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Everything posted by OldTimer
Cougar14 - you could be right on all points. But to make statements that one QB will never see the field and that another will be the top of the draft board before they attempt so much as their first pass in college is really interesting. That being said Heard does sound like he has the tools to be a good QB.
UT has not - at least recently - had much luck developing the QB position over the last 4 - 5 years.
Ohhh so people without comcast get the shaft - sorry to hear that
Stranger things have happened - throw back football might just be the answer to counter the new high speed offenses - who knows?
I guess I don't fully understand the problem - I have comcast and live in Liberty and I appear to get almost all the games - do they black out certain areas?
Ooops - sorry - will try to read better in the future ;)
I am still older than you by about 6 years :lol:
I have always stated that I felt JFF will be a functional QB in the NFL and time will tell if he can adjust to the NFL talent level - could he be a bust hell yes but that applies ti all new NFL QB's - I just have not written him off like ALL Texas fans seem to have. You could be right on the Aggie's and VY and JFF comparison - but the Aggie's I run with never doubted that VY was the best college QB at the time and felt that he would be successful in the NFL but I cannot speak for all Aggie's at the time. The same thing that you stated about the blind hatred of anything Longhorn from younger Aggie's can also be stated about the blind hatred of anything Aggie from young Texas fans - i.e. GCMPats2, Bulldogbacker and Amphibious Rodent are the 3 on this server that fit that description. I have never disrespected the Longhorns or any of its players or Coaches in any of my post as I have a lot of respect for the University but the same cannot be said of many Texas fans. I will apologize for the as usual as I believe that I thought I was responding to GCMPats2 - Sorry :mellow:
King and TxHoops - As I have always stated both of you are correct when it comes to the history of Texas and Texas A&M - but that was before A&M left Texas's shadow and moved to the SEC. Only time will tell how the long term benefits and problems that the move to the SEC will cost or benefit A&M. I predict that the relationship will be more beneficial to the Aggies in the long run and the State of Texas will become a lot more equal than what "History" has shown. Again Texas fans like to look at the History of the relationship over the last 50 - 60 years and if that is the context that you look at only then yes I AGREE Texas is the dominate program between the two - but we as Aggies like to look at the more recent history and that shows programs that are a lot more equal than Texas fans wish to believe - and I am not talking just about the JFF years either. But - Sigh - Again only time will tell. And still was considered a better team than Texas. And another argument as to why JFF should have been the Heisman winner again this year ;)
Sorry but as usual you miss the point. His comment was an after the fact statement after VY has already crashed and burned - while Texas Fans comments are about how JFF does not have a chance to succeed in the NFL are before he has a chance to prove himself. Major difference from perspective.
Regardless of what has happened or who made it happen or how long it will remain - A&M is the better overall program today then Texas - accept it and quit living in denial.
Sad part is that most Texas fans - specially the ones that post here - believe that still to be true. They have a hard time accepting the fact that A&M did not fail and fail miserably in the move to the SEC and still post that it was all JFF and that once he is gone A&M will again fall into Texas's shadow - we will see. If A&M handles its new found fame properly it will never be Texas's red-headed step child again.
You both make the statement that all Ag's were against VY - I know almost all my Aggie friends were hoping the Texans got VY as we thought and told everyone that we knew that VY was gonna set the NFL on fire - and were not happy when he crashed and burned. I know more Aggie's that supported VY then I know Horns that support JFF and that is a fact.
Really :blink: Your a Longhorn fan - dang I never noticed :D Your right anyone from Texas should be supported.
There are 2 questions that will have to be answered: (1) Can Strong win if all he recruits are straight and narrow athletes; and (2) if not and he has the cleanest program in the country but can't win and win consistently will the majority of Texas fans still support him? My opinion is the answer to both is likely not. I am also one that is tired of the attitude of a lot of college and professional athletes and the fact that they seem to break the law and get away with it - and think that they are above the law - and if I had my way I would like to see them punished the same as any other person in this country - but that in today's setting is a pipe dream. But I am also a realist and know that in Big Time College Football money is king and winning equals money and no coach will keep his or her job if they do not win early and often at: Texas, Texas A&M, Alabama, Auburn, Texas Tech, Etc.... Texas A&M used to not be that way and that is the reason that RC Slocum was so loved as an Aggie he ran a clean and respected program that held its own most years - but the fact is that Big College football finally caught up with him as well and he was fired and A&M has been going down the path of major university football programs ever since - win or pay the price (job loss). I love A&M and really like Sumlin - but if he does not keep winning I think he will be gone as well. Texas fans can think that Texas is above this as well but the fact is they are like every other big time program in fact maybe even worse due to the fact that they are the biggest program when it comes to $$$$ - If Strong even as good a coach as he is and even as great a person as he appears to be does not win regardless of the cleanliness of the program he will be replaced. Fact of college football in today's world.
