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Everything posted by Lazeek

  1. Imagine that still downgrading the SLC after the Champion gets a #14 seed. That tells me that there is at least 9 other Conference Champs that the "COMMITTEE" thinks are worse than the SLC Champ.
  2. Actually someone from the almighty Ozen put Burrell from HJ on there....................Trey is a good dunker and so is Jacoby but they are far from being the highlight rell type of dunkers. Although the two did connect on a nice alley oop at Dayton against Liberty in the playoffs.
  3. DickVitale for Ozen coach!!!!!!!!!!!! Hip, hip, hooray!!!!!!!!
  4. So knowing a kids background and family history, you would really kick a kid off the team that only has basketball to keep him outta trouble? Being a coach you get caught up in sticky situations and who do you protect the program or that kid? "Protecting the kid" in short run usually does just the opposite over time. It teaches him that he can get by without conforming and that usually encourages more bad behavior. by then the kid would be in jail. please stay outta the coaching world...lol..sounds like you rather take care of a program than take care of a kid...good luck...lol I am not a coach and never will be first of all!!!!!!!!!!! But the team is my concern first, then the individual players on the team. One bad apple can spoil the entire basket. Or one thug can ruin the entire team. Take it how you want, but if I have a bad apple (regardless of how good he is) then he is GONE!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Yes there is..................our team lost to Vidor in the Championship last year to go to the State Tournament in Dallas.
  6. See it is dumb statements like this that people end up getting pissed at you about!!!!!!!! Get a life DV!!!!! HJ will win another title before you win one as a head coach or assistant!!!!!!!!
  7. PG-1-Kevin Wagner, 3A, Estacado Only because he is a Sophomore and he single handedly beat the Hawks in the 4th and OT. :(
  8. Looks like Billy Donovan saw the writing on the wall in Kentucky............he turned it down!!!!!! Now he is struggling at Florida, but he will right the ship!!!!!
  9. Of course they were................that is why they were lucky enough to get to OT and then take out Estacado!!!!!! Oh BTW Estacado was lucky enough to get to OT against HJ.
  10. It is simple..............HJ has had players like that in the past..........key word being HAD!!!!!! They do ont tollerate that crap and the kids can find another sport to play if they do not play by the rules. That is the coaches fault if they let that crap continue.
  11. I would not be surprised if he gets fired in the next few weeks.
  12. BTW Stang Hoops if you read closely he was basically dogging WOS also............saying that since the last 4 Region 3 Champs have come from this area's 3A district and that only one of them have won any games at the State tournament.
  13. Oh come on now.............are you upset that nobody is talking about WOS???? :D
  14. No you don't!!!!!!!!! You are lying to yourself now!!!!!!
  15. Because it is DickVitale!!!!!!!! HE KNOWS EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! : : :
  16. Careful no-look..................DickVitale will get on you for thinking that HJ could have played with Madison!!!!!!! : :
  17. You do not respect Silsbee and HJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody thinks that HJ and Silsbee are worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as any elite team in the country or state for that matter. They however are worthy of being in the same breath as the top 3A schools in the state. As far as coaching goes there is not a better group of coaches in SE TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody said they had the best coaching staff in the country or even the state of Texas. You read and understand what you want to read and then post your biased opinion!!!!!!!!
  18. Nobody is telling him to shut up.................just give some respect instead of saying that people or teams are overrated because they are not Ozen, LSC-PA or some school from Houston. That is all that we are trying to tell him. Classifications are classifications..........regardless of which one you are in is irrelevant!!!!!!! Don't knock Silsbee and HJ since they are 3A...........they have both been very successful the last several years and it is funny that most give them respect and that DV does not because they are not Ozen, LSC-PA or some Houston school!!!!!!!! My guess is that DV would love to be a coach at either of those two schools. If not then why were you a coach at Kirbyville, Anahuac, etc?????
  19. Always have the answer.................sometimes right, sometimes wrong, but always something sarcastic!!!!!! That should be your new signature. :D
  20. I coach my son's team at Twin County. It is his first year in Coach Pitch, but he has played 3 years of Tee ball. He played 1st/3rd for the TC All Star #1 team last year. He will be my 1st baseman this season as well.
  21. Once again avoiding the question at hand!!!!!!
  22. Then you do not watch golf much........this field was limited to only 79 players. Most fields have 156 players. This was limited by invitation only!!!!!!!
  23. I just ordered the Louisville Slugger 2009 TPX Triton -10 Senior Bat 28/18 from hq4sports and it will be here on Wednesday. I am excited and so is my son. It is his first year of coach pitch but I feel that he is a strong 7 year old who will be 8 in three months. Hits the pretty good. We shall see. Thanks again for the advice, input and even the criticism!!!!
  24. Ask DickVitale!!!!!! : : : :
  25. I feel confident that I would only double my poor little salary!!!!! The job will be open this week if it is not already and you will not get the job even if you apply. That is a guarantee!!!!! Besides if you were to get it you could look to me to do all of your dirty work for you!!!!!
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