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Everything posted by setxc

  1. Ennis HS DC i think
  2. West Hardin JV 18 Colmesneil JV  14
  3. Daisetta has only 1 playoff win since the might state champion team.  But I don't think that's what the thread is about.  Comment was made that a hardin kid playing at Dakota state or wherever was not a big deal.  you know...EC doesn't just rack up playoff wins either.  Yeah yall won a couple last year..  maybe a couple when the Thomas kid played.  i don't remember any deep runs though.
  4. HD 6    Sabine Pass 5
  5. Thanks for the advice Bobcat 55. We will take that into consideration. Drake, however, is a little slow nowadays, and the UIL will not let him play while on crutches. We have applied for a waiver that will allow him to play in a wheel chair, but we will not hear form them until just before game time tomorrow. We will keep you informed of their decision. We tried both Humphrys at receiver, but Colmesneil covered them well. We will come out this week in our newest offensive formation. The Notre Dame Box. Knute Rockne will be smiling from the heavens as we pound the field in the true fashion of  the four horsemen. Please come by the field house on Saturday morning and help us game plan. Pay close attention to the things you learn on Madden 2009 and perhaps we can try some of it. HD Coaching Staff
  6. HD beat Barbers Hill Freshman B Lumberton beat Barbers Hill Freshman A QB for Barbers Hill Freshman B was injured (broke arm maybe) he was a tough kid. He kept calm while EMS worked on him. The injury was pretty ugly. Coaches at HD are keeping him in our prayers.
  7. Going with dad to Orangefield. Hate to lose the kid. Great Kid! Good athlete! Better young man. Coach Henry
  8. HD over High Island (dont have score)
  9. When you miss 8 FTs in the last 3 minutes and they are shooting lights out from 3 in the 2nd half. Tough to close a game out. Good win Sharks!
  10. Only 6 points. Due to serve sprained ankle in practice on Wednesday. But the leadership he gave us on the floor was very important.
  11. Houston Strake Jesuit's old gym was tough. It had a sunken floor and low roof. They would put the band right behind the visitors bench and during timeouts they would just play different loud notes as loud as they could.
  12. The entire district uses Beaumont Chapter of officials except High Island they use Galveston. THANKYOU!
  13. Until someone wins a game on the road nobody knows anything about this district. The road teams are 1-5 so for. Now that's scary : : : There's wisdom in what CATMAN spoke of early in the week.You always gotta look out for the next one ;) That the way it goes in WH That is a bunch off crap to call a game that way.If wh play all there game @ home they would state every year. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  14. The rest of the year. Tore ACL had surgery last Thursday
  15. Boy do you like coach henry. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Catman I dont know either! Must be all that money and gifts I give them!
  16. Hull-Daisetta #7 Aaron Cook, Sr. vs. Hardin (win 27-24) 18 rushes - 205 yards and 3 touchdowns 1 reception - 15 yards 1-2 passing - 44 yards and 1 touchdown
  17. Hull-Daisetta JV 6 Hardin JV 2
  18. As far as the football game goes Hardin should be the favorite, HD will be happy just to stay on the field with the Hornets. As far as TAKS scores go, if I'm not mistaken HD was unacceptable 2 years ago but was acceptable this past year. Hardin on the other hand has been two years in a row unacceptable and still counting!!!
  19. Dont think forfiets are final yet. Think there is a district meeting today to discuss this issue.
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