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Everything posted by bassman

  1. I agree with an earlier post. If kids today were coached like we were 25 years ago, most would not play. However, as a coach, telling a player "that was the worst effort I have ever seen"  or "that was a piss poor shot" is a long way from telling them they suck. Raising cain and hollering is something most coaches do from time to time. Verbally attacking a kid is not acceptable. A good coach knows the difference.
  2. When a coach decides to shop around for jobs that he has no intention of taking, whether a school district approaches you or not, to get a raise from you current school, is no longer in it for the kids. IMO
  3. Its not your job to figure out why he is subbing. He is the coach and should do what is best for his team. He should not have to explain to a kid why he is subbing for him. If the coach is the determining factor as to whether you play or not, you do not want to play that bad and eventually it will show.
  4. How was coach T's defense when he left wos to become a head coach.
  5. By the way, what do the horns of a trophy deer taste like?
  6. What do you expect when the TRAINER is the A.D. Enough said.
  7. Winning breeds success. I hope P.N.G. has a great year. But when district starts the wheels will come off. Barbers Hill, Crosby and Texas city are not Nederland, Lumberton, Central or Vidor. Lets see how much everyone loves the coaching staff mid-way through district. Who will be the first one to complain then.
  8. In a nutshell, Vidor beat a predominantly J.V. team. Mostly sophomore players. And barely. District title. No chance. Defense is horrible.
  9. In most at-bats you will see at least 1 good pitch to hit. If you take until you get the first strike, that may have been your best pitch to hit. A batter should be looking for a specific pitch in a certain location and gear up for that until you get the first strike on you. If you are looking fastball kneehigh, that is the only things you swing at. You look for that pitch until you have a strike in the count. If you are looking fastball and you get a offspeed pitch, lay off. Kids should never be taught to take until you get a strike. Thats a LL thing. If they do that in high school, they will seldom be successful. My opinion.
  10. Vidor plays a soft schedule because it is all about the coach's ego. Kick tail in pre-district, learn nothing. Get your tail handed to you in district and go home. Same story different year.
  11. You need a Louisiana license to fish on that side whether you are on the channel side or gulf side of the jetties.
  12. Best coach in the area, Brian English. Takes a Vidor team who never wins and makes the playoffs. Leaves and goes to Nederland and takes them to the playoffs for the first time in how many years. That is a great coach. Sutherland wins at Kountze, they won before he got there and are still winning. Goes to HJ and wins. They were winning beofre he got there. I imagine they would still be winning if he left. Kountze won a title before and after he was there. HJ won a title before he got there.
  13. If he can not read on a high school level, how did he stay eligible to play at Kelly for 3 years.
  14. If the two games he got suspended for were must win games for ozen to make the playoffs, he would not have been suspended at all. The coach is looking for a permanent job.
  15. I am not judging, I am stating facts. 59-0 at half, 88-0 after 3. A good coach would have seen that after the first 10 points that you were a superior team and would have backed off then. And yes it can be done without embarrasing the other team. But then again, some coaches have to try to win as bad as they can to prove what a great coach they are. I wonder how many people would have heard about this if would have ended up, say 50-0. My guess would be none.
  16. First of all, on the notion of character, the coach has none. Second, don't punish the team by forfeiting, punish the coach who could have easily prevented it. Thirdly, you can prevent a score like that if you want to. And hopefully by doing that you might actually teach your kids a little mercy, something they might need later in their lives. There is no excuse for a score like that. I have coached before and have gotten up on teams early, 35-0 in the first quarter, called off the dogs and only scored 10 points the rest of the game. It can be done if you really want. I bet he does next time.
  17. I am all about the kids, but when you talk about how good mms when they beat teams that they should and then make excuses about not playing bigger schools. I mean back to back rings in jr. high. Then those kids get to high school and the competition is a lot better and they don't do as good and all the blame is on the h.s.coaches.Thats not fair.I know one year st. anne beat every bmt. middle school, co and central and mms. I never said mms did not have a good team this year, they did, but who did they beat. St. anne has a school as small or smaller than MMs but they still play bigger schools and do quite well. St. anne has about 60 total boys in 7th and 8th grade.They have to let 6th graders play just to have two teams. They only won 2 games this year but they will still try to play the best competition they can find.
  18. And for the record lets compare schedules for the past 5 years. Co wilson beat us last year22-16. A co team that went undefeated in a strong 4a district. Your schedule was what, Barbers Hill "B" team, Legacy, Groves which lost every game this year and basically a St. Anne 7ht grade team.
  19. For the record St. Anne is 9-4-1 against MMs. With 3 losses coming when St. Anne. had less than 5- 8th graders on the team. With this years team starting 3 6th graders. And with your back to back undefeated teams, you beat a St. Anne team that started 10 7th graders. And with your undefeated team two years ago, they started 4 8th graders. See you next year.
  20. I would probably quit playing St. Anne also since they beat ya'll 75% of the time. And this years A team had 3 8th graders that started and 3 6th graders that started.
  21. They couldn't have went undefeated in there division because the St. Anne 7th graders beat them by 30.
  22. What if the two coaches from each team, H-J and O-F had coached the others teams. Sutherland for O-F and Wrinkle for H-J. Do you still think O-F would be 3rd and H-J 1st.
  23. Nostradamus, great post. It is amazing what a little bit of discipline will do for a kid and his future. If all coaches would only think of a kids future and not how they will help you win more games. Bad thing is, all the coaches that defend kids, let me rephrase that, defend Great Athletes with discipline problems, really don't care about the kids after they have gotten there championships or district titles. I very seldom see coaches go to battle for a "B" teamer, but the ones that do are what I consider a true coach. You would have thought that after three years at a Catholic school he would have changed for the better. I guess not. And every kid deserves a second chance, but at 18 years old and almost a graduate of high school, when do we expect this change to occur. And if somewhere down the line this kid, or any other athlete for that matter has a run in with the law, how many of his past coaches do you think will be there for him?
  24. All this time everyone was talking about how great the coach was for sticking to his guns when he suspended him indefinitely from the team. Actually the school board had enough of the bad pub. for P.A. and they were the ones who made the decision to not let him play. It wasn't the coach. I just wonder why now he can play. Who would have thought. I wonder how the rest of the team who has been busting their tails all year and actually got in the playoffs without him feels about this. I would be ticked. But everyone else on here seems to think thats o.k. Back to the win at all costs attitude. Let's not teach our youth how to become good citizens, lets just worry about their athletic talent. And don't give me that bull about second chances. He has been this way since jr. high. Only todays coaches are more worried about the win then teaching kids right from wrong. This problem started long ago and should have been fixed long ago.
  25. St. Anne and B.C. played last year to a 2pt. game at B.C. In that game I believe a couple of B.C. players fouled out also. But St. Anne also shot 41 free throws and missed 26 of those.
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