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Everything posted by baseball4life09

  1. i was on the nebraska website yesterday and it had several players redshirted but cody wasnt one. that may change i havent heard much of anything lately.
  2. From dayton SS/P Mikey Walter has stroked all season. Also RF/P Dylan Kolarik has been strong on the mound in relief and has quite a few rbis
  3. I have kept up with most of smesnys pitch counts and he's usually between 85-105 pitches. He usually gets a lot of quick innings and his counts are usually low b/c he doesn't issue many walk. He doesn't have as much wear and tear as ya'll think. Franks a strong kid. Good luck at angelina and hopefully the next level.
  4. I think frank will be alright he's got good composure and the broncos will be alright
  5. Smesny not on? Or errors? Or the dink hits?
  6. I can only put defense down for 1 pitcher yall thrown under the truck and that's wandy. He's actually a very dominant lefty when he's health. Look how many quality starts he's had since comin up. I bet you would rethink this. The oswalt wandy combo is actually good if the lastros could score some runs for them. But I will admit after that I see nothing but ???????????????????
  7. Game is rescheduled for wednesday at 7
  8. 15-45 mins in certain places but it was constant pouring but as of 5 mins ago coach stewart said they r on for tonight
  9. What ya'll think goes down tomorrow?
  10. Admin don't forget mikey walter also helpin dayton big
  11. Gabe I'm not hounding u or anythin just what's behind bh being so high? They've been winning but they've given up a lot of runs that's all. Haha so don't jump me please lol
  12. Reasons for my moves Lcm lookin stronger than nederland at the moment Jasper dropped both games this wk orangefield takin one oftwo so I thought both dropped bh is lookin strong so I added them and dropped wb cuz at the number 9 spot they lost both games. I moved dayton up because they blanked a decent galena park team 6-0 last wk then run ruled two second place teams in consecutive games 17-2 over ce king and 11-1 over kp Huffman not sure how strong their district is
  13. Bc Png Lcm Nederland Hf Dayton Huffman Orangefield Jasper Barbers hill
  14. Dayton beat a good kingwood park team 11-1 on thursday
  15. Smez also pitched up a complete game against kp only givin up 1 run
  16. I'm assuming smez is throwin since walter threw yesterday.
  17. Kp is a a first year school I thought?
  18. In the first game non district late innings helped kp In the 2nd meeting which was 1st district meeting 2 early innings hurt the broncos But after last night and last friday the broncos bats have come alive and the pitching is where it should be. Plus kp has dropped some key games as have the broncos but I see dayton winning in a close game with smesny dominating the panthers How do ya'll think things will playout
  19. I dunno what he went total but daytons frank smesny hit a grandslam and a 2-run shot against a ce king team that was tied for 1st.
  20. "No lead is safe as long as there are aluminum bats." During game 5 of the nlcs brad lidge became "brad gets his lights knocked out lidge" after pujols hit that monster shot after the game on the plane ride home berkman and bagwel got together with the pilot for this announcement. "Sorry for the turbulance we are experiencing but we were just passed by the ball that pujols hit off lidge" Haha that's good stuff
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