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Everything posted by BryanS

  1. It looks like we have a very good chance of rain on Saturday. Regardless of the weather, we will still be out there under our covered area accepting registration forms at 8:00am no matter how bad the weather gets. Several of you have already come out to an open practice this week and have completed your paperwork so you will not be required to come back unless you just want to work out again. For those of you that have not been able to come out at all yet, we will need you to be there at 8:00am Saturday to complete your forms. If we are not able to work out that day because of the rain, we will hold another one or two open practices early next week to make sure everyone has had an opportunity to be seen prior to our coaches picking official teams for the season. We will have all offers made to our players by early next week. Bryan
  2. GT Shockers will run a total of five teams this fall season including 18u Sartin, 18u Tamayo, 16u Flores, 14u Shivers, and 12u Armentrout-Christian. Official tryouts for all teams will be this coming Saturday, August 5th at our practice facility located directly behind Boys Haven, 3655 N Major Drive in Beaumont. Registration begins at 8:00am, lunch break mid day, and we will end around 3:30pm. Please bring plenty of hydration and drive 5mph through Boys Haven property when coming and going through property. We are also having a few open practices this week and will go into next week if necessary based on the weather. If you are interested in this opportunity and want to come out to give us a look, please visit our website at www.gtshockers.com for specific coaching contacts and additional information about our program. We had a great turnout at yesterday's open practice and plan to have another one today. Feel free to contact me at any time for additional information. Bryan Sartin 409-749-9251 [email protected]
  3. GT Shockers - Sartin 18u currently has 13 players on our roster. We are looking to add a couple of more to ensure that our 2016 Summer / Fall schedule is satisfied. Having a larger roster at the older levels is an absolute must. We would like to carry 14-16 players total if the right ones become available and it is a good fit for everyone involved. Pitching is definitely a plus but we will consider all athletes equally. We are looking for competitive players that have a strong desire to play college softball. We are looking for the ones that are willing to buy into our system and do what it takes to get there. All of our players get plenty of playing time and are developed in as many areas that we can possibly develop them in to increase their chances at playing at the next level. Our team is very competitive and will always play a very competitive Summer and Fall schedule each year. We will primarily play showcase events but will also be playing in the Houston area 18u Gold Qualifier in June. Our 18u Gold team coached by Robert Armentrout has already qualified for ASA 18u Gold Nationals and will represent our organization in Oklahoma this Summer. Our team will practice full time with Coach Trout's team beginning in May when we all get back together. Both teams will also travel together on the same tournament trail and will share players as needed during showcase events based upon the needs of each team and the individual players involved. We are all very excited at this opportunity! Our organization has a 100% commitment rate and we have just recently committed our 50th player since 2008. Out of those 50 players, 13 of them have been Division 1. We have a lot of pride in what we do and take our business very seriously. We are also very proud to have Jimmy Weise as our recruiter. Not only is he well liked and respected by everyone in the travel and college softball communities, he is also dearly loved by everyone within our organization including all players, parents, and coaches. It is truly a Blessing to have him on our staff with us. We also have our own state of the art practice facility in Beaumont located behind Boys Haven on North Major Dr. which includes 4 lighted hitting cages, a full size playing field, two restrooms, and additional property to be developed. Not only is it important for us to continue our 100% commitment rate for all of our players, it is most important to us that we see them graduate with a college degree while continuing to play the game they love throughout the process. Helping each other become better people and learning how to give back to others is what we want all of our kids to remember most. If you have a serious interest in playing at the collegiate level, and you want to know more about our organization, please contact me at any time and visit our gtshockers website to learn more. Multiple references are available upon request. Bryan Sartin #409-749-9251 [email protected] www.gtshockers.com
