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Everything posted by thawkins112

  1. A complete set of red and black catchers gear for sale $150 OBO..... Adult size nothing wrong with it just wrong colors now!
  2. Still have spots open?
  3. Mizuno- Ashworth won 2nd, Mizuno 14u won 3rd and Mizuno 10U red won 3rd!
  4. why would you not try out for GTS anyway we are a great organization?
  5. Some of the GT Shockers softball teams are collecting toys to hand out to the children in the hospital at Christmas. If you would like to donate a new unused toy please either reply and we will come get it from you. There will some drop off places for the toys for your convience also. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
  6. prolly between 30 and 40 girls
  7. Camp was awesome my daughter got her first catching lessons and lots of positive reinforcement!!!! Will go to the next one>>> $$$ well spent.
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