Funny - Real Funny I really hope Strong's recruiting style and strict enforcement works - as I think it will make for a better managed program (i.e. the current issues with a small minority of A&M players). But if I remember right Mike Sherman was basically the same way and turned away some recruits due to "personal issues" and wanted to develop a clean respected program and look where that got him. Today you have to find a happy middle ground if you want to get talented recruits and to do that you will not just be able to recruit the "saints" (as most talented High Schools players are not saints and some will cause most programs some grief) and have a successful program. Fact is if Strong runs the cleanest program in the nation but does not put wins on the board he will not be there long. Hope it works out for him as only time will tell.
Man let me state I agree with you all day long - However, if you are talking BIG COLLEGE football they will not see it as to lose games = the loss of $$$$. Tell me what coach will keep his/her job of they have losing season after losing season. Last I heard Texas fired it last coach for "not winning enough" and he only had 1 losing season if I remember right. Fact is money talks and B******t walks in the big money game of college football.
Sorry man but is was not that long ago that Texas players were having the same problems and A&M was not - before that Oklahoma, Baylor, Houston and many many more have had players arrested for one infraction or another - cougar14 is right and so are you GCMPats2 that every football teams that wants to win over everything else will have this issue come up from time to time - if you think your horns are better than this please wait awhile and keep your eyes on the paper cause sooner are later all schools will get hit with this stuff. Sorry but it is a fact of today's big college football programs.
Yeah - Was raised in an Aggie family (for generations) and had a close sister that attended Texas Tech so spent a lot of time in Lubbock. Also had a brother that attended Texas so that is the reason that I don't "hate" Texas the way most Texas fans hate A&M - just sometimes find it hard to support the horns for some reason. Also, graduated from SFA.
Everybody has an opinion - and I respect yours as it was stated in an articulated fashion with some reason and not with the normal anti-A&M bias found by some on this forum. But were we disagree and I watched all his games and replayed several since FB season and the jump balls while hugely entertaining they were much fewer than the passes that were on target to a running wide receiver a lot of times in coverage. And I have to disagree that he only had success due to Mike Evans (a beast I agree) because he completed most passes to player not named Evans (69) but to to Darel Walker, Malcomme Kennedy and Travis Labhart and others (231) and none of those appear to be considered in the same caliber of Evans - so were those just lucky throws - I do not think so. While this debate is entertaining we all have our opinions and obviously a lot of us do not agree. It will be very interesting to see how his NFL career goes and I hope I am right that he does succeed but only time will tell.
As I stated that JFF and the offense carried the team - I have never stated that A&M was only JFF - that is for the Texas fans to do in an attempt to discredit the A&M program. A&M had and still has numerous offensive weapons - it is just time for the defense to re-establish itself as the wrecking crew then A&M will continue to prosper. But it is also a fact that without JFF they would not be in the spotlight they are in at the moment. We will see and I have a long memory so if he is still playing after 3 years please prepare to eat some slow cooked crow. IF he is not I will eat that same crow. Only difference is that if this was a Texas boy I and most A&M fans would not AUTOMATICALLY be against him the way a lot of Texas fans are anti-Manziel.
Only ones that I can remember off the top of my head are: John David Crow - Texas A&M Ricky Williams - Texas Andre Ware - Houston
Texas A&M, Texas Tech and Stephen F Austin - in that order.
"and doubled HIS losses from 2012 to 2013" - His Losses!!!! I always thought that football was a team sport???? Fact is that if A&M had a defense of even average quality they could quite likely have been playing for the NC - but the fact is that JFF and the offense carried the team on its shoulders for the 9 wins they did get with little of no help from a porous defense. That it itself should be a ribbon for JFF and the offense - But no that will never be the case for "TU fans" cause they cannot stand the attention that JFF has brought to A&M and its program. Let his NFL career begin and lets all see were it goes - I bet and agree with MOST NFL scouts that he will have a long and good NFL career. GIG'EM
"Haters gonna hate" Sorry but for some reason I just always wanted to say that :D Just seemed like the appropriate place.