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  1. I hate it; it was extortion.  First Selig questioned the potentila ownership of Jim Crain and didn't want to approve him due to his questionable business practices.  Several months later, and at the time that the new CBA was to be finalized, Selig changed his mind and approved Crain but only if he agreed to the move.  Then they had to pay Crain $70 million to move.  I can't stand DH baseball but regardless, they way this was handled was purely underhanded and sneaky. Additionally, there is a reason why no other NL team would move to the AL, because AL teams cost more to operate due to the average $8 million DH. I would like to know only one thing.  If the Cubs or Cardinals had been up for sale, instead of the Astros, would MLB even attempt to move one of these teams to the AL.  Hell NO.
  2. I personally can't stand the AL brand of baseball.  I have been a lifelong Astros fan.  I started watching them when they used to battle it out with the Braves in the 80s.  I don't really think that I will be able to watch them when they start playing with a DH.  I really hate the way that (apparantly) Jim Crane has been blackmaled into switching leagues.  MLB, and the press, drags his name through the mud and then agrees to sell (apparantly again) if he agrees to move to the AL.  What a load of crap. 
  3. 21-14 Bobcats.  Go BOBCATS!!!!!!
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