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Everything posted by OldTimer

  1. A&M's young players need to step back and re-adjust to stop the current fall.
  2. You for or against the game? I have stated that I wished the annual game would be re-instated but never think that A&M needs to our should agree to the game unless it is on completely equal terms - otherwise I if I had to make the decision would never agree to it. But really - if they decided it on the field we would lose all this fist pumping for our team and stating we can beat the world - as long as nobody can prove us right or wrong - Texas fans think that A&M would never beat the Texas giant and A&M fans think that A&M would pound those burnt orange calves - until they play on the field both groups of people are always right since they cannot be proven wrong - gotta love us college fans
  3. Lost me dude - I never mentioned the LHN? And I do not think that the LHN was the main reason - Just think it was the straw that broke the camels back.
  4. My Dad used to say the person that screams the loudest is generally the one with the most doubts about his arguments - chill dude you or me will be right and whichever that one is will be able to pound their chest the loudest after the "FACTS" are determined over the next 10 years or so. You want the future to be proven in your argument here and it ain't my friend. I will again repeat my last sentence: As far as A&M's place in the pecking order and the value of the SEC logo - again only time will tell - My opinion for what it is worth - A&M is well placed for the future of its athletic department. Let the chips fall where they may. \
  5. Interesting how you state that "Kevin Sumlin made A&M a viable option for players that normally wouldn't consider College Station" like before him that A&M was a recruiting wasteland. It is also interesting that A&M in the 10 years BEFORE Sumlin stepped on campus had 2 top 10 classes, 2 top 15 classes and 6 top 25 classes according to Rivals - and those classes occured while Texas was at its most recent peak with 2 NC games on its resume - Texas was top 5 most of those years - so it looks to me like they were not being shutout before Sumlin arrived - and very likely will not be shutout when he leaves. And this year it is no surprise that A&M could not get a highly rated QB to commit with the questions swirling around the A&M program - Big 12 was the logical choice. And the choice of the term tucked tail and ran from the Great Texas oppression is - well quite frankly - the Texas rationale they use for A&M who took a better option for them. Talk to me in a year or two when the Big 12 implodes and Texas is looking for another conference. Texas has always liked being the big fish is a small pond and thinking that A&M would not jump ship without them and the fact that Texas and their fans have never understood why A&M would "act without them" - lol. Regardless of what happens A&M and the vast majority of its fans are very happy in the SEC and Texas and it s fans just better get used to it. As far as A&M's place in the pecking order and the value of the SEC logo - again only time will tell - My opinion for what it is worth - A&M is well placed for the future of its athletic department.
  6. Kinda goes with what I have heard as well - if this is the truth then Sumlin's tenure is about to end. Glad to hear that Knight is a positive influence in the locker room - that appears to be needed.
  7. A&M struggling again - seems like they had a late season collapse last year as well - reason I question Kennedy and his coaching ability. This is losing 3 of the last 4 games - hope they turn is around and soon.
  8. As a person that thought and still does to a degree think that Manziel has the talent to be a NFL QB - he obviously does not have the maturity or good sense that has to go with talent. He has played his last snap in the NFL and his only option and think it is a hell of a longshot is the Canadian football league to regain his credibility and maybe get an invite to a future NFL camp - but I believe that he is done.
  9. I think they watched the football signing show
  10. Sorry Baddog as I did not mean to come off a judge mental - just making a comment on my take posters here. Hell I know that me and some of my A&M fans troll Texas fans as well - hell I enjoy it.
  11. Used to feel the same dude (and unofficially still do to a large degree (don't tell Bulldogbacker, whoopi and baddog please) Before I really starting reading and posting on this site I rooted for Texas as long as they were not playing Texas A&M or Tech. But with the constant hate that A&M receives (exclude TXHORN as he admits he does it for the reactions) it has become increasingly hard to not just hate everything Burnt Orange - hell I had a road rage incident just because I was cut off by a burnt orange KIA yesterday. Also agree on the same boat comment - will be interesting if Texas can win over 7 games - if not think Strong is squarely on the hot seat - and deservedly so. And if Sumlim has another end of year complete collapse then he will be history as well. One Texas fan posted that he thought that Sumlin would be fired first - and I tend to agree with that statement - but if we have a repeat of 2015 they may well be looking for a new job together.
  12. Sorry my bad
  13. You stated that A&M was 8th out of 12 teams in the SEC Think that he was just pointing out that Texas was just 7th (tied for 6th but TT won the head to head) in a 10 team conference That was I think his only point - an accurate one as well.
  14. After today I am just glad we are a basketball school now - lol -
  15. Hey we need all the good news we can get today ok!
  16. Yeah I am old - let me remind you that I have forgot more about the game of football than you will ever know - lol But if you think that A&M year end issues were not a big deal - I have relatives that know the parents of one player that swapped his commitment from A&M and the anti-A&M sales pitch was (1) look at what is happening at A&M when 2 5 star players both decide to leave and (2) Sumlin is very likely gone after this next year (one i quite likely agree with) - and it is my understanding that it was pitched hard. Another good recruiting year for Texas and an average one for A&M - we will both have to wait and see if you are right and the A&M train jumps the tracks of if I am right and this is just a bump in the road for A&M on the way to respectability - as always time will tell. I think that we both agree that if Sumlin fails to win over 1/2 of his SEC games again this year he may well be gone - and I will not shed any tears if he is not there in 2017.
  17. Sorry Coug - still gotta disagree with almost everything in all 3 paragraphs - lol
  18. Most definitely - just hope for Texa fans that Strong is not the new Mack Brown
  19. I knew that A&M would not have the best recruiting year due to the year end issues that A&M faced - still better than I thought it might be under the circumstances. My surprise is Texas and how well they are doing - congrats to Texa hope it equates to more on the field wins
  20. Don't know about the pooping part but yes I am scratching my head - gotta give Strong credit on his recruiting abilities.
  21. As a dad that went through a recruiting period with my son - only a 2 Star - but still recruited by LA. Tech and some other smaller D1 schools - I can tell you I feel for these 17 and 18 year olds that are making one of the most important decisions on their future and the pressure that the coaches and recruiters put on them is immense. Many I feel make the wrong decision for them but the way the NCAA is it is hard to change without a major penalty.
  22. Agreed - this is a young team that is still learning how to play on the road. Interested to see how they fair this year and in the future.
  23. lol - good one
  24. Both Manning and Brady are 1st round Hall of Famers and I have loved watching them play during their respective careers - Brady has been a tad better in my opinion. However, I think it is funny that when Manning has a bad game or games he is over the hill and should retire but when Brady has a bad game or games it is something else and he is given a pass on the "age" issue - they are just about the same age - just something I have noticed.
  25. Point - that ONLY Texas fans still think that Texas is King! And I can accept being accused of thinking like "those derelicts" from College Station as would rather be associated with them then - well with you and whatever crowd you hang with.
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