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  1. Mojo is looking for some players to add to our roster. . We are looking for a catcher, pitcher and some other utility players. If intrested contact Ryan 718-7542 or Stacie 549-6967
  2. New 14u team forming we will have tryouts this Sunday Dec 4. at 2 pm and Sunday Dec. 11 at 2pm (weather permitting)  at Port Neches fields behind the public library off Merriman .  For any questions or if you can't make a tryout please contact Ryan Esquivel 409-718-7542 or Stacie Esquivel 409-549-6967
  3. I also agree with softballdad22 on alot of the points. I think it is great for a coach to defend his/her team but at the same time who cares if a new team is forming who cares if someone is having a tryout before nationals because there is alot of teams that are not involved in going to nationals. Every team in this area has positive and negative things about them from what i have been told and also seen . Overall the kids should be able to look at all options with different teams just like the coaches look at their options when they have several tryouts. Overall it should be whats best for each child.
  4. They were a 12u allstar team
  5. Can someone please tell me when the select teams normally have tryouts for 10u ?
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