  4. Reminder about our upcoming tryouts this Saturday, Aug 1st. We realize some of our local players are still playing National events at this time. We will not solidify our Fall rosters until mid August to accommodate everyone that has an interest in our program. If you're unable to make it this Saturday, please call to make special arrangements to be seen. Best of luck to everyone regarding your upcoming seasons. Bryan
  5. Tryouts for GT Shockers 2015 Fall season will be as follows: 14, 16, 18 will be handled together on Saturday, August 1st from 8am - 12pm at the College St fields in Beaumont. Registration opens at 8am and tryouts begin sharply at 9am. If you can't make official tryout day on August 1st, please communicate with the coach of your choice to set up a workout. Your contacts are Armentrout for 18 Gold, Sartin for 16 and 14. 10, 12 will be through private workouts over the next couple of weeks. Please communicate with the coach of your choice. Jeffrey 2nd year 12, Flores 1st year 12, and Shivers 2nd year 10. GT Shockers originated 10 years ago. Since our first batch of girls in 2008, we've successfully recruited 45 out of 45 girls to play college softball including elite D-1. We have not had a player yet that has completed our program that we could not sign. We have a full time recruiter on staff that has been doing this for many years and is very good at what he does. We are also currently in the process of building our own practice facility in Beaumont that we will begin using in the Fall of this year. Academics and community service are also extremely important to us. We take our program very seriously and are always looking for others that are ready to do the same. Softball is only a platform for us to teach these young ladies how to achieve anything they choose to do in life. Please visit our website at gtshockers.com to contact our coaching staff and to find out more about our organization and what we do within our community. Thank you and God Bless! Bryan Sartin #409-749-9251
  6. Yes ma'am we will keep rosters open for a bit more to make sure we catch the kids coming home from nationals. If you are interested, feel free to call me for details.   Bryan
  7. 10u & 12u team tryouts for our organization have been cancelled this weekend due to severe flooding. We will move everything to next Saturday and combine all five age groups on the same day.    Official team tryouts for 10s, 12s, 14s, 16s, 18s will be next Saturday, July 26th at the College St fields in Beaumont - Complex 3 (fields G,H,I). Registration begins at 8:00am and tryouts will end near 12:00pm.   Feel free to contact me with any questions.   Bryan 409-749-9251
  8. For those of you that have a serious interest in becoming part of our organization, the GT Shockers will hold group tryouts on the following dates / times:   8u – not offered.   10u & 12u - College St fields in Beaumont (Complex 3 – G & H) on Saturday, July 19th. Registration will begin at 8:00am and tryouts will go through 12:00pm.   14u, 16u, & 18u - College St fields in Beaumont (Complex 3 – G, H, & I) on Saturday, July 26th. Registration will begin at 8:00am and tryouts will go through 12:00pm.           We will also have several open practice dates in each age group between now and mid August. We will not finalize our rosters until all national events have been completed. This will allow for every interested player in the region to have an opportunity to try out for our organization. Manager / coaching assignments on each age level will be issued after tryouts have been completed. We will assess the number of players and number of teams we will run during the upcoming season before Fall assignments are issued to our staff members. A few adjustments may be made here or there as a result of the unknown head count in each group.   As most of you in the area already know, we decided last year to temporarily merge with Impact Gold out of the Spring Klein area. Details communicated in those merger talks simply didn’t pan out exactly as we had discussed and hoped for. As a result, we have made the decision to keep all of our local resources here within the Golden Triangle area under the GT Shocker name. Impact Gold is a great organization, but they have grown too large and too fast for our taste. Without a doubt, this experience was worthwhile and only strengthened us as a whole. We wish the Impact Gold organization nothing but the very best.   Here are a few facts for you to consider about the GT Shockers organization:   Education comes first! It is not only important for us to produce elite level athletes on the playing field, it is equally important for us to produce elite level students in the classroom as well. Copies of report cards and progress reports are collected and monitored by the organization. A strong emphasis is put on high academic achievements to go along with elite level work ethic and physical ability. If a player is struggling in the classroom, the organization supports any and all efforts to get that student back on track, including taking necessary time away from the softball field.   