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Everything posted by hdbasketballstar

  1. Nolan started for Hardin. Taylor came in later. Deweyville hits the ball better than anyone in the district.
  2. Here you go MrUmp1. I dont have my rulebook with me so I have a question. Bases are loaded, with lets just say one out. The offensive coach calls out a play to his runners and batter. The batter scoots all the way up to the front of the box and crowds the plate. As soon as the pitcher commits home the runners take off. The batter just stands there, doesn't move at all. The runner from 3rd slides into home, just missing the batter, and the catcher can't make a play because the batter is in the way? What is the call?
  3. If Hardin wins out they will finish 7-5, tied with East Chambers. But they beat them head to head both times so the 3rd place spot would go to Hardin.
  4. I say Hardin by 3. I am going to say 8-5.
  5. Haha. He doesn't want anyone knowing that because he is a FAKE!! ;D ;D ;D
  6. And the answer to that question is yes! He played post at Hardin because they had no other posts players. He can play the 2 or 3 because he can dribble, he is quick, and has an excellent medium range jumper along with a good outside shot. This kid can go, regardless of what ya'll say, I would put him up against anyone, AND YES I SAID ANYONE, including the almighty Tramain, anyday of the week. Even after a track meet!!
  7. wow. im glad to see mr. wade is taking action....
  8. sounds like someone is jealous... ;D
  9. It sounds to me like we have a bunch of jealous EC fans. They are used to being the talk of the district 24/7. But now Hardin comes in and shares a little of that spotlight and they go crazy. Chill out and wait for next year.
  10. Similar to Hardin's record against EC ie: not too bueno. Hang on now..are you talking about overall or this year? Because this year, Hardin is winning 4-3.
  11. Exactly. And while they love to point out TT graduates, they somehow fail to mention Marsh AND Nolan is gone from Hardin, too. That 4A guy they rave about has to replace both at the same time, and then some, for Hardin to be better...good luck with that! Dont worry...he will get it done.
  12. Should be fun to watch!! Hardin is looking good in track right now, competing against 4a and 5a schools and doing decent.
  13. Well if he is such a great basketball player, he should be able to overcome things like that. I am pretty much sure Marsh could handle it.
  14. I disagree. I think Marsh is the better player than Tramain. Marsh is more of a team player as well as leader. The way it looks to me is Marsh wants to be on the court, on the other hand, Tramain looks like HAS to do it. He dont have the heart Marsh does. Marsh comes out every game and plays. Tramain picks the games he wants to play. To prove my point, lets go back in time a little. Hardin @ EC. Tramain grabs Marsh by the jersey to turn to his team and yell at them. To me that is lack of leadership and you just dont see that out of Marsh. Tramain may be a good athlete but not the better basketball player.
  15. Haha its all good. Because while EC was starting basketball, Hardin was having another day on the football field!
  16. And plus this is at the 4a and 5a level, not the little Kindergarten level like Valastro. I personally don't think Valastro can hold Hayne's jock. Oh I am sorry, we will let him hold his jock. ;D ;D And plus Coach Haynes was an NCAA D-1 All-American Quarterback in college. What was Valastro? ???
  17. Haynes wins everywhere look at his numbers - thats a fact! Yes, Haynes does have a good record. But if you look back, he did not win at Eisenhower, AND HE HAS NEVER WON A STATE CHAMPIONSHIP WITH ANY TEAM HE HAS EVER COACHED. NEVER EVER EVER!! His teams will put up tremendous offensive numbers simply because he likes to throw the ball from the spread offense. That particular offense is very hard for high school teams to stop. The only downside to it is that they have to out score everyone because they don't play much defense because they don't have enough practice time because MOST of it is devoted to offense rather than defense. Let me pose a question to everyone. If Nolan and Marsh were so good last year, then why didn't they sign with a D-1 school or any college on national signing day? They can't be THAT GOOD. Please correct me if I am wrong. Coach Haynes 127-56-3 overall record. National Football League High School Coach of the Year Award Nominee 2003 5 District Championships 7 Bi-District Champs 1 Area Championship 1 Regional Finalist Playoff's at 5 out of 6 schools (taking over all losing programs!!). Coach of the year 8 times!! MetroPlex Coach of the Year Also formerhornet, everyone does their homework, but in this case you failed. Haynes went 6-5 in Eisenhower and did make the playoffs. Maybe you shouldn't post anymore if you can't get your facts right. Do your homework before you make yourself look like a dummy. And what is really neat, is that last year Hardin was being compared to High Island and Comesneil. This year, they are being compared to EC! That is a pretty good turn-around I would say.
  18. I also thought of Deweyville. They played everyone in our district good except for us. I guess that is why it didn't catch my attention. I think it will either be Kountze or Deweyville getting in as well as Hardin and Anahuac.
  19. I agree. I think our young defense will feel much more comfortable next year and will really suprise some people. This off-season has been very successful. I also think our tougher schedule will help us prepare ourselves for our district. My predictions for next year in no certain order will be IN: Hardin--I think will have a good all-around offense, with a pretty solid defense. Kountze--Alot of heart, well-coached. Anahuac--Really young last year. Not losing too many key players. Probably the best back in the district. OUT: EC--Are they going to try to play next year with out TT? Buna--Lost too many Warren--They may be the dark horse if they work hard now. Deweyville--Not for another year or so.
  20. Would not of been anywhere near this score if Hardin could catch a fly ball. They had just about 10 errors! They stayed after the game and had practice before kountze even made it off the field. Remsing had a heck of a game at the plate. Hornets better wake up and get these next ones if they want in the playoffs.
  21. Should be a good game. Sounds like you go to a few of the games?
  22. What were some of the stats of this game?
  23. BOTH! D-1 Basketball and Football!! ;D ;D
  24. I agree, not very good defense, BUT there was 10 team fouls on both teams so they thought they did just enough to take it into overtime. They would rather him throw up a prayer like that, than give him 2 chances from the free throw line. But good shot by the BH kid. Congrats on a good season Central.
  25. Well the Mills kid was a beast in the paint when he was younger. I thought for sure he was gonna play d-1 ball until he had surgery!! And yes your right Jason Nolan graduated in 1988 from West Hardin.
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