You guys always amuse me on this board. Playing for Coach Mathews and working on my degree I have a new found respect for what that man and his coaching staff does. I have had the privilege to work at neighboring school and see firsthand what these coaches do. They are a program that has been in the playoffs the last few years, but I can tell you from firsthand experience they do not put the time or the planning into their program as Coach Mathews does. Plain and simple they have better athletes. With that said I have always thought that our offense gives us the best chance to win. It controls the clock and wears down the opposing team. For you guys that want to fling or so called spread it out you must have better athletes to do this to be successful. I will never take anything away from our athletes; they are simply not as fast and not as big. Their work ethic is a hundred times better than the kids at the school I am at, but they are just not as fast. The spread offense is designed to spread the defense out and create one on one matchups. (Yes I learned this in a class that I took at school). My question would be why we would want to spread it out to create one on one matchups when the guy on the other side is a better athlete. The slot-t offense is designed to give a team who is not as athletic a chance to compete. All the misdirection’s have plays that co-inside with them. Basically the defense sees the same action but a different play. Before you ask me, the answer is yes. If Vidor practiced and worked on the spread offense we could run it, BUT would it give us the best opportunity to win. You must look at it from both sides of the ball. Vidor's offense makes an unathletic defense a lot better. The clock continues to run which allows for our boys to defend a lot less plays. You guys all have the right to your opinion, but do a little research and see what you come up with.