We accept players throughout our entire region and do not discriminate against anyone, no matter what district you may be from. Some of our current members travel up to 90 miles one way to play for us here. Our intent is to represent every single school district within reasonable driving range to and from Beaumont, TX. This includes the entire southeast TX and southwest LA areas.   In addition to a player’s athletic / academic university scholarship, we also offer a supplemental GT Shocker scholarship to all of our graduating seniors each year. This program continues to grow and is now in its third year. The monetary amount awarded to each individual player is based off of academic performance and years of continuous service with us. It is just a small token of appreciation we show our seniors for their hard work, loyalty, and sacrifices they have made over the years. These supplemental scholarships are issued to our seniors at our annual graduation banquet we have for them at the end of each school year.   We are a 501c3 “not for profit” organization with an active Board of Directors in place and a very specific set of by-laws that we govern by. No matter if we choose to run one team or twenty from season to season, we are strictly a non-profit organization. Every penny that comes in is applied directly to the growth of our players and our organization as a whole.   We currently have coaches on the 18u, 16u, and 14u levels that are non parent coaches. As soon as we can find other qualified non parent coaches to filter down to the younger groups within our organization, we will also do the same for those age levels. Some of our coaches have been coaching at the elite levels for 20 plus years. Just like we want the best players to play for us, we also want the best coaches to coach for us. In some cases, we have had great success with parent coaches, in others, not so much. If you are interested in becoming a coach within our organization (non parent or parent), please contact me for further discussion. All final decisions on these types of decisions are made by our Board of Directors.   We have been in the full time recruiting business for six years now and have a 100% signing rate. At the present time, we are 39 for 39 players committed to numerous colleges throughout various conferences. 10 of these local female athletes are Division 1 players. Conferences include the SEC, Southland, Sunbelt, Lone Star, American Athletic, Red River, American Southwest, Heartland, and NJCAA. We are soon to announce a few more names prior to the end of the Summer season. We now have two full time recruiters on staff that will get to know every one of our players on a personal level. This part of the recruiting process is very important to our personal identity here within the GT Shockers organization.   We have a great partnership with Parisi Speed & Agility School in the Mid County and Beaumont areas. They do quite a bit of work with our players both on and off the practice fields. Scott Meyer and the rest of the Parisi crew will be helping out at our tryouts and will be available if you would like to speak with them about working with your player.   We are a Christian based organization that initiates a lot of charity work within our GT community. We are going on our fourth consecutive year working closely with our local hospitals, foster homes, and the mentally / physically challenged. We believe it is important to teach our players the meaning of giving back to those within our community that may not be able to do some of the things we are so Blessed to be able to do.   In no way are we trying to tell you that our organization is the only one out there that is the best fit for everyone because that is the farthest thing from the truth. In reality, what we offer is only for a small percentage of our local female athletes and families within our community. You must be the right fit for us, just as we must be the right fit for you. Everything we do here is strictly geared toward preparing our players for the collegiate level. When our players graduate high school and leave our organization, they are all mentally and physically prepared for any challenge they may face throughout life in general.   If you believe you are ready to take the next step, we encourage you to challenge yourselves and come out to see what we are all about. No matter what anyone else may tell you about our organization (good or bad), we ask that you personally give it a try and make up your own mind for yourselves. You will never know for sure unless you take that first step. Nothing great ever comes without a big heart, hard work, character, commitment, dedication, and sacrifice.   