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Everything posted by KansasKev

  1. I know most would prefer for this thread to go away but after spending the last day catching up on everything on this forum I could not help but comment - sorry. I know that regardless of how some posts may read that you really do care for your children/other children.  I have seen Morgan, Jason, Brian Tillery, Brian Cansler, Wayne, Andy, and others all give to the children of this area in various ways.  I am the parent of 2 boys that love ball and know that God is the only one who will decide where their lives will lead.  I am just looking for the best opportunities for my two boys along the way.  We tried select ball last year playing as a member of the Gladiators 7U team run by Tillery/Cansler.  For various reasons, my oldest is now back at WELL playing.  Those reasons include his talent level of course but for our family the overwhelming factor was our experience in a select environment.  Our experience ended at the World Series in LA last year listening to stories such as a 7U team forfeiting a game for switching jerseys on kids in the dugout to send better batters up again. My reason for opening this back up is simple.  I challenge everyone in this baseball community to help make changes for the better for our children.  Money sometimes can stand in the way of change but I do not see money being the issue here.  I see pride sitting front and center.  Lots of passionate/successful men that should be role models for our entire area letting a game come between you. A game that we all used to love playing with each other in front yards, streets, wherever there was room. I am as competitive as they come and I have to remind myself daily to watch my comments to my own boys and evaluate what message I am sending to them and the young kids I help coach.  We as a community are sending the wrong message in my opinion, and it cannot continue on its current path without serious consequences for the children and community.  This world has enough problems that our children will have to deal with once we are gone - so please work together in any way possible to give these boys good memories of this time in their lives.  I do not find it too much to ask for you men to come together and discuss some of these issues in person in a calm way for the benefit of our entire area.  We have a tremendous resource with Ford Park and the Academy and what happens as a result of these disagreements has the ability to impact thousands of boys as we head into the future. I want to thank Jason, Morgan, Pat, Tillery, Cansler, and Wayne for all impacting my boys lives already at a young age in a positive way. Kevin Webb
  2. I don't necessarily agree with Select not being "select" until the 14-15 yeard old ages.  My son is a 7 year old and I am impressed daily with what our team has accomplished.  I will agree that the competition level is very watered down at the younger ages though if that is what you are seeing.  Our team plays mostly in Houston and LA against the tops teams from Houston/Corpus/LA to find tougher competition, and I still cannot believe I am watching 7 year old games in most instances.  There are some very impressive teams out there even at this young age. My son does not play league ball and select.  I would never do that to him because it would ruin him because of who he is.  But there are kids on the team that do play both and their parents let them because they love baseball that much already.  As long as you listen to your child's wishes, I do not see the harm.  Of course I am speaking of 7-8 year olds where pitching has not become an issue yet. I think that there are huge advantages to select ball at the 7/8 year old age as long as it is the right child and as long as you handle their emotions properly.  There are so many skills to learn/develop in baseball and if a child is ready at 7, select baseball gives him the opportunity to be introduced to a lot of skills that he would not normally get playing league ball.  I feel the most important thing that select ball helps with is developing the mental game of a player.  In league ball, they may learn how to catch a fly ball, but in select they are learning how to catch it in proper position and immediately look for the next out.  In league they may learn to tag up after a catch in the outfield, but in select they are learning how far to come off the base in anticipation of the ball being missed or on the bag ready to run as soon as it is caught.  My point is, these 7 year olds know what to do and where to go when the ball is put in play without parents screaming at them.  They are mentally involved in the game already.  That is not the case in league as most kids are still so focused on trying to make contact with the ball or just stop it at this age. I am concerned at the emotional issues I see in kids this age however.  I do not know if it is pressure from the parents, the coaches or just society but these kids look like somebody just shot their dog when they come off the field from getting out or if they miss a ball defensively.  I am not talking about a strike out - I mean they lace a line drive down the line and their counterpart makes a great play for the out.  It can take them 2 innings to try to smile again.  That is not good at the 7 year old level.  I will take blame for being harsh on my son every once in a while but I do my best to tell him how proud I am of him and how he is playing ball better than daddy every thought about playing at his age.  I am very concerned that sports has developed so much that these kids do not ever get a chance to enjoy the game like it should be enjoyed.  Does select make them better ballplayers at 7??  No doubt.  But at what cost??  I think that parents of select players must watch them very closely and make sure that they, or the child, are not setting unrealistic expectations for him.  League ball go drop your kid off because they are going to have fun.  Playing games against their best buddies, eating snow cones afterwards.  Select ball - make sure you are there every minute of practice and games and watch for any signs that your child is heading down a wrong path of emotions or just plain tired. My last point - parents and coaches need to talk regularly at this age.  If a 7 year old is being taught one thing at home, another thing at practice, and then a third at a private lesson - they are not old enough to absorb all of that info and determine who is right or take pieces from each mentor and put it all together themselves.  My son and I have been involved with select since last fall - and my verdict is still out at this point.  If the team comes together and can enjoy their state and World Series trips, I will be happy we did it win or lose.  If we lose throughout these last few weeks and parents/kids handle it the wrong way, I will question whether his development was worth it. Keep the kids smiling and we all win!!!
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