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Everything posted by Lazeek

  1. Hey look at us (Ozen) we are Elite....last won state in 01!!!!!!!!!!! : : :
  2. Although most people ;) would disagree with what DV post at least it makes sense when he post it!!!!!! :D
  3. if you ask me they arent they're nowhere close to the powerhouses such as ozen, yates, wheatley,oakcliff come on kenny lets be real all these team would run them out the gym so therefore their not being worthy of mention when it comes to elite teams in the state and definetly not the country Can you read??? I just said that Nobody said they were in the country's elite or even the state's...........but that they are without a doubt in elite in the state in 3A!!!!!!!!!
  4. Would be very interested. My son was on Sam's team two years ago and my son was on the all-star team with Zac and Gavin last year. Greyson is a year older than my son. I know BB as well, but he is older than my son as well. Sam and Dustin both know me. Thanks for all the info. Rob
  5. I know that HJ had two very good Freshman this year that will be on Varsity next season. Joe Persohn 6'3 Shawn Prudhomme 6'2 But they are pathetic little 3A players so they are not likely that good. : : : :
  6. I told you guys to be patient and that you would be happy!!!!! KP never lies!!!! :D
  7. Listen Gabe don't start no stuff with me!!!!!! I was distracted when I posted it!!!!!! Congrats to all players and coach for the award!!!! ;)
  8. Congrats.........just another player from HJ that the coaches did not help get a scholarship!!!!!!!
  9. Can we just get through this season's accolades and we will worry about next season at a later time.
  10. Listen I have been around golf my entire life and I mean my entire life and I was a Jack lover back then and still am a Jack lover now, but I finally woke up about a year ago and realized that Tiger is the greatest plater of all time. You are seriously confused if you think that the competition was better in Jack and Arnie's time. At that time there was 6-8 guys who could win a tournament week in and week out. Now just about anybody that tee's it up in the tournament can win the tournament. I am not sure of the % but I would bet that the top 6-8 guys won 85-90% of the tournaments in Jack's time and I would say that the top 6-8 in today's time only win about 25-30% of the tournaments. It was a hard pill for me to swallow but I got it down and there is no comparison between the competition from Jack's time and Tiger's time.
  11. Congrats to all of the players from both teams............
  12. Mike you should have left it up............let's get to the bottom of this prick!!!!!!!!
  13. If you do not hide then PM me and tell me who you are????
  14. I cannot speak for Mike or Jordan but I can assure you that I have spoke with a few of the donors and they were made aware of the expenses and what the donations would be used for. Gas, Food, Lodging, UIL Fees, Etc. They needed $1500 to cover the expenses for the weekend and whatever they received over that goes toward the expenses of running this site.
  15. If you have a problem with the broadcast then PM me and I will give you Mike and Jordan's info and you can discuss it with them. You need to be a little more professional about the way that you are handling this.
  16. If you know something that we don't then enlighten us!!!!!!!
  17. If it is in reference to the money that some of the HJ faithful paid so that the game could be broadcast from Austin then it was done with the understanding that it was good for both games and the possibility of only getting one game. What is the big deal???? I am very thankful that Jordan and Mike were in Austin doing the broadcast. The funds that were collected also went for expenses while in Austin..........gas, food, hotel, fees paid to UIL for broadcasting the game(s), etc.
  18. The only comparison is that they will be in the same district Dove!!!!! ;D ;D ;D
  19. Just another shining star from PAT!!!!!!!! : :
  20. Careful AAW!!!!!!!!! DV will lump you into the group that he feels is ignorant and sublime to the obvious!!!!!! Nos, Spinks and stevenash have all been forever attached to me as a troublemaker and "know it all"!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Listening I think that it is great if that is the mentality that you have. You know as well as I do though that the games are what are important. I do no understand why you can't figure that out. The kids are important, but how can you or any other coach justify keeping a kid that is nothing but trouble.............even if he is the star of the team. Just looks bad on your part and the schools part. IMO any other school in SE Texas would have gotten rid of the player from Ozen this year after what he was arrested for. Just looks bad for BISD!!!!
  22. HJ got rid of arguably one of the best players to ever put on a HJ uniform about 10 years ago. He left and finished his high school career at LCM. HJ does not tolerate players that feel they are special or should get special treatment. Tells me the coach does not have a "backbone"..........Pun intented!!!!!!!!
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