I have tried to be as detailed as I could be to limit the number of questions you may have. If you are interested in finding out more about our organization, please visit our website at www.gtshockers.com or feel free to personally contact anyone on our coaching staff / Board of Directors. All phone and e-mail contacts can be located on the “contacts” page of our website. We will be working closely with our webmaster over the next couple weeks to convert our entire site back over to the GT name and colors.   Thank you for taking the time to read about who we are and what we stand for. I will personally be at both tryout weekends for every age group and am looking forward to meeting you!   Bryan Sartin President – GT Shockers 409-749-9251 [email protected] www.gtshockers.com
  9. IMPACT GOLD – BEAUMONT will hold our primary Fall 2013 season tryouts on Saturday, July 27th at the College Street Facility (Complex 2) located at 950 Langham Road in Beaumont, TX. Below, you will find specific instructions for the different age groups ranging from 8u thru 16u. We will be on a very tight schedule that day, so please pay close attention to detail and plan to arrive early. Make sure your players begin hydrating properly on the day before…….we are all familiar with the conditions here in southeast Texas during the months of July and August! We will have coolers full of ice water for everyone, but you are encouraged to bring your own source of hydration as well. Team Parisi will be out there with us assisting with warm-ups and the basic conditioning assessment phase of our tryouts. We are still in the process of selecting a couple of more coaches on the 1st year 12u and the 16u teams, and those names being considered will remain confidential until we have made our final selections. We are always looking for other experienced coaches within the area that have an interest in being part of our organization. If you have an interest and would like to discuss further, please contact me directly. We want hard working, open minded individuals that are interested in learning and understanding our system. We are very confident and proud of what we do here, statistics do not lie. We want coaches, players, and parents that want to be a part of a solution, not part of a problem. If you have any questions regarding a specific age group you may be interested in, please contact a coach on that age level for further information. Their contact information will be outlined below. Looking forward to seeing you all out there! Bryan Sartin 409-749-9251 IG TRYOUTS – FIELD SCHEDULE 8U – Coach Cornelison #409-767-6168 / Coach Phillips #409-719-7166 8U – Registration table opens 7:00am (Complex 2) 8U – Team stretching / warm-ups 8:00am to 8:30am (Field F) 8U – Offense 8:30am to 9:30am (Field D) 8U – Defense 9:30am to 10:30am (Field E) 8U – Conditioning 10:30am to 11:30am (Field F) 10U – Coach Wiltz #409-728-5354 / Coach Jeffrey #409-543-8284 10U – Registration table opens 7:00am (Complex 2) 10U – Pitch / Catch 7:30am to 8:00am (Field E) 10U – Team stretching / warm-ups 8:00am to 8:30am (Field F) 10U – Defense 8:30am to 9:30am (Field E) 10U – Offense 9:30am to 10:30am (Field D) 10U – Conditioning 10:30am to 11:30am (Field F) 1st Year 12U – Coach Day #409-679-3279 / TBA soon (no decision made yet) 1st Year 12U – Registration table opens 11:00am (Complex 2) 1st Year 12U – Pitch / Catch 11:30am to 12:00pm (Field E) 1st Year 12U – Team stretching / warm-ups 12:00pm to 12:30pm (Field F) 1st Year 12U – Offense 12:30pm to 1:30pm (Field D) 1st Year 12U – Defense 1:30pm to 2:30pm (Field E) 1st Year 12U – Conditioning 2:30pm to 3:30pm (Field F) 2nd Year 12U – Coach Sartin #409-749-9251 / Coach Adams #409-659-8340 2nd Year 12U – Registration table opens 11:00am (Complex 2) 2nd Year 12U – Pitch / Catch 11:30am to 12:00pm (Field E) 2nd Year 12U – Team stretching / warm-ups 12:00pm to 12:30pm (Field F) 2nd Year 12U – Defense 12:30pm to 1:30pm (Field E) 2nd Year 12U – Offense 1:30pm to 2:30pm (Field D) 2nd Year 12U – Conditioning 2:30pm to 3:30pm (Field F) 14U – Coach Windham #409-767-4697 / Coach Eversole #409-719-7957 14U – Registration table opens 3:00pm (Complex 2) 14U – Pitch / Catch 3:30pm to 4:00pm (Field E) 14U - Team stretching / warm-ups 4:00pm to 4:30pm (Field F) 14U – Offense 4:30pm to 5:30pm (Field D) 14U – Defense 5:30pm to 6:30pm (Field E) 14U – Conditioning 6:30pm to 7:30pm (Field F) 16U – Coach Beard #409-201-4850 / TBA soon (no decision made yet) 16U – Registration table opens 3:00pm (Complex 2) 16U – Pitch / Catch 3:30pm to 4:00pm (Field E) 16U – Team stretching / warm-ups 4:00pm to 4:30pm (Field F) 16U – Defense 4:30pm to 5:30pm (Field E) 16U – Offense 5:30pm to 6:30pm (Field D) 16U – Conditioning 6:30pm to 7:30pm (Field F) Gold – Coach Armentrout #409-658-9056 / Coach Weise #409-673-8110 Gold tryouts will be held on a different date to be announced in the very near future.
