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MadiRays Mom

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Everything posted by MadiRays Mom

  1. WTG Shanice! McNeese is getting a great player!
  2. We are so proud of you Kassie! Congrats to the entire James family!
  3. Congrats AJ! Glad to see all your hard work has paid off! Looks like we'll get to watch you play for at least 2 more years!!
  4. What an incredible difference a single life has made! Chuck will be missed by all of us-- to put it simply: he was a great guy. Stephanie, Chelsea, Jessica and the rest of the McLain family will be in our thoughts & prayers. The Cole family
  5. Looks like the Crush complex will have another full weekend!
  6. Orange Crush 14u will be holding open tryouts Thursday, August 14th at 5:30pm for players interested in playing competitive fastpitch softball at the highest level of play. We are a 2nd year 14u team looking for players to add to our returning core for the upcoming 2008/2009 season. We are open to different positions, but players must have a very strong bat and a team-first attitude. Tryouts will be held at the Crush fields on Field 2. *Additional tryout dates will be posted later.* If you have any questions, please contact Robert Cole at [email protected] or (409)670-6780.
  7. I found the following in the NAFA Rule Book: CODE OF CONDUCT Coaches are expected to be leaders and must comply with the following prinicples and ethics: a. Develop and maintain a comprehensive knowledge of current NAFA softball rules. d. Comply wholeheartedly with the spirit and intent of the rules. THE DELIBERATE TEACHING OF PLAYERS TO VIOLATE THE RULES IS INDEFENSIBLE. e. Teach their parents to respect the diginity and intergrity of the game, opponents, officials, spectators and the institutions they represent. f. Prohibit team personnel from using profanity or making personal or malicious remarks towards opponents, officials, or spectators. I could go on, but why bother? I think the four things I have listed just about cover everything the GCB crowd did NOT do once they realized they were disqualified. GCB may want to argue all the reasons why listing players from another GCB team on their roster was not a big deal. They may go on and on about how Crush (Cole) was sooooooooo scared and by doing so, try to shift the focus to our team. They can split hairs about whether or not is it considered cheating, but the bottom lines is that the GCB coaches, parents and players all knew that they were breaking the rules & chose to do it anyway.
  8. I almost forgot that! RayRay out-cheated you! :o Who would have thought that you could be taken down by a helpless 13 year old girl? She made her mother proud! ;D
  9. On behalf of both my family and the Viator family, I want to send a huge "THANK YOU" to everyone who came out this weekend. All of you helped make this tournament an unbeliveable success. Thanks again and God Bless, Stacia Cole
  10. The reason we had practice was to prove once & for all that I should not EVER be allowed to play softball! I barely made the team as a BENCHWARMER!! At last count, we have 18 teams signed up to play. It should be a great weekend in CRUSHLAND!
  11. We actually have 18 teams signed up as of today! In addition to the tournament, there will be a silent auction, 2 moon walks for the little kids and LOTS & LOTS of Food!!
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