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Everything posted by sportsmom3

  1. good job oilers!!!!!!
  2. we beat sabine pass 81-38 not much difference
  3. guess there is no doubt who i am picking!! can we say 19 - 1
  4. hey UT--- i was kidding around....but since you brought it up have you seen him play? just curious because i read on one of your other post that said copeland should not be on top 30---and with that statement just wondering if you have seen the boys play? oh and by the way i think he is that good!!!
  5. great job guys!!!! Thanks for the stats
  6. Sorry, no....i figured someone would be on to give them....guess i should have just gone to the game and i wouldnt be sitting here wondering
  7. how about we just agree that we disagree?
  8. good luck hd.....where do yall play
  9. good job, cats i think high island is the "rudy" of our district.....you cant help but cheer for them and you are right they play from start to finish
  10. 81----38 final good job oilers!!!
  11. thanks for the clarification :
  12. 60--20 WH at half
  13. end of 1st-Wh--33 SP--15
  14. first quarter 2min left WH-28 SP-11
  15. we moms must stick together... Reality i do not agree at all with your statement...what simmons have you been watching play ???
  16. there are 2 sides to every story..... ive learned that (NO OFFENSE) everything you hear or read in the media may not be the exact way it went down........
  17. [move]WEST HARDIN OILERS!!![/move]
  18. if this shot is not... you will still see him on ESPN.....just not in an oiler jersey
  19. i could not agree more chick....fill me in (half court team) ???
  20. hey BMT he asked for input and it looks like he's getting it....i havent heard anyone ragging, just commenting.. and those 2 WH boys belong on this list without a dout and higher than they started.... i do agree with what you said earlier about this being strictly opinion... there is no way any of us who are posting could give a truly accurate list :-\
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