  10. GTS will be making an official public statement in the very near future regarding our organization's long term plans. The announcement will include Fall 2013 tryout information for all age levels from 8u thru Gold. Please stay tuned to setxsports.com and our organizational website over the next couple of weeks for further details. Bryan Sartin President GT Shockers 409-749-9251
  11. From the entire GT Shocker Organization, we wish you and the Young Guns crew nothing but great success Allen! See you guys at a ballpark somewhere soon. Bryan
  12. Just wanted to send out a personal congrats to Coach Wiltz and his entire team. They played in the Lady Stros Spring Start Up Tourney in Angleton this past weekend and took 1st place. This was an open tournament with twelve 8u teams (5 of which were select). We are very proud of you all.......great way to start things off! There is simply no substitution for hard work and discipline. Bryan
  13. The GT Shockers would like to officially announce the addition of a new 8u team within our organization. It will be coached by Harry Wiltz out of Nederland. Coach Wiltz is currently the manager / head coach of a select 8u team called the Mid County Shockers that was just recently put together this past season. This team will play a couple of more tournaments under the Mid County Shocker name and will begin the transition over to the GT Shocker Organization next month in March 2013. They will play 8u select for us through the Summer and will move up to a 1st year 10u team in the Fall of 2013. These young ladies have a lot of hustle and are from a diverse range of school districts within our area. We are all very excited at the opportunity to work with and help them become another very competitive team within our region. Welcome to the GT Shocker family! If you have an interest in this particular team, please contact Coach Wiltz or one of his assistants for details. Bryan Sartin President - GT Shockers 409-749-9251 [email protected] Harry Wiltz 8u Manager / Head Coach 409-728-5354 [email protected] [email protected] John Jeffrey 8u Assistant Mgr 409-543-8284 [email protected] Tony Esqueda 8u Assistant Coach 409-963-7316 [email protected]
  14. Tryouts for this team will still be held on Sunday, 01/13. Location has changed to Athletes (indoor training facility) in Port Neches located at 2350 Nall. Registration will begin at 12:30pm and tryouts will go 1:00pm-4:00pm. If you have any questions about the GT Shocker Organization, please visit our recently updated website or give me a call. Tryouts and scheduled events for each of our teams will be listed on their individual pages.  Bryan 409-749-9251  
  15. GT Shockers 01 will be having tryouts on Sunday, 01/13/13 from 1-5pm at the College St fields located in Beaumont, TX. We are looking to finalize our Spring / Summer 2013 season roster. The only circumstance that may alter this date and time will be the weather. We will update on this site if there is a need to change anything as that date gets a little closer. We are a very competitive first year 12u team that has been together for a while. We are always looking to enhance our line-up with the right players / parents with long term visions in mind. Every single one of our girls are 01 birthdays and we would like to keep it that way if possible. However, if the right 02 or 00 player came along and was a good match for both sides, we will definitely consider it. We require all of our girls to retry out for the team each season to prevent complacency and to maintain that constant competitive drive. We are also a part of a large organization including two separate Gold teams. We have a full time recruiter on staff with a 100% signing rate for all of our players that have made it through our Gold program. All positions are open to be earned. We will move players around as necessary to help our team win while, at the same time, developing them in more than just one isolated position. We give all players equal developmental opportunity to prove where they truly belong in the food chain throughout the season. We will expose all strengths and weaknesses for every parent, player, and coach to see. We will only consider players that are full of heart and are able to commit themselves fully to the team and our organization, in addition to maintaining high academic standards. Development stage and talent are very important to us but, talent alone is not enough to make this squad. You must always be willing to show up early, stay late, and strengthen your individual weaknesses on your own time in between team events. If you are someone that believes the team comes first before any one individual, and good old fashioned hard work and tough love is what you crave, you should consider