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Everything posted by OldTimer

  1. Lol - now we are taking about degrees of infatuation - priceless.
  2. Yes the Aggie's did leave - but many Horn fans have made fun of the Aggie War Hymn that mentions sawing the Horns off as their infatuation with that University while their fight song also refers to the Aggie's - does that not show the same infatuation?     And you can defend it any way you want but the words were written well before the Aggie's left for greener pastures.
  3. Please do not tell me that Texas die hard fans do not know the Texas fight song - As the first two line of the TEXAS fight song - goe =    Lyrics Texas Fight, Texas Fight, And it's goodbye to A&M. Texas Fight, Texas Fight, And we'll put over one more win. Texas Fight, Texas Fight, For it's Texas that we love best. Hail, Hail, The gang's all here, And it's good-bye to all the rest! (YELL) Yea Orange! Yea White! Yea Longhorns! Fight! Fight! Fight! Texas Fight! Texas Fight, Yea Texas Fight! Texas Fight! Texas Fight, Yea Texas Fight! The Eyes of Texas are upon you, All the livelong day. The Eyes of Texas are upon you, You cannot get away. Texas Fight, Texas Fight, For it's Texas that we love best. Hail, Hail, The gang's all here, And it good-bye to all the rest!
  4. That being said - I wish this guy would mature a little and know that everything he does is gonna get blown up and if it can be taken in the wrong way it will - In other words - DUDE LEARN FROM YOUR PAST.     While I still hope for the best even me a rock solid supporter is tired of having to defend his actions as youth - comes a point he should know better.
  5. So now just the act of rolling a bill is 100% evidence that he is a drug head - The same article stated there was no evidence of any drugs or illegal activity but that makes no difference as he is guilty before any facts are presented.   He may well implode but to have his detractors continue to blow (bad choice of words) everything he does out of proportion is getting quite frankly ridiculous.   
  6. Sorry but he is talking about Texas A&M - if this discussion is about who is relevant and who is not then you may have a point.   Baylor is the best program in the state at this time - do I think that they will stay there - not really.  Briles has done wonders for the Bear program but the million dollar question is - can he do it year in and year out?  I have some doubts myself.   Texas - if they do not right the ship immediately they do have the likely scenario of dropping behind the Aggie's even if A&M does not win or play in a BCS game in the near future.   Some of us Aggie's that have at least a little common sense (and I do think that I am one) will not accept and do not agree that Texas A&M was irrelevant prior to the Johnny Football years.  A&M has been relevant to lesser degrees than say Texas since the 1990's - when they were arguably an equal program with Texas for at least a short time.  However, It is the complete dismissal of the Texas A&M program that some Texas fans (not all) have that makes me and a lot of Aggie's get defensive.   I am fully aware that Texas A&M to be considered one of the best programs in the state will have to compete every year in he SEC and start winning more of the games that they are not supposed to to keep their current national exposure - time will tell if they can.  But I will state again that they - in my opinion deserve a lot of credit for leaving the struggling Big 12 (at the time) and taking on the rigors of a SEC conference schedule.  If they can succeed in the SEC then they can and should become one of the premier teams in the state of Texas - but at this time they not there.
  7. Baylor has the best chance of all Texas Colleges of going undefeated in 2015.
  8. Sorry do not care about the number of real (or T-Shirt) fans that wear a certain t-shirt - what a school needs to watch for is national media attention that you garner - that is what gets the attention of recruits and in the bigger picture $$$$$ from sponsors.  
  9. Yeah your likely right - sad thing is that more people now care about A&M football nationally then Texas football - regardless of the reasons.   We will all have to see how long that lasts - but today it is fact.   And there is no doubt that JFF was a big reason - but it happened regardless of the reason or reasons.
  10. Truth is that there are a lot of questions that the Aggie's must answer - top 2 are (1) Defense and (2) QB.   If the defense is as bad as last year could be a long year for my dear old Aggie's.    However, I think that 8 - 4 if what they will end up as - That is my prediction and I am sticking to it!
  11. It is still amazing to me that some Texas fans take everything Pro-Texas as gospel and everything anti-Texas as blasphemy.  Believe it or not quite likely the truth is in the middle.   Oh and by the way they also take everything anti-Aggie as gospel and everything pro-Aggie as blasphemy - funny that way (lol - but I do the same on this forum as well  :D ) - by the way the same truth likely applies as the truth is somewhere in the middle.
  12. Good to see there is No Longhorn Bias in these predictions at all I see - Not.  :P
  13. Just received my SI and read the complete article and they did make some compelling points on the complete rebuilding process and how they are handling the process and the handling of the young talent as well as why they have not gone after high dollar free agents.  While it did all sound good the impression that I got was if this works out and if that works out then they will be successful.  Will be interesting if their plan works out like they hope it will.   Only flaw i count really point to is that players all develop at different paces and they appear to assume that all the young guns will mature and develop together.   Hope these guys are as good a SI paints then to be - would love the see the WS in Houston in 2017.
