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Everything posted by NHS1990

  1. Gotta go with the passing game of Liberty. Liberty 27 Kelly 17
  2. [quote name="VPirate" post="1055345" timestamp="1315846640"] [quote author=NHS1990 link=topic=88122.msg1055330#msg1055330 date=1315845067] Vidor fans still think The Hill is an average to below average team. Nederland fans know the truth.  :) [/quote] NHS1990, you crack me up........ ;D ;D trying to flame this thread...LOL [b]The hill is for real.[/b]  3/0 aint to bad. Ha! I thought you'd like that!  ;) [/quote]
  3. Vidor fans still think The Hill is an average to below average team. Nederland fans know the truth.  :)
  4. [quote name="BLUEDOVE3" post="1055232" timestamp="1315837851"] I heard but not sure how true that maybe Sept. 24th? a tourney in this area. Hard to believe with football going on. Anybody else heard? maybe Nederland giving one? [/quote] Nope. Nederland is playing in a tournament in the Clear Lake area that weekend.
  5. [quote name="bigdog" post="1054809" timestamp="1315775139"] As did I (through 12th grade).  The flag football injury was probably the nastiest that I have seen playing either one.  ( aside from Thiesman's injury of course) [/quote] Ewe! Don't remind me. That was by far the worst injury I've ever seen. Another graphic injury was a few was ago when Willis McGahee's knee got destroyed when Miami played Ohio State (think  that's who hey were playing?).
  6. [quote name="mytwocents" post="1054593" timestamp="1315717332"] [quote author=TribePride75 link=topic=88038.msg1054563#msg1054563 date=1315712437] Man can you imagine these boards after this game is played?...Wow  :o Looking forward to this one! "The Black n Gold Bowl." [/quote] I'm definitely liking the sound of that.  8)  ;D [/quote] 'The Black n Gold Bowl'! Kinda catchy...I like it too!
  7. [quote name="bigdog" post="1054755" timestamp="1315766606"] [quote author=NHS1990 link=topic=88012.msg1053763#msg1053763 date=1315629197] [quote author=bhringo link=topic=88012.msg1053696#msg1053696 date=1315627146] Well then maybe y'all should switch to flag football. People don't get hurt there. It's freaking football. Its a physical game that people get hurt in. You just need to learn to deal with it. And yalls backup QB did great tonight. He can lead y'all to playoffs easily. [/quote] 'People don't get hurt there...' ( flag football). Obviously you have never played the game or you wouldn't say that! 8) [/quote] Very true.  I used to play with a bunch of guys I worked with and one guy broke his leg!  And it was a nasty break.  Anyway,  this was a  good game for Ned as far as facing a similar team and offense that we will face in two weeks. BH definetly has a tough D and it looks like Neds defense held thier own as well.  Good luck to BH the rest of the season. [/quote] I played 'real football' from 8th grade to 12th, both offens and defense. Then played college football at SHSU. Never had a serious injury until I tore my ACL playing flag football (twice!). Anyway,Very surprised to see Nederland only score 7 pts after gaining that many offensive yards.
  8. [quote name="dockofthebay" post="1054536" timestamp="1315710006"] We last played them in 02 and we beat them in 99, thats the best i can recall. [/quote] Thanks! That's probably why I don't remember. I can barely remember last year, much less 9 or 12 years ago!  ;D
  9. [quote name="dockofthebay" post="1054513" timestamp="1315708413"] Actually 90 you might want to research before you open your trap....... Vidor is 7-15 against WOS, while ned is 6-25.....not a good example, but keep talking because i look smarter every time you do! :) [/quote] Before I open my trap?? Wow, there are some sensitive Vidor fans! All i asked was when is the last time y'all beat WOS? I don't recall the last time y'all beat them-sorry! So for someone to say that y'all would be 3-0 under Ned's schedule makes me question  his thought process. As I mentioned, we've only beaten WOS 2 times in the past 25 plus years, until this year. So, yes, I am optimistic. Back to my question, when is the last time Vidor beat WOS?
  10. [quote name="dockofthebay" post="1054441" timestamp="1315703490"] One word................YEP! [/quote] Come on, really? When was the last time Vidor beat WO-S?