giving us a look. We focus on positive encouragement but, we do not sugar coat anything. We believe that very constructive, respectful, brutal honesty is always the best approach with everything we do. At the present time, we also have an active 02 second year 10u team, a 00 second year 12u team, and a 98/99 mix 14u team. Those coaches will be posting tryout information for each of their individual squads very soon. We are also open to the idea of creating additional teams in other age groups with the right players and coaching staffs. We do not have an interest in creating any additional teams that are not willing to model themselves after what we stand for. Our product sells very well and has proven itself over time. If you have an interest in learning more about our organization, please feel free to contact any of us listed below. We have recently made a few organizational changes and will be updating our GT Shocker website very soon. If what we offer is not for you, that’s okay because we know there is simply no one perfect place for everyone. Our recommendation has, and always will be, for you to visit as many different teams / organizations as you possibly can until you find the right fit for you. There is a place out there for everyone in this wonderful game we all love so much!  Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about us and we hope that you will consider giving us a look. Have a great day and God Bless! Bryan Sartin President – Board of Directors Head Coach – 2001 Team Cell # 409-749-9251 Robert Armentrout Vice President – Board of Directors Head Coach -  Gold / Trout Cell # 409-658-9056 Allen Gautreaux Team Communications – Board of Directors Head Coach – Gold / Gautreaux Cell # 409-658-9669 Mike Hammersmith Public Relations – Board of Directors Head Coach – 2000 Team Cell # 409-504-8238 Kevin Smith Head Coach – 98/99 Team Cell # 409-626-2029 Randy Windham Head Coach – 2002 Team Cell # 409-767-4697
  16. Just a quick reminder to everyone that tryouts for all of our junior teams will be held at the same time this coming [b]Sunday 07/29 from 2p-6p at College St fields GHI[/b]. The weather forecast looks great right now but....we all know how that goes in southeast TX! If any last minute changes are determined to be absolutely necessary, we will let everyone know asap on this site as well as our own. Aside from our Gold team, we will run the following junior teams under the GT Shocker umbrella this Fall season: *Brand new 10u team looking for strong 02 & 03 birthdays. *First year 12u team looking specifically at strong 01s or possibly the right 00 player. *Second year 12u team looking for strong 00 players. *First year 14u team looking for strong 98 / 99 players. Our program is designed for the players that are ready and willing to do the things necessary to get to the next level. Our players are expected to arrive early (always), be willing to stay late occasionally if necessary, maintain high academic standards at school, complete softball homework assignments issued by each team's coaching staff, work on fundamental reps at home, participate in a daily conditioning program designed by the coaching staff on each team, etc...etc...etc. Basically, we are looking for the girls willing to build in what is necessary into their daily lifestyles to not only become outstanding softball players, but also productive, responsible human beings throughout life in general. Our team members, coaching staff, parents, and alumni are like a very large family. We support one another, always practice around Church hours on Sundays, and find ways to keep it fun and interesting for the girls. Be prepared to work extremely hard, but also be ready to experience a very rewarding feeling at the end of each day! If you have an interest in any of the above teams mentioned or want additional information outside of what has been outlined for you above, please feel free to phone, text, or pm me at any time. You can also visit our website to answer many questions you may have. Thank you for having an interest in the GT Shocker program and taking the time to read this material. We are looking forward to tryouts and meeting all of you on Sunday afternoon! Bryan Sartin 409-749-9251
