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  1. Are there many colleges watching games at NAFA?
  2. Not sure what the official rules are but I know that CA teams travel all over the US to get their birth. CA Lite Gold qualified somewhere in the Midwest just to name one I am aware of.
  3. [Hidden Content] If this link works, note that the Regional tournament for Region 11 only had one team sign up, Minnisota Irish. Region 8 had two teams and Region 6 had five. Granted those regions only get one berth but does not seem equal when you have 70+ teams fighting it out for 6 spots.
  4. Never met the TD guy but seen enough on other boards and heard enough to know he does not have a good track record. Seems he has had the tendency to "bail" on a tournament towards the end of the event. Last I heard about him was a disaster at Softball USA in Houston several years ago. I guess he needed another venue. If I was in Dallas, Austin or San Antonio, I would be on the look out. And just for fun I thought I would copy and paste this: The answer to $4 gas? PLAY IN TEXAS! We have 12 fields all in one location, excellent scheduling, more games for fewer dollars and an entry fee that respects your budget.... US OPEN NATIONALS July 18-20, 2008 BEAUMONT MUNICIPAL SOFTBALL COMPLEX BEAUMONT, TEXAS NO QUALIFYING NO ORGANIZATION PAPERWORK JUST COME and PLAY Insurance provided FREE to all teams AGES 12u,14u,& 18u 6 game guarantee 3 pool on Friday, DE then consolation $200 entry + $30/game umpires Opening ceremonies, block party and pin trading at Riverfront Park Give your team the "nationals experience" at a fraction of the cost...Sign up TODAY! Website: [Hidden Content]
  5. I saw Madisonville play last year and they were very very fast. Shot lights out too. They returned the whole team from last year I believe. I never saw Fairfield play so I can't speak from that side. Madisonville lost in the Area round this year to Waco Robinson.
  6. I went to watch the Silsbee girls team play their first game this year. I had heard alot about the team and know their coach from years back. They did not play very well and got beat by 15 or so. I know they had some injuries at the first of the year and it was the first game of the year. Now I see that they are doing very well and are ranked in the latest State pool. Did the injuried girls come back? I know they have one player who is very good. Just wondering what happened, if anything, as they seem to have things going in the right direction come playoff time.
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