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  1. First Congrats to HD and there fine performance, great game by Elliott & company. My vote for player of the week 6 for 8 form 3 point land and many assist. Good luck Friday night in Spurger make me proud. Now for Catman & bigbasketballfan, I have seen Mr. Copeland from WH play every game including tourney's, and as of right now he has about 4 offensive fouls for the year, none of which were for pushing offwith a forearm. Bigbasketballfan correct me if I'm wrong, according to your rules,you are applying to, its says (HAND) to hinder. Well for a fact, in 1 game he had no offensive fouls, and went to the stripe 25 times. I believe a reach would be considered a (HAND), and do the rules also mention, (HAND CHECKING),this goes on everytime he touches the ball. As far as on the road & at home, the refs must not know that (FOREARM) rule!!!!! I believe it may have been called once so far. The way I see it, I guess what your saying is the refs in East Texas don't know the rules...I think you both need to stick to positive feed back instead of all this BS, I guess ya'll are both a little jealous the way I see it. He is one of the most respected players in East Texas, (I guess thats why I here fans & coaches say, most every game, you better not let #5 shoot), just ask around, on and off the court. He EARNED that respect!!!! If your bucking for Player or MVP of the district, go out and earn it, like he does on a nightly basis. Don't make posts like these hoping to better yours or your players chances. Again Good Luck to HD the rest of the way.........Thanks for the support Mr. Reality
  2. I pick HD by 9 on the road, must body up on 44, and shutdown those 3's. WH had them beat but could'nt knock down those free throws (20 of 42).
  3. To Coach Fuller, The Oilers & The Fans, What a pleasure it has been to be a part of this great run, there was some amazing games this year, and what an atmosphere. I have really enjoyed being a part of this season. You guys have alot to be PROUD of, keep your heads high. Take what coach Fuller has taught you and use it in your daily lives, and you will go far. As for the seniors I will miss seeing you guys next year , I encourage each of you to continue, your education somewhere, and hope to see some of you in action at the next level. Keep working hard at whatever you do and GOD will bless you. As for the under classmen you continue to work ,and you will be fine, you all got a taste of what a great year is like, that should give each of you great incentive to work harder than before, to get back, although you are losing some great leaders, you have others waiting to step up. Look forward to seeing you next year. As for coach Kent ,what an outstanding individual, you have been a great role model, and leader on and off the court, I have really enjoyed getting to know you, and talking with you this season. You all are winners in my book. GREAT SEASON OILERS......Looking forward to seeing that banner hanging in the gym for years to come. And last but not least, FANS, I have really enjoyed getting to know alot of you, it was a great time by all this year, hope to see you again next year. Oilers good Luck in whatever your path may lead you in....... Thanks for a wonderful season..........1 -12 -13........
  4. Well ltown, you have a right to your opinion on who you think is "Player Of The Year", period end of conversation. Not on who does not, deserve it and why. There are many players in setx. that deserve it. In my opinion Letsinger deserves to be mentioned, He is not only a leader on the court, but off the court as well. He is well respected by his peers, and as all great athletes, would love to play at the next level. It seems like he may have that chance according to WH coaches post to you. Good Luck to all...............
  5. Hey M, Ya'll continue to be in our prayers, speacially on game days. Keep the Faith, and keep the stress level to a min. [move]GO OILERS BEAT Broaddus - 1-12-13[/move]
  6. There are many great coaches to choose from, Taps thru 5A, but coach Kent Fuller stands tallest in my eyes. He teaches TEAM unity & leadership on and off the court, he cares about his TEAM top to bottom, he not only wants them to succeed on the court, but also in life. They know he will be there when the chips are down. Win or lose,this man will always be a winner, where ever he goes.
  7. GOOD LUCK OILERS............and the rest of the Hardin County Teams....Hope all keep rolling............. :)
  8. Since I get my info on Chireno off this site, most of the scores I saw all year, were in the 95 to 120 or so. Was it because the district was weak or what. I have seen the Jackson boys play, and I know what they are capable of doing. I do remember some very low scoring games too. Just wondering????
  9. ;D Well I not going to make any prediction, but what I will give is a scouting report. I was at the HD vs Broaddus game the other night. If we play our game, we should have no problems. But we cannot let them lul us to sleep with the passing ,and leave someone open under the basket. Players to watch are #25,#34 & I believe #40. They are a very patient team, well coached in there game plan. We will have to blockout and rebound. They scored 50 pts ,and 95% were in the paint, and off the glass, lay ups. #34 (Good Hops) likes to drive & #25 & #40 (post players) like the points ,in and around the bucket. #34 also crashes for those trash points. The other 5% was outside. Being serious I would have to say there were only a hand full of shots taken outside the paint. 1 three... Good Luck Oilers.....Remember its one game at a time.........Stay focused and continue playing your style B-Ball. 1-12-13 Good Team & Coaching effort last night........Alot of class WH
  10. :-X Looking at the 1A Boys Bracket it looks like it was 66-62??? Where were the 100 points? Or were those 100 pt games, from running up the score, and not calling off the dogs.
  11. Good Luck Sambo, and HD, lets get a 1st round win, Just from what I have read about Broaddus over the past month, I think ya'll have a great chance to pull this out, play your game and as Mr. Reality, tells it like it is: LEAVE IT ALL ON THE COURT. Godwin this could be a night to shine, shut that post man down. Be aggressive and play your game and evrything else will fall into play. Its time to step it up.......... Go Bobcats..........Hope your Fans show out.........
  12. I will have to go with Letsinger, what a great floor general, he has been known to take over games, when needed. What an unselfish player. Great attitude, great work ethic, great LEADER, just ask his teammates. His numbers speak for themselves. Has been ranked in the top 25 Jr.& Sr. years. Good Luck Brandon and the WH Oilers throughout the playoffs. Play Hard, leave it on the court. 1 Goal - 12 Strong - 13 Fans
  13. To my knowledge, Mrs. Fuller and baby are now at UTMB and will remain there until the baby is born. Each day is a very critical day. So speaking for Coach Fuller and Family, your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated. Continue to pray as each day passes it is a blessing, for she needs to continue to carry the baby as long as possible. Also keep Coach Fuller and children in your prayers.
  14. WOW !!!!!!! it is great to see all the prayers for Coach Fuller and his family. We will be lifting ya'll up here in Hull....looks like there are many prayer lists started. Coach if we can help give us a hollar.
  15. I would like to thank BBALLCHICK for starting this (Prayer) post, and I would like to thank the rest of you for praying for Tyler, you to Keshia. Many of you might not have heard but his fever broke, right before the game, he played and contributed, by playing smart, and making good decisions,not trying to do the impossible. He left it all on the court, along with part of his Braces,Blood, & parts of his lip. But again thanks again to everyone ,as you can see Prayers do work.
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