  17. The GT Shockers 01 team will be moving up to 12u in the Fall. We will officially be hosting a tryout for the Fall season on [b]Sunday 07/29 from 2p-6p at College St fields GHI[/b]. For those of you that may not be able to make that specific day for some reason, feel free to contact me for a private workout sometime over the next couple of weeks. We will make early offers to some but will not finalize our official Fall roster until the week after ASA Nationals. Our current team is exclusively made up of 01 players. All positions are open and available to earn. Depending on the team's ultimate needs at official tryouts, we will definitely consider competitive 00 players to possibly mix in with our crew. We will determine this after we see what tryouts have to offer. We will build the most competitive team we possibly can while keeping our long term goals in mind. We have a lot of fun but we work VERY hard. If you have ever had any interest in possibly being a part of this team, or any other age group within our organization, we all look forward to seeing you out there! Bryan Sartin 409-749-9251
  18. The current GT Shockers 2001 - 10u group will be moving up to 12u for the Fall 2012 season. We will be holding a tryout sometime at the end of July after we return home from USFA Nationals in Panama City. We will then have another session during the second week of August for those interested players that went to ASA Nationals in Indiana. All positions on this team will become open and available to earn at that time. We are specifically targeting 01 players but will consider a strong 00 bracket pitcher or impact player. Our official Fall roster will not be announced prior to the second week of August. Specific dates, times, and locations will be posted in the next couple of weeks as that time frame gets a little closer. Stay tuned for updates on this site as well as our organization's website. If anyone has an interest in learning more about our team, or our organization in general, please feel free to contact me at anytime. This includes all players, parents, and potential coaches that are entertaining the idea of being a part of our organization. We have several different age groups within the GT Shockers, all of which are specifically designed to develop players for the collegiate level. Even if we don’t have a current team at a specific age group you might be interested in, we will be glad to discuss the possibility of creating one if the conditions are a good fit for everyone involved. We have even entertained the idea of having an 8u team for earlier player development. This is something that we’ve never done before but are giving it consideration depending on the coaching staff and players we are able to put together. Hammersmith 00 will remain in 12u for another season while Smith 99 is moving up to 14u. Both coaches will be posting their tryout specifics very soon. Good luck to all of our local girls and teams heading to Nationals from our area. We know that southeast TX will be well represented! Bryan Sartin 409-749-9251
  19. You're very welcome. Our next team practice will be this Thursday evening. If you think you may be interested in coming out to that one, give me a shout in the next day or two and I will give you the details. If that one does not work for you, there will be several other available days to choose from in the upcoming weeks. Bryan
  20. tdrtmnk, The Spring season is almost over now with most teams preparing their final rosters for State & Nationals. Our team, along with most others in the area, will be hosting tryouts after Nationals are over with. We will be having ours near the end of July sometime. We are based out of Beaumont, TX but have players from all over the Golden Triangle area. I don't know exactly when yet so stay tuned to the site as the mid Summer gets near. You will have many opportunities at that time to visit several teams in our area. I highly encourage you to do that to find the right fit for your daughter. Never settle for the first one that comes along. Try and visit at least four or five different teams if you can. Our current 10U team consists of 2001 birthdays from top to bottom. We will be cutting up to 12U directly after Nationals in July. We have many open practices for anyone wishing to work out with us. We are not currently looking to pick up any players right now but will be glad to have you come out with us to experience what we have to offer. If you are interested, please give me a call and we can arrange that for you. If not, good luck in your search! Hopefully, you will be able to find something soon. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance to help you get started. Bryan Sartin GT Shockers 01 409-749-9251
