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Everything posted by Charley

  1. I was viewing the list for the teams in the USFA State Tournament in Beaumont and I was surprised that the GT Shockers were the only Beaumont/Golden Triangle team entered in the A division for 10U or 12U players.  I know that USFA is not ASA which really shocked me that the Shockers were the only ones willing to compete in the A division class.  My daughter is on the GT Shockers and we have had a long row to hoe as first year 12U.  But like all things I want the best for her and want her challenged.  She has played against some really tough teams and has had her hat handed to her several times.  But I feel that each lost game that her team has had to endure has made them better.  The coaching staff of the GT Shockers will continue to press our girls and expect a level of excellence that the girls will continue to show by competing in the A Division class.  I hope that I speak for the rest of the parents in saying thank you to our coaching staff for ensuring that our daughters are continued to be challenged and not settling for hollow victories.  Charlotte Mattox
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