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  1. thanks warrior sports we really have been i am sr. and i have ben whaiting for a while my self we have 8 returning sr. 2 jr/3 soph. we will have a very strong team we are already looking better than last year now with a three starting pitcher rotation and two releavers for each and a new coach that really knows his stuff it will be a very exciting year as for the next 4 years we will be pretty bad loosing 2nd / 4 pitchers / short / 3rd / center / right
  2. Kountze 3rd are you crazy they were bad last year with not alot of potential own jv East Chambers last E.C. did not loose hardly anything there best pitch is a jr.this year they were a yong team last year... BUNA HARDIN DEWEYVILLE EAST CHAMBERS ANAHUAC WARREN KOUNTZE
  3. west hardin isa joke when we played them we had our jv pitchers pitching and our jv catcher if anything the top teams will be high island they have some talented kids evadale spurger probobly be # 1 or # 2 they were good i think they had a girl that was really good .... possibly hull but therer is my top 3 no order
  4. well we beat every Team in the district but hardin and every team in the district beat us exsept west hardin we have a very strong team and have the talent to win the district or at least get second we have 7 returning sr. 1 jr. under new coaching and a lot of determination i think it will be a very good year for us
  5. fresh water would be a red bug wacky worm riged texas stile without the waite nail in the tail or a pearl white bass assasine riged for top water hook exsposed ar with a jig head weedless for deep water cold conditions salt water cant go wrong with a 5 inch read and white rapala own one rod and a 1 ounce silver rattle trap own the other rod trolling two rods off shore
  6. how will they finish
  7. we are going to have quite a year this coming season it is going to be a battle we still have joe dooley as 10th grader he went to state in the 7th place spot and placed in the 60's... still have three returning runers and one very strong runner starting next year deweyville will still be top team in district at best..
  8. i was wanting to know some tips own hunting own the big lakes like toledo and pines and caddo... decoy set ups what to look for when going to find a spot...
  9. yep they have been really shy so i cut my spread down from 36 ducks and 30 geece to 10 ducks that vibrate and 3 geece seemed to work last weekend at the lake killed a limit fri. sat. and sun. fri. hunted big lake killed a mix sat. and sun. hunted back water killed nothing but mallards 4 drakes and a hen both days my best hunts of the year
  10. the apsolute best is having a big bull dolphin explode own your popper as you troll along a weed line and very tasty fish
  11. has any one hunted in bridge city erea or killed anything any where for that mater are the birds seeming to be decoy shy it has been a hard season for me except for the wood ducks have got my to every time even some kicker teal and gadwall
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