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Everything posted by OldTimer

  1. Ryan Meche - Liberty- This is his 2nd year to start at Shortstop. Last year didn't hit the ball very well but this year is making solid contact. When his arm matures he will be one of the most dependable Shortstops in the area. Has solid range and makes very few errors - his only short fall at the moment he needs a little stonger arm - that will come. Next year watch out.
  2. Liberty I believe faced Splendora's #1 Pitcher and won - They then faced Tarkington's #1 or #2 and agian won. I have not seen Shepherd play but in talking to someone who was at the Splendora vs. Shepherd game it appears Splendora gave this one away. Numerous walks and errors with what I heard was 1 hit. Gonna be interesteing as in their 2 district wins Liberty has had solid defense and pitching but really has not hit the ball they way they can. If they get the bats warm they can score often. Either way this is gonna be a big game for both teams to prove they deserve to be the District Leader. Prediction: Liberty 8 Shepherd 3 - Going for 3 in a row.
  3. Sorry Ballcoach - Tarkington has yet to prove it can win a district game much less be a top team. Good kids - Appears to have good coaching and decent players at some positions but no team speed. A long way from one of the "Top Teams in 3A".
  4. Of the teams I watched - Hands down WOS - Dayton was ok but from top to bottom WOS could fly at the skilled positions.
  5. Your right Shepherd might be the surprise team - But to move them to 1st place after just 2 wins is kinda a little much. But they might be a team to watch. Don't count Splendora out after just 2 games they still have a lot of talent. Tarkington and Liberty tonight should be an interesting game. Prediction Liberty 7 - Tarkington 3. See if I can pull 2 in a row?
  6. Might be that Bold after all Liberty - 4 Splendora - 3 Great game till the last batter.
  7. I agree – Tarkington has to be the odds on favorite to win the district, as they appear to have a fairly solid team. But, they are far from unbeatable. Friday’s game between Liberty and Splendora will be interesting as I think there will be a dogfight for 3rd place. Cleveland and Shepherd have not been impressive – and I have not seen Coldsprings play but they are not normally a baseball power. Liberty at times seems unbeatable and at others it looks like a disaster happening. The good news is this year they are looking good a lot more that bad – the Dayton game being the one notable exception. I predict Liberty will edge Splendora and take 2nd place in this district.
  8. Heard Liberty won 18 - 9
  9. No Liberty won 56 - 47 and Tarkington lost to Cleveland.
  10. Yeah - this is great - kinda puts me in my place. :-[
  11. Truthfully - I know nothing about HF. But I do think that Liberty will be better than last year - How much is still to be determined. I just hope both teams perform well and no injuries.
  12. LOL - I love it. 8)
  13. Hey 40water - what you have agianst Liberty. You said the HJ wouldnt be close and you were wrong : - now HF. By the way I thnk you will be wrong agian: Liberty by 4 ;D
  14. Yes you can talk all the trash you want in support of your team - I also agree that if you talk smack and your team loses be prepared to take it as well. Howver, supporting your team is not the same as badmouthing another team that you may or may not play. Every boy or girl that plays High School athletics does the best that they can - You don't need to make fun of them.
  15. You might be suprised about Caldwell and Connevey - talked to Caldwell parents tonight and they said he was doing track. Connevey might not do much in tract due to baseball but he will at least do district - gonna be kinda hard with no practice though. Gee will have a few to compete with as will Beaty but Beaty also has Dalco (I think I misspelled his name) who is a Soph. but very fast. I think the boy from Shepherd will also be very fast as well.
  16. Yes - no umpires - the catchers called the balls and strikes.
  17. Hj-3 - Sorry but please learn to spell. I never stated that HJ was a bad team but you and your friends seem to making a lot of excuses about how bad your team played. Sorry but that is exactly what they are excuses. Liberty did not play their starters the entire game either – that is why it is called a scrimmage. You are as good as you play and if you think Liberty is terrible and you tied them – I am saying that makes you terrible as well. For the record I do not think that Liberty is a bad team – just the opposite I think they will be good this year. I also agree with Ty Cobb – this was a scrimmage – lets wait till the regular season and see who is the better team. HJ may well be better then Liberty – they just failed to prove it last night.
  18. First – if you tie a bad team that makes you a bad team not just that you played bad. Also, HJ did not pull their starters after the 2nd inning as you stated - you must not have been at the game. I noted that the 2 pitchers that Liberty hit the hardest where your 2 projected starters. Don’t make statements about teams you know nothing about and you obviously know nothing about Liberty or you would have noted that they pitched their catcher – never pitched before at the varsity level – for the 2 innings that HJ scored.
  19. Liberty can compete if everyone that can participates and does not get hurt. Last year Trevon Beaty did not compete in district due to injury he should win the 100 and 200 and help on the relays. Steven Gee should also qualify in the high jump again and might win district. Daniel Connevey is going to run tract again this year after lettering as a Freshman and then not running for the last 2 years. He came in 4th in the 110 hurdles as a freshman and might challenge for a regional spot in that event as well as in high jump. Cody Caldwell if he plays placed in the top 3 regularly in pre-district only to get sick at the district track meet and unable to compete. Shawn Edwards should do well in the 200 and relays. I don’t know about the distance runners and how they will do. Liberty – IF EVERYONE COMPETES – has a good chance at winning district.
  20. Prediction: Coldspring by 10 – Splendora is more disciplined by don’t have the athletes that Coldspring has. Only chance Splendora is to get hot from the 3-point line – which they can. Cleveland by 15 – Identical as above just change the teams. Liberty and Shepherd – your call. Liberty has lost its motivation to play and was never very disciplined anyway. Just a shame that the 2 seniors – Connevey and Edwards -deserved a better season than this as they can play for anybody they just don’t have any supporting cast. Might be the night for Shepherd to get its first district win. :'(
  21. Sorry was there but did'nt write the score down.
  22. Liberty won by about 18.
  23. They beat Shepard tonight by 18. They were on a 7 game losing streak. They are currently 10 – 13 – still better then the last several years. They are a decent team that seems to self destruct on a regular basis.
  24. Tarkington is going to have to prove themsleves to me - they are a decent team prior to district every year then Collapse when district starts. They have done this in football and basketball. If you compare the teams that Liberty and Tarkington have played the scores are pretty close to the same - and Liberty is picked dead last or thereabouts. I think is will be: Coldsprings - though they only beat Anahuac by 4 and Liberty beat them by 30 Splendora Cleveland
  25. Just a quick question - Who votes on these players and where can I see the voting totals. Looks like a good list just wondering.
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