  11. Very entertaining post! Love the passion!  I understand your optimism, as i'm sure you understand mine. You seem like a reasonable person-that's what coach E told me anyway. With all of our returning starters from defense, we are muched improved as well. This yr, we will (hopefully) have our starting QB-unlike last yr. I realize injuries are a part of the game, but QB is THE most important position on the field-IMO. Although our back up actually looked pretty good though last night. Lots of passion from both sides, no doubt. Should be a great game... Just hope there are no injuries or fights. [quote name="robanadana" post="1054445" timestamp="1315703823"] NHS1990 / GoDogs27....let's see...what was the final score last year???? And we have a much improved team this year....same bunch of kids that beat you last year plus a couple of extra nightmares for you (Quirante the "Beast"). Your vaunted defense hasn't held anyone under 250 yards of rushing yet....I promise you haven't seen speed yet like we have this year. Have you checked out our defense? Doesn't seem other teams are scoring much. Vidor rushes for 400+ yards on the whining puppies.....and after their refs call back two TDs for holding or some other dreamed up infraction....Mathews has to run out on the field after Nederville receiver catches a pass 10 yards out of the end zone and it's called a TD....we're there until 1:00 a.m. again...... Vidor 28 - Nederville 14. [/quote]
  12. [quote name="dockofthebay" post="1054428" timestamp="1315702681"] I hate to break your little tunnel vision heart 1990, but Texas High is better than any team you have played this year. Goose Creek is a below average 4a team and BH is average, we played WOS and went toe to toe with them.  Saying you've played superior competition is laughable! Just my opinion ;) [/quote] ...and everyone has one-ha!  ;D Answer me this though. Do you think Vidor would still be 3-0 after playing Nederland's schedule?
  13. Not a single one of us has a clue about what was going throughout that kid's mind. It's been said that he's a great kid, he says yes sir/no sir, etc. He's disciplined, never gets in trouble, etc. Fine. I believe you. I know a lot of players who were like that when I played too; but when then chin strap is buckled, and the whistle blows, you can throw all of that out the window. I'm not defending what happened nor accusing him of anything. Things happen on a football field which don't happen off the field. I said it earlier, I'll repeat it for those who did not see it. Football is referred to as a WAR! People do things in war that they normally would not do and the same can be said on a football field. For someone to accuse another of a malicious late hit is absurd, but defending him also holds no water IMO. HE is the only person who knows the truth.
  14. [quote name="VPirate" post="1053880" timestamp="1315642061"] [quote author=The_Hatch link=topic=88023.msg1053879#msg1053879 date=1315641924] Tigers looking a bit too strong lately for me to bet against them.  Silsbee by 17 points in a hard fought game against a talented Newton team. [/quote] I know it's hard to bet against either one of these teams.....Gonna be a great one though. [/quote] Could not agree more. Sounds like both teams are legit. 17 point win?? Don't see that from either team. Coin flip. Newton 30 Silsbee 28
  15. This game is waaay too close to call. Pulling for Dayton, but Ike played the Brook into OT. Dayton 28 Ike 27 (missed XP)
  16. The offense starts to click for WOS this week and put up 35. WOS 35 Jasper 20
  17. ...not to mention that it was a scrimmage.  :D [quote name="GoDogs27" post="1054305" timestamp="1315697547"] [quote author=lonestartexan977 link=topic=88038.msg1054296#msg1054296 date=1315696103] Well, lets see....Vidor beat WOS in a scrimmage this year and it was by more than one point.  (one point being all nederland could win by agains WOS)  Texas High is a tough, quality team and yes, Bridge City and Kirbyville are 3A but quality teams none the less!  The game with Vidor/Nederland will be a good game, and it's hard to win in midcounty  but I see Vidor coming out on top in this one.  Vidor 24 Nederland 17 [/quote] Lol I love how people use logic sometimes.. Well this team beat this team in a SCRIMMAGE by x points. And this team beat this other team but only by x-y points. So this team would beat this other team in a regular game by z points. Makes perfect sense. [/quote]
