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Everything posted by nowherebutup

  1. As for the coward that did not vote, that statement is false. The board member was not present for the board meeting therefore he could not vote. Get facts straight guys. Anahuac has been a revolving door for coaches and the kids are the ones that have suffered. The amount of talent and athletes in this little place is unbelievable but there has never been a coach that has been hired that has been given a true chance. Last great coach I know of that turned Anahuac around was Robert Walker in the late 80's and early 90's. He started with girls track and did an unbelievable job with them. The ones that have stayed seem to do what the super wants so they can keep their job. From what I have heard, the board is after the super and not Rob. I think Rob is staying and he does deserve a chance. He is a great man and he loves the kids.
  2. The repetition of rumors was regarding the coaches "jealous behavior" towards the girl's relationship with Coach Mathews. If you were never at the games and were never around this coach while she or he was coaching those kids, then how do you know about this so-called "jealous behavior". Not here to take any cheap shots at people's integrity or their personal behavior. Only commenting on coaching ability and facts, not hearsay. I can't imagine those girls doing that well if the coach was of the calibur you are claiming. Once again, my opinion. Enough of that, I think they both did a great job, but I will not attack anyone as a person or their integrity with the kids they are involved in unless I have seen or heard it with my own ears. Next year, both coaches won't have any excuses if they both stay at those schools, we will see. All I was saying is that next year it will tell all about both of their coaching abilities.
  3. Wow! Sounds like you take that personal. I do believe Vidor is in 4A and BC is 3A. Give credit where credit is due as far as knowing the new coach at vidor personally, I can't say, looks like you can and have your obvious opinions. Only going by what I've seen. Looks like she did a great job with those girls at Vidor, sorry you feel that way. Just my opinion, we will see after both coaches have a year in what happens next year. Like you said, you heard, looks like you've based your opinion on hearsay, I just read the papers and saw some games. Going on numbers and figures only not repetition of rumors.
  4. Only one Andy Evans in this world and no better example than his father to follow, Uncle Joe!! Way to go Andy, you worked hard and you are finally getting what you deserve. You should be proud.
  5. Not sure why she left, but as for Vidor, the new head coach stepped in with the same girls she had last year and came out 4th in district with a 7-7 record and is only losing 2 Seniors. Go Pirates, looks like they are moving up. Sometimes coaches are the ones that make the change and sometimes kids need new coaches in order to make a change. Toss up, but Vidor didn't look like it was a resting stop on the district schedule this year. Whatever that new coach did with that group of kids is working. Best of luck to both teams next year. The first year is usually and adjustment and sometimes coaches ride on previous year performance and coaching but looks like Vidor moved up in the right direction so we will see what BC does next year.
  6. PNG is still a powerhouse and Comeaux is a coaching legend. She has taken kids with little or no athletic ability and taught them the game. She The new Vidor coach not sure her name,caught my eye. She has brought a strong work ethic into that program and Vidor faught hard this year. No title's or play-off spots won and 4th in district, Vidor looks to be returning with all starters in tact and fighting for a play-off spot in 2007. Comeaux is still my favorite, she has discipline and style and her program speaks for itself. 22 out of 23 District Title's, you answer coach of the year. Starting middle is 5'8" and comes out second in district. GO COMEAUX!
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