990 [/quote] Ok. Thanks $.02 [/quote] Hey you just gave me an idea. I think i might change my name to that  8)  ;D  :D [/quote] I was looking for the 'cents' symbol, but don't have one. thanks for the 'smite', I think? (whoever just gave it to me)!
  13. [quote name="mytwocents" post="1056024" timestamp="1315937129"] Hey i beat aaw with 9%  8)  ;D And it depends on how you look at it NHS1990 [/quote] Ok. Thanks $.02 Looks like I'm too nice compared to some of you losers!  ;D (better?)  ???
  14. Gotcha-Thanks for the info. U gotta 'earn it' around here I see!  8)
  15. [quote name="BHFAN" post="1056009" timestamp="1315936498"] [quote author=NHS1990 link=topic=88173.msg1056006#msg1056006 date=1315936392] [quote author=BHFAN link=topic=88173.msg1055989#msg1055989 date=1315935352] Since it's our Bye week I'm curious ;D who is the most Smited poster on the board and who is the most applauded poster on this board. I personnally am a member of the smite club ;D Smiters = Posters who tell it like it is with just a touch of pot stiring. Did i mention we are 2-0 Vs. Nederland Applauders = Posters that want everyone to like them AKA Liberials  ;D [/quote] How do you 'applaud' or 'smite' someone? [/quote] It right under the persons name and avatar [/quote] It doesn't give me that option. Maybe I don't have enough posts?
  16. [quote name="BHFAN" post="1055989" timestamp="1315935352"] Since it's our Bye week I'm curious ;D who is the most Smited poster on the board and who is the most applauded poster on this board. I personnally am a member of the smite club ;D Smiters = Posters who tell it like it is with just a touch of pot stiring. Did i mention we are 2-0 Vs. Nederland ;D Applauders = Posters that want everyone to like them AKA Liberials  ;D [/quote] How do you 'applaud' or 'smite' someone?
  17. [quote name="Honest Abe" post="1055653" timestamp="1315876271"] His parents moved to Nederland this summer from Las Vegas. His uncle lives in Nederland. I think his parents use to live in Nederland too? Maybe someone can verify that? He will be a Senior this year. Haven't seen him play, but I hear he played well in summer ball. I think he plays Forward, maybe 6'4"/6'5"? [quote author=5 on 5 link=topic=87928.msg1055621#msg1055621 date=1315873557] [quote author=Honest Abe link=topic=87928.msg1054553#msg1054553 date=1315711684] Yep. He is probably the only senior (except 'Vegas') who was expected to see quality PT this year. Nederland will have a young team for sure. Definitely gonna miss Trent! [quote author=5 on 5 link=topic=87928.msg1054193#msg1054193 date=1315688149] [quote author=kf89 link=topic=87928.msg1052719#msg1052719 date=1315590671] trent fontenot guard for nederland tore a couple ligaments in his knee in wos game & probably wont be able to play basketball or baseball. [/quote] Is fontenot a senior? [/quote] [/quote] Off the subject, but who is "Vegas"? [/quote] [/quote] I watched him play a couple of games this summer. He will definitely be an asset to the team. Will be interesting to see how he meshes with the rest of the team.
  18. Newton Kountze Oak Ridge Ike Livingston HF Katy PAM Huntsville Alpha Legacy Evadale Buna WO-S East Chambers Bridge City Liberty Shepherd Coldspring Brenham Christian Cleveland Center HD Groveton Corrigan Camden
  19. [quote name="VPirate" post="1053997" timestamp="1315664594"] I like Jasper in this game but I can't see WOS going 0/3..........so I'm gonna say Stangs in a close one.  :-\ [/quote] Hey VP, we agree something-ha!  :D I don't see WOS going 0-3 either. 35-20 WOS
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