  18. ...and that's why I said 'THIS Ned D'. Ok, so you scored 24 ONE yr and won by 10 against basically our 2nd team last year due to our injuries. Not making an excuse for the loss, just stating facts. IMO, Ned has played against superior teams than Vidor has played this year. Apparently you agree since you didn't highlight that part of my post? I don't see Vidor sitting at 3-0 or 2-1 if they played Neds first 3 opponents. I think they have a very good team, and should make the playoffs, but i think they come up short. Again, just my opinion!  :) The way I see Vidor winning is if Ned looks past to next week against PNG. [quote name="dockofthebay" post="1054175" timestamp="1315685599"] [quote author=NHS1990 link=topic=88038.msg1054110#msg1054110 date=1315676865] [color=red]I don't see Vidor scoring over 20 (much less 28) against this Ned Defense, and I don't see Vidor winning by 10. When is the last time Vidor beat Ned by 10[/color]? Nederland's first three opponents are far more competitive teams than what Vidor has played thus far. Playing BC and Kirbyville doesn't compare to WO-S and BH. I think it will be a good game, but Nederland walks away with a 28-14 win. [/quote]        Uuuuuuuh last year! 24-14.......looks like your 0 for 2! lmfao [/quote]
  19. [quote name="Kvillecats" post="1054133" timestamp="1315679326"] [quote author=NHS1990 link=topic=88038.msg1054110#msg1054110 date=1315676865] I don't see Vidor scoring over 20 (much less 28) against this Ned Defense, and I don't see Vidor winning by 10. When is the last time Vidor beat Ned by 10? Nederland's first three opponents are far more competitive teams than what Vidor has played thus far. Playing BC and Kirbyville doesn't compare to WO-S and BH. I think it will be a good game, but Nederland walks away with a 28-14 win. [/quote] I guess you are talking about just this year. Yes Kirbyville is in a rebuilding and not as dominate as usual. When was the last time BH beat Kirbyville? Answer is....NEVER!!! Like i said WOS have talent but is highly overrated. [/quote] Yes. Definitely talking about this years Kirbyville team. I was very shocked after the Newton game. Regardless of anyone's thoughts on WO-S, Nederland has always struggled to beat them. We only have two wins in 25+ years before we beat them this year, and this year's 'D' held them to 20 points. Again, not typical of a Ned v. WOS matchup. I know WOS is 0-2, but they lost two 2 better than average 4A schools.
  20. [quote name="Kville_Kats" post="1054116" timestamp="1315677442"] [quote author=NHS1990 link=topic=88038.msg1054110#msg1054110 date=1315676865] No way Vidor scores over 20 (much less 28) against this Ned Defense, and no way Vidor wins by 10. When is the last time Vidor beat Ned by 10? Nederland's first three opponents are far more competitive teams than what Vidor has played thus far. Playing BC and [b]Kirbyville[/b] doesn't compare to WO-S and BH. I think it will be a good game, but Nederland walks away with a 28-14 win. [/quote] I'm totally  :o :o....lol [/quote] Sorry man. I didn't mean to make that personal.  8) it's just that....well, you know.  ;)
  21. I don't see Vidor scoring over 20 (much less 28) against this Ned Defense, and I don't see Vidor winning by 10. When is the last time Vidor beat Ned by 10? Nederland's first three opponents are far more competitive teams than what Vidor has played thus far. Playing BC and Kirbyville doesn't compare to WO-S and BH. I think it will be a good game, but Nederland walks away with a 28-14 win.
  22. [quote name="bhringo" post="1053696" timestamp="1315627146"] Well then maybe y'all should switch to flag football. People don't get hurt there. It's freaking football. Its a physical game that people get hurt in. You just need to learn to deal with it. And yalls backup QB did great tonight. He can lead y'all to playoffs easily. [/quote] 'People don't get hurt there...' ( flag football). Obviously you have never played the game or you wouldn't say that! 8)
  23. The injury on Raines seems to be a concussion. I hear he is doing fine. Hopefully he'll return next week!
  24. [quote name="Mr. E" post="1053664" timestamp="1315625771"] It was a late hit, but I can assure you it wasn't intentional. Good victory for the eagles! [/quote] One cannot assure any emotions of someone else when they are playing in a football game. Things happen out there which don't happen anywhere else. That's why football is called a 'WAR'!
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