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  1. Final Kountze 10 EC 0 in 6
  2. 5-1 Kountze top of the 6th. Bumstead throwing a good game and the bats are fair. Defense is pretty good as well.
  3. 7-0 Kountze takes the win
  4. 6-0 Kountze top of the 5th
  5. 2-0 Kountze bottom of the 5th
  6. Looks like Anahuac brought a new team to town. 1-0 Kountze top of 3rd
  7. Picture says it all, it was just a hug. Dru needed a hug.
  8. (Hands up!) I lied about the whole game!! Buna played like gentlemen and the officiating was stellar!! (Notice the overuse of the exclamation mark!) I wasn't even there! I was watching the Walking Dead!! Carry on!
  9. Strictly my view, other spectators saw the same thing as well. Runner for Buna was clearly throwed out in the 1st inning at third, another in the second at second (Bum had ball in glove waiting on him and he was called safe) another in the 4th at first and a balk in the sixth called on Bum after the pitch. Everyone of these resulted in a run for Buna. I may or may not have the innings correct. Dru Aran was setup on a fly in the baseline and a Buna player plowed over him (dropped shoulder and took the kid off his feet. This was done at Kirbyville as well i was told) he was ejected. A war of words began in the stands between parents. Ainsworth was caught in a rundown between second and third and tagged by way of an uppercut. Kountze kept it together well. I was told Hogan let the kids know "you get out of line you pay the price". It was an interesting game. Disclaimer: These statements are based on Dwal1399's views and opinions only. Nobody was harmed during the making of, not yet anyway.
  10. I'll be starting back on nights, keep the game posted please and thank you.
  11. 6-5 Kountze, if you weren't here you missed it.
  12. 4-6 Kountze bottom 6 big rip from Walston to break the tie
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