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Everything posted by Lazeek

  1. Sweet...............played high school golf with Scott!!!!!!! He may have beat me but HJ kicked LCM's but on a regular basis!!!!!!!!
  2. I think that is DickVitale in the picture with all the red shirts!!!!!!!! DV loves those white country folks!!!!!
  3. NOPE your wrong I see one black person in the Utah pic that has mostly red jersey!!!!! :D :D
  4. disappointing night for me..........I was pulling for Duke and Memphis!!!! :(
  5. Just give it a rest. The only thing that he has done is pull your chain enough to get you rattled!!! :D
  7. So are you saying that since I am a HJ fan that I am letting it go????? Not the case at all. If he does something wrong then I will address it. I am not going to babysit someone on here and tell them they can or can't do something because someone is upset about it unless they are doing something that is not permitted.
  8. It is no different than what DV or Dove do...........and I do not hear you saying to do something about it when it is those two. It is a message board and they have done nothing that is out of line.
  9. If you don't like it then do not read it.........nothing wrong........annoying to some, but nothing wrong with it.
  10. You got a problem with no black guys in the stands?????? :D
  11. No Look you can come sit with me and Poppabear if you would like................you might if you are lucky to get Spinks to come to a game!!!!!!
  12. I am about to begin negotiations with HJISD and SETXSPORTS.COM about me broadcasting HJ hoop next season!!!!!!!! I will be unbiased and call it straight each and every game!!!!!!! : : :
  13. I do not run the tourney but I would assume that they will use both gyms as it will be 16 teams.
  14. Nos do you not return text messages????
  15. Well what can I say? ;)
  16. You know that I am honest and only speak the truth!!!!!!!!!! I shall quote the great DickVitale...................It is what it is!!!!!!!! The only problem is that most golf courses in this area are dumps!!!!!! ;)
  17. I would imagine if it is a 16 team tourney and 16 teams are listed then it is likely full!!!!! ;)
  18. I did what was right only because we had the game won...............we were leading 14-5 going into the last inning. Had the game of been close then I would not have made the changes!!!!!!! ;)
  19. Sounds like all of those comments about the Hawks playing weak competition this year made HJ stiffen the competition for next year!!!!!!!!!! : : :
  20. Actually the making love part would only last about 3-5 minutes!!!!!!! ;)
  21. Let me see??? Play golf at a dump..............OR...............Sit on the beach, have a cocktail or two, look at hot chicks (through dark sunglases of course), enjoy fine cuisine and then make love all night to Spinks and Nos sister!!!!!!! :D :D What would you do??? 8) 8) 8)
  22. I guarantee that they would be no worse than the 4 seed.
  23. I can agree with that but you said that they would probally would not even make the playoffs!!!!!
  24. That was not a choice!!!!!!!!!! I will once again have to pass up the Silsbee MGA event as I will be soaking up the rays and having a cocktail or two at the Sunset Key Island Resort!!!!!! 8) 8) 8)
  25. So if Kobe and Lebron changed teams you are telling me that the Cavs would not make the playoffs with Kobe??? WRONG!!!!!!!! I think the best player this year is LeBron..............hands down!!!!!!! Once again he does more with less!!!!!!! Haven't I said that before!!!! :D
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