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  1. Definitely prayers
  2. I really don’t know why this is so hard to understand…reality is that it takes both, great players and coaches, but the best of coaches cannot win without players…Nick Saban even touched on this in an interview yesterday when talking about being selective about what NFL jobs candidates should consider
  3. lol....if it makes you feel better, it's mutual (with love, of course)
  4. I'll be honest, I am not too concerned about back-to-back state championships and you shouldn't be either this week...quit talking about Nederland! what's the fascination? I'm a Dog fan, yes, but I am just on here giving my honest opinion about what will happen this week...could I be wrong, sure I could
  5. They may have been, but png doesn't have the same team they had last year either...they were much stronger on the back end of their D last season than they appear to be this year and from what I see, png had better team speed last year...png and Texas High does make for an interesting matchup as png does have size and can match up in the trenches..I just don't think they will be able to contain the skill players for TH, but that's why they play the games
  6. Was their a penalty on Nederland to start OT?
  7. Much better passer although not near as mobile
  8. Refs lost control of this a while back
  9. Man, Thomas is a stud!! Been saying that since his sophomore year, but dang!
  10. It’s on now, but hit and miss…Go Dogs!
  11. Montgomery needs a bond issue then
  12. Playing a big fat pile of nothing on mine
  13. Anyone else having issues with Texan live?
  14. Hate to hear that for the Huntsville QB, especially since he is a senior...speedy recovery for that young man...Dogs will have to fight the challenge of putting the png game in the rearview mirror and moving forward...bigger task than you think when it comes to 16 and 17 year old young men, but I believe in them...one game at a time...DC is within reach
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