  14. Sports10 - I will check the minor league information as you are right I have not followed that to see the progress there.  Like I said I hope you are right and that I am just a pessimist - time will tell.   Will still root for them regardless or the outcome.
  15. It was needed as SWTS had a good party and low education reputation - of course I preceeded the 2003 change by like 25 years +/-.  Good to see Texas State has changed its stripes  - only school I am aware of because we recruit graduates from there is their business college and it is considered on of the best in the state.
  16. I hope Texas State does well - in my day at SFA it was the college to go to on weekends and party and it was known as Southwest Texas State. 
  17. I will give you you have made many good points here - and as I have stated I HOPE I am wrong.   But I have followed professional sports for many years and have seen many teams go through the "rebuilding era" and none that I can recall have had 3 100+ losing seasons back to back - and if this season continues as it has they will be bumping 100 losses again.   They have just 3 players batting over .260 and just 4 batting outside of the .230's - not exactly a hitting machine.  They do appear to have some decent young arms that are keeping them in some games.  Time will tell if it is youthful spirit that is keeping them in some games or major league talent - that will be determined in the 2nd half of this season.   I am a Astro supporter and fan and attend many games each year - but I am also a realist. 
  18. Actually he was mentioned twice:   I mean, I couldn’t help but wonder how Baylor’s Art Briles or Texas A&M’s Kevin Sumlin -- the hottest recruiting coaches going in the state -- would have handled the same room.    and   “It ended up being good for Art and Kevin,” one coach told me. “How does that happen? 
  19. While I have stated and feel that the jury is still being seated for the Coach Strong review.  It does seem to me that at this time he is making as many missteps as he is taking steps ahead for the Texas football program.   That being said all Aggie's had better not count on the Longhorn Nation to crumble and fade away - as that will not happen.  A&M needs to continue to look forward and strive to develop a better program so it can keep the gains it has received and not blow them.  Or as my Aggie dad used to say "you either keep you rivals under your thumb cause if they escape they make a fist and punch you"!  
  20. I tend  to doubt that Houston - under current management - is going to be willing the make the financial commitment that will be required to get to the World Series anytime in the near future.  I did get my hopes up when they won the 7 or 8 games in a row but now we are back to the "normal" Astro's baseball of late.  While I am by no means an expert on the professional baseball world it looks like it will be another long year for the 'stros.     If the Astros are to succeed 3 things will have to happen: (1) Most of the young guns brought in will have to become above average major league players, (2) When these young players do succeed the Astros will have to be willing to reward them with competitive contracts (this is where I think they will fail), and they will have to be almost perfect in their 1st round selections the next few years.      While I hope I am wrong they did let go a few good young players last year to beef up their minor league system - that might help in he long run but not many teams have made the WS and not hit the free agent market early and often.   On a note on the artilcle: While George Springers HR's are impressive his .240 BA is less than desirable.  
  21. I agree - if a player attends a school quite likely as not it is to play for a coach and not always the school - if the coach leaves then the players should be allowed to leave as well with little or no restrictions.    I also agree that if they are to restrict the players right to leave that the requirement that a 4 year scholarship be offered should be required. 
  22. Let's make on this clear - I tend to agree with you a lot more on this issue than I disagree with you.  I think that if we do not hold athletes - high school, college and Pro - accountable for their actions and that if we do not we are setting a lot of them up for failure in he non-athletic world that they must function in after their skills are not longer needed.    You wanna have a serious talk about the issues and leave the schools out - then make sure that when the shoe is on the other foot you make the same argument.  Not just make a comment after you school is the one that is targeted. 
  23. Such a great topic that it had to be posted twice???  :o
  24. Funny thing baddog is that I mostly would agree with you.   Just think it is interesting that when it is a Texas player we are talking about we are "juvenile and petty" but I did not seem to see you object when there were days and days of Texas fans giving A&M fans and their athletes a hard time when they were getting arrested or having other issues.  You can't have a one way street on this or any other issue man.   Fact is that college athletes have been given a pass on a lot of issues that you and me would be in jail, fired or worse and the university turn a bling eye to it in a lot of instances - happens at all colleges so if the one you are routing for has not had issues lately just wait and keep you eyes on the news cause it is coming.
  25. What is this - is the squeaky clean strong program in for its first issue: June 22, 2014 - "Two University of Texas football players were reportedly questioned in an investigation into an alleged sexual assault"   And as some Texas fans on this forum know that if  they are questioned  by the police they are guilty - ohhhhh sorry that is only if they play for Texas A&M.
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