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Everything posted by OldTimer

  1. Yeah the poor B***ard went from a great job to a really good one - in less that 2 days - what a tough life  :o
  2. "Life has many ways of Testing a person's will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once"   "Do Not Pray for an easy Life, Pray for the Strength to endure a difficult one"   As always all our differences and petty arguments are put to the side and seem petty when tragedy - or in this case the promise of a better future - raises its head.   Always - Prayers and Best Wishes.   Side Note: The place I work at has an active Relay for Life group that I have participated with since I lost my mother and sister to cancer - will add another name to the list that I support every year.
  3. Texas student handbook:   "Texas' student-athlete handbook for 2014-15 says that players are subject to a suspension for 10 percent of their season and counseling upon a second positive test. A third positive test would require a half-season suspension along with counseling, and the punishment for a fourth positive test is dismissal."   WHAT - no mention of action upon a first positive test - wonder why?  Did not Strong put in a strong "No Drugs" policy?   And yes I know those are only guidelines - just like busting chops.
  4. Looks like a positive step.
  5. Had to make that correction before Buddy beat me senseless  ;)
  6. Man I am sorry - UK - damn my arthritic fingers  :P
  7. I am wondering if he is gone or not - you would think if he is gone you would want the replacement as soon as possible.     Did the late season minor surge buy him another year at the helm?  
  8. Be interesting to see who eats crow - the owl or the mice.   Just hope it is a good game.   WVU loses and it will up to Oklahoma to carry the Big 12 banner the rest of the tourney.   Just like it is up to KU to carry the banner for the SEC.
  9. Interesting argument......   So losing to a team you are supposed to beat is different in basketball than it is in football  :blink:   Man I'm going to have to contemplate on that for a few minutes!
  10. Texas can't pull it out - Big 12 had a rough day today.
  11. Big comeback looks like will fall short.
  12. Looks like SMU might fall as well - but UCLA winning is  that really that much of a surprise?
  13. Looks like neither Butler or Texas really wants this game - as neither team can shoot - damn 26 - 26 3:00 Minutes into the 2nd period.
  14. Bad first day for the Big 12 - But Texas looks poised to break the Big12 curse - come on Horns.
  15. Baylor in a battle as well - Bears will prevail however.
  16. First Big upset on the Tourny - ISU goes down.
  17. And A&M deserves the NIT the way they ended the year - proves they have not made the turn yet - When they needed they win they could not pull it out.
  18. Texas is already in - good ending to a questionable season in a tough conference - and of course the Texas name will get you in.   If they play to their potential they could be the spoiler team of the year and make a deep run in the tourney.
  19. Have Struggled the last 3 games against sub par teams - Kennedy better be glad he had the great recruiting class - 3 straight losses to teams they should have beat to end the season.   I know this game is not over but 21 - 4 2nd half - smh
  20. One of these days even college students are going to understand that everything and I mean everything that is questionable is going to make it to the world wide web and haunt some of them for many years to come.   Side note:   How the Kurt Schilling incident played out is going to happen more and more I think.
  21. Question here is this:  Are the Browns or Texans more desperate at QB at the moment - I think it is a toss up.
  22. Funniest think here is that the Austin Police caught a professional football player in a footrace - are not they supposed to be fast and in shape and cops eat a lot of donuts  :D
  23. Can' be on the bubble and lose to 2 teams you should beat an expect to be included - they did this to themselves - unless they surprise a lot of people and go deep into the SEC tournament then it is the NIT for them.
  24. So you are saying that their defense is offensive  :P
  25. Mr. Buddy Garrity - I just have to ask - just how many games a week do you actually watch - and how many TV's do you have going at one time???
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