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Everything posted by OldTimer

  1. You have proof then I will back off.   But the fact is that my Aggie's and Raider's as well as your Horns likely bend and twist the rules a lot more than any of us will ever admit too.
  2. Don't know why but I feel this will be a surprise announcement for the Horns - just got that gut feeling for some reason.  If he goes to Texas I think he will be a good one for many years.
  3. As and SFA Alumni I hope that SHSU can pull the upset off  - that program deserves to win it this year.
  4. To one degree or another you are absolutely correct.
  5. And TxHoops  - I will agree with you that there should be some kind of benefit for the student athlete.   However, if and when that happens it could be the death of the small college programs - Texas, Texas A&M, Bama, Oklahoma, and those can afford to pay the additional funds or would find a way to do so.  But schools like Texas State, SFA, Lamar, Sam Houston State and likely TCU and perhaps Baylor would be hurt immediately.
  6. So again - No proof - No investigations and No Activity - so you can just say it and make it true?   So then if that is the case - the coaches that a year or so ago all stated that Briles at Baylor was crooked make it true? - I do not think so!   So if I were to say Texas cheats and "everybody" knows it - that makes it true - how interesting  ;)   And actually the 2002 violation was:  "Violation of honesty standards and bona fide outside employment and a failure to monitor."   Ouch - that would make Coach Strong angry - the Violation of Honesty  :D 
  7. Yeah that Texas Athletic Program was just falling apart - keep on telling yourself that and finally you will believe it.   Fact is that Mack was there 16 years and only had one season that he lost as many games as Strong did this year - in fact other than that year he really never came close again.   He also had great recruiting classes every year prior to Strong taking over - so the cupboard was not bare and the paint was not peeling.     Can Strong turn it around - I think he may - but I do look forward to next years conversation if he is 6 - 7 again (which is a distinct possibility) or even 7 - 6 - will be very interesting. 
  8. I just went to the NCAA Legislative Services Database which list all major infractions handled by the NCAA.   And I found it interesting that the Current Big 12 teams have had a total of 14 major infractions reported and handled by the NCAA since 2000.  The current members of t he SEC during the same time appear to have had 15 major infractions.     So that seems to dump a little cold water on the "assumption" that the SEC is the end all of wrong doing in the NCAA - at least when compared to the Big 12.   And just to compare Texas and Texas A&M - Texas had the most recent major violation and that was in 2002 - Texas A&M's last major violation was reported in 1994.
  9. This is typical Texas fan and anti-SEC banter.     IF YOU CAN'T BEAT THEM - WELL THERE IS ONLY ONE ANSWER - THEY MUST BE CHEATING.   Prove it them make the accusations - and if you think Texas is just a saint in this regard - you are very likely wrong.
  10. Sorry man - if Strong cannot sell the Texas brand he can not sell any team in any conference.
  11. Under your argument - Then Texas as well is on the decline:   2013: 8 - 5 2014: 6 - 6 and very likely 6 - 7   Fired the coach and got worse results - but "they have turned the corner".
  12. But I do really have to wonder - If as Texas fans state that Texas as turned the corner and will do nothing but go forward (and they well may have) and that Coach Strong is the bright star in the future of college football (and he may well be as well) - why is it that he appears to be having problems selling the Texas program to recruits?  I have to wonder?  Are the recruits not buying the Koolaide?   In the same discussion - why if Texas A&M is (as Mr. Garrity states) on the decline - why are they still able to sell the Texas A&M program they way they obviously can and still get top recruits?   Could the SEC be the deciding factor - who knows - or Maybe just maybe the situation at Texas is not as good as some wish it to be and the situation at A&M might not be a bad as those same people are hoping - time will tell.
  13. "Sounds like Chuckie is doing much better job with less talent"   Did you say that with a straight face - really?????   Texas since 2010 has had the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 16th ranked recruiting classes - if a player was redshirted they could still be playing - and you state that Charlie has had no talent to field - really - you can't be buying that can you really???
  14. To Reap - As used in a sentence    "The company (A&M) is poised to reap the benefits of this investment" - Synonyms: receive, obtain, get, acquire, secure, realize.   To Sow - To plant   So you used to reap and sow as a bad thing for A&M - my view is exactly the opposite A&M is reaping and will continue to reap the benefits of moving to the SEC.   Will that equate to wins and even a chance at the NC - who knows - time will tell.  But there is absolutely not doubt that Texas A&M is reaping the benefits of moving to the SEC.
  15. Let me see if this prediction surprises me - NOT!!   If I remember right you predicted the same thing for this year  :P   So the only team - in your opinion - that does not improve is A&M (even with the young roster that they have) - SC and ARK moving on up I see?   And yeah that Texas non-conference with RICE and powerful California (and their conference games of Iowa State, Kansas and Texas Tech) give them a lot of room to bash others I see!  Were you not the one that gave A&M a hard time for scheduling Rice?
  16. Everybody needs to just chill on JFF.   One game or even one year does not a flop make just like one game or one season does no make a hall of fame contender - history has proven that to all of us - no matter what GCMPats2 says :lol: .
  17. Horseshoe is ok - but the new Margaritaville is nice as well - not as big and the rooms are not as nice as Horseshoe - but the crowd is younger and better looking young ladies ;)
  18. JFF Round 1: Goes to GCMPats2   Total Score: GCMPats2 - 1 JFF Supporters  - 0   :D
  19. As an Aggie fan this game scares me a little - just  due to the fact that Texas A&M has to field a defensive unit  ;)   WVU gave TCU, Baylor, Alabama and OU decent games and ended up losing by less than 2 TD's in each - but then allowed Iowa State to give them a scare.   A&M went through the 3 weeks of hell (for their fans anyway) with the poor showings at Miss State and Ole Miss - then had the absolute collapse against Bama - but has looked a little better recently with the upset of Auburn and the near losses to 2 ranked teams their last 2 games.   My Prediction is: Texas A&M - 37 WVU - 35   I will admit my prediction may be more wistful thinking that actual expectations  :P
  20. Can't put my finger on how I feel about this game - If Texas has a chance then the defense will have to pay possibly its best game of the year.   Arkansas did beat 2 top 25 teams in LSU and Ole Miss but could not seem to get over the hump with the rest of the SEC schedule - and they did play some chumps non-conference.   Texas on the other hand did not beat a ranked team all year and the offense had Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tendancies.   Tough one.   But I will go: Arkansas  -  27 Texas - 17
  21. Brings me back a little faith in the professional athlete  :)
  22. TCU getting disrespected again - Boykin should have been there.
  23. Good news is that time should give us an answer.   Manziel and Mariota both will get their shot in the NFL - lets see who makes the most of it.
  24. I know recruiting should and does play a part in all expansion decisions - I was more talking BYU would add an other decent football reputation school to the mix.  The area of influence would be another negative as well.   But lets face it - the Big 12 will have to reach out of its current comfort zone to grab an impact university or 2 to complete the Big12 roster - not too many schools not already locked down to look at that could help the Big 12 and help build its reputation.
  25. Just tell me you previous name was not - whatnamecanipick  :lol:
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