Are you seeking info OR are you really trying to give incomplete info.... GT Shockers is known for having open practices, at any given practice we will have 4-5 players (besides the players you are referencing) of all ages practicing with our teams. Not sure why it bothers you that kids (parents) seek more for their daughters.....please feel free to attend our practice any time....we practice at West Brook on Tues and Thur @ 6pm.....and on Sat when arent playing from 9am til 3pm. I encourage my players to practice or play with other teams when we arent....just this past weekend one of our pitchers and starting SS picked up with Beaumont Blast in a tourn in Lake Charles.....We had another player pickup with a team in Houston 2 weeks ago....guess what, she felt that team was a better fit.....she quit and joined that team.....whereas I dont condone switching teams in the middle of the season, her parents felt that was a better situation for her.....from that stand point that is what EVERY parent should be doing, looking for the BEST situation for their child. Ive had several parents call me this season to join our team NOW, they were currently playing for a team. I explained we would not pick them up in the middle of the season, they needed to try to finish the season with their current team......they chose to quit (for reasons they felt was necessary) they do practice with us to keep their skills up, however I will not put a uniform on them until the Fall season. So rather than looking for 99% of your softball info (with all of 2 post) in a public forum, wouldnt it be better that you discus this with the people seems communication works best. Then again, maybe its that you were trying to GIVE info, rather than GET info. [/quote] I'm not giving info, i am looking for info. I was posting what i had heard and asking the question "has anyone else heard this". One girl quitting a team and going to another for whatever reason is quite a bit different than a person taking half the girls from one team and starting another team for another orginization. Especially if it is being done "under the table".