  21. The GT Shockers girls fastpitch organization is based out of Beaumont, TX. We are proud to announce the official launch of our brand new updated website! We were originally established in 2005 and are currently in our seventh season now. Our organization is growing rapidly and we continue to get more and more inquiries each season from all over southeast TX and southwest LA. Some of our players currently travel close to 100 miles one way to be a part of our group. Our primary objective is to develop all of our girls to their fullest potential and assist them with their dreams of one day playing college softball. We currently have a 100% signing rate for all of our girls that have completed our Gold program.....over 30 players over the last four and a half seasons to be exact. For those of you that may be interested in our program, we hope this new site will be used as an informative tool to help answer many commonly asked questions about what we represent. Please feel free to visit the site and refer to the "Contact" page if you are interested in learning more about us. If your questions are still not answered by the information in the site, or you simply wish to inquire further, please do not ever hesitate to contact one of us. Whether you are an interested coach, player, or parent at any age level.....all inquires will always be welcomed. All current coaches / contacts for the entire organization will be listed under this page. We take great pride in our strong work ethic, our character, and we strive for excellence in everything we do. We encourage anyone, that is seriously interested in our program, to come out and see what we're all about for yourself. Many of our practices are open to the general public and we will welcome anyone with open arms. Just the same, we encourage all of our current players to take advantage of visiting other teams open practices or "picking up" with them at tournaments as often as they can (as long as it doesn't conflict with our own schedule). We believe that by having that type of open policy, it only benefits our girls that much more and gives them a greater chance to develop even quicker to their fullest potential. Until we have a chance to meet on the fields, keep working hard, dreaming big, and NEVER settle for anything less than your absolute best......God Bless! www.gtshockers.com Bryan Sartin GT Shockers Public Relations / Head Coach-10u 409-749-9251
  22. Bat has SOLD! Thanks, Bryan
  23. Have a 2011 Easton Synergy Speed (-10) 29/19 for sale. Purchased for $250 about 6 months ago. Used very little & in great shape. Will take $100 cash. Call Bryan at 409-749-9251 if interested. Thanks.
  24. It's almost time for everyone in the area to get cranked up again! Those warmer sunny days will be here before we know it so it's time to get serious about tryouts. GT Shockers 10u has not committed to anyone regarding the extra bracket pitcher's spot for the upcoming Spring season. We would really like to make a decision on this very soon so, if you have any interest at all in trying out for this spot, don't hesitate to give Shawn or I a call. We will always be more than happy to accommodate anyone's schedule for a private tryout. Our team will practice together a couple of times in January and will begin ramping up full time workouts by February. Like many other teams, we have several girls playing basketball right now so we are doing our best trying to keep things balanced between the two sports. We have had several inquiries concerning other positions on our team (outside of the "one" pitcher spot we are currently looking for). Unfortunately for those interested, 10u will not open up ALL positions until July of this year when we move up to 12u. We have committed to our current roster until that time. Bryan
  25. We are looking to carry another strong bracket pitcher into the 2012 Spring season. The primary role for this "one spot" will be to compliment and compete against our current starting bracket pitcher throughout the season. This position will also be given an equal opportunity to earn a spot in the batting line-up as well as other defensive positions she may play well that would help our team win ballgames. Player must be self motivated and have the ability and desire to want to overcome adversity. She must also have a very strong work ethic and be willing to push herself daily to become better today than she was yesterday. Great character and a positive attitude are absolutely mandatory to be a part of this team. Mediocre effort will not be accepted within this organization. The Katy Classic on December 3-4 will be our team's final tournament for the 2011 Fall season. In Spring 2012, we plan to play an estimated 10 tourney schedule between late February to early July with stops ranging from Beaumont, Houston, Longview, Dallas & Shreveport areas. We are considering a grand finale trip to either Oklahoma City, OK in early June or Panama City, FL in early July. That will be determined very soon. If this sounds like the type of program and opportunity you have been waiting for, please contact Bryan Sartin at 409-749-9251 or Shawn Adams at 409-659-8340 to set up a tryout. Looking forward to your contact. Thank you for taking the time to read & God Bless! Bryan
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