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Everything posted by OldTimer

  1. Would not be the first time a coach has laughed off reports and then signs on he dotted line. But in this case - depending on the remainder of the season - would be very surprised to see Strong leave Texas.
  2. I personally am not in panic mode at this time - remember last year after the 59-0 blowout the team was done and no way to right the boat while they did lose to Missouri and LSU at least they played respectively in those games - but as with many Aggie supporters I have my serious concerns on the complete bottoming out that has happened the last two years - I can take a loss but to have the offense play like it did against Ole Miss is unacceptable. Good news is if they can get the locker room under control the remaining schedule (with the exception of LSU) can lead to a quick cure for the last two games.
  3. This backs up what I heard from a players father that is on the team Sunday evening that (1) Allen's shoulder is not 100% and has been hurt from before the Bama game but was re-injured during the Bama game (2) Murray has had a horrible attitude since before the Alabama game and had been disruptive in the locker room (3) that players specially the receivers have taken sides on who they think should be the starter. Could be a long remainder of the year if Sumlin and his coaches cannot rein in the issues on this team at the moment.
  4. Yes the 6th has been hard and now with the recent play of the offense the games with SC, Vandy and Auburn now also seem to be maybe in question. Seems like there may be some division in the locker room - there is some issue that is under the rug and why Kyler did not play - this was the perfect time to give him the whole 2nd half. He may already be gone - but cannot take action tell the end of the season. The play this week by Allen may just put salt on that wound as well. My take is the defense was decent but allowed the game to get away early - then tightened up but the offense was terrible and not having or using you talented back-up indicates issues. I have supported Sumlin as I saw and do still see improvement in the overall program - but what is Stoops nickname "big Game Stoops" looks like Sumlin might just take that away from him. Still do no like the play calling if Spavatal - run on first, quick pass to the outside and then try to make 3rd and long then punt pretty much every series.
  5. lol Seen you on the site from time to time - good to see your are ok - stick you head in from time to time just to say hi!
  6. It is good to see that there are still down to earth talented athletes in the world were talented athletes are normally spoiled rotten, privileged and problem causing members of civilization. I just also love that he is an Aggie - as a player and it seems as a person.
  7. And I also kinda miss GCMPATS2!
  8. No and never would - I have been bantering back and forth with TxHoops for a while now and feel that I know him better than to believe that this was nothing more than another joking swipe at A&M and meant in total jest - if I felt otherwise I would just leave the site. I have really no issues with TxHoops and like the back and forth with him - cannot say that with all the Texas fans here but with him I have absolutely no issues. I have made my own borderline comments in the past - just felt in this case that I needed to speak up. I hope this puts this issue to bed.
  9. I can take a lot of kidding and even visceral comments about A&M and myself - and well just about anything else - and I believe that we have become too PC as a nation in general. But to equate any school, person, institution, organization or anything or anyone else to Nazi Germany - without true cause - and what they did is just over the top and I believe going way too far.
  10. Been to many many Texas A&M games and have never seen a Nazi flag or swastica - you don't like a school that's ok but this is a little be far even for you. Thought that would be more of an Austin thing myself.
  11. lol - yeah but A&M still has not lost this year by 35 and 43 - so I still say A&M would beat Texas. But we can say what we want until they play again it will always be an unwinnable argument regardless of what side you happen to be on. BRING THE GAME BACK!!!!!!
  12. Texas A&M I think has a good chance to win this one as Ole Miss is having its own struggles. A&M - 31 Ole Miss - 27 A&M line needs to give out QB more time as it appears he struggles under pressure.
  13. While I think Texas will win - I think it is a mistake to put too much emphasis on the OU-Kansas State score as OU was pissed on how poorly they played against Texas and took it out on K-State.
  14. Me - If you go back and look I actually picked them to beat TCU - and really thought before the game they had a chance - boy was I wrong. Here I go again - Texas will beat Kansas State this weekend.
  15. Not any worse than 'if we could kick or punt"?
  16. When in my comment did I ever ever say that A&M should have won the game - all I did was point out that the game was not as big a blowout that Texas fans are seeming to state it was - A&M lost I can handle that. Fact is you give up over 200 yards rushing to 1 player it is hard to find many positives so A&M had better work on its rushing defense or even this year could turn into another average year. But you don't mind it when Texas fans make the statement - "man if we had not blown the kicking game we would be 4 - 2 and would be talking about the great year we are having" - so its ok for Texas fans to "subtract" parts of the game but nobody else?
  17. Almost - still a loss. Now you are riding the coat tails of OU? And Texas fans calling A&M fans "snobby" kinda like the pot calling the kettle black!
  18. At this time I do consider it just a stumble - if A&M could come back and beat Ole Miss this weekend and then the next 4 games (all of which at this time still look very winnable) line up well for A&M - if (and that is if) they can beat Ole Miss and then the next four games I think that A&M at 10 - 1 vs LSU would be a big time match-up for the season ender. I do not think that is still out of the question if A&M can beat Ole Miss this weekend.
  19. No but Bama is becoming an automatic nationally televised game every year and win or lose that helps. Also, name any team over the last 5- 6 years that has beaten Bama more than once - would be a very short list.
  20. 18 Point loss is not good - but take out the first quarter and the game was pretty even - Bama is a good team and every team has to play a good game against them to win and 3 pick 6's is not playing a good game. But who knows maybe we can lose by 35 and 43 and still claim to be having a rebound year. As with the Texas kicking game - take out the pick 6's and you have a toss-up game. I am not in panic mode at this time.
  21. Well it is good to see that Texas is tied with Iowa State in the Big 10 (12) rankings man that is an improvement from the Horns of old.
  22. Good to see the Texas fans back with their posts in support of their old rival. I knew they were just waiting in the wings until the Aggie's stumbled - However, 1 loss does not destroy a season now we will have to wait and see if they have some pride the rest of the season.
  23. Not going to beat a bad team with 3 pick 6's - do it against Alabama and go ahead and sing the swan song.
  24. This may well be the make it game of the year for the Aggie's - They win and they will have the momentum to perhaps have a season for ages. I have said I hope that A&M has a great season but still think 2016 is the target year.
  25. Actually I thought this looked photoshopped all right - but looks more like a parton of the bars on 6th street to me - sure that is not a little burnt orange paint right above the L and the M ???????? Just made her way down to College Station to "stand out" - lol.
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