I agree with you Bobcat Believer. There are MANY good athletes out there that get overlooked. I realize this is just one person's opinion, but Dayton continually gets left out. Hats off to SETXsports for giving Dayton their due recogntion with the SETXsports All Area Football team. We appreciate you. However, did any of you notice that not ONE Dayton football player was named to the Beaumont Enterprise All SE Texas team? Not one! Undefeated district champs and the Enterprise didn't feel that any Dayton athlete was deserving?! The Enterprise also did not cover our 2 playoff games even though we were representing the Golden Triangle. If anyone out there knows someone at the Enterprise, you might want to suggest better coverage of ALL teams in the district. Whether you wanted us or not.....we're a part of it! After apprehension, the vast majority of the people in Dayton are glad we are in the new district. I hear many complements from parents/players/coaches about the quality of competition and the awesome fan support in the Golden Triangle.