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Everything posted by soonerbeintexas

  1. Big Sandy Dallardsville and Pineland West Sabine will play at 6:30 Friday in Kirbyville and 12:00 noon Saturday in Kirbyville (if necessary, 30 minutes after game 2).
  2. WS 19-3 winner over Chireno. With Broaddus' win over Brookeland tonight and West Sabine's win over Chireno, the district has its first two playoff representatives, respectively. Colmesneil, Brookeland and Chester are all vying for that final spot.
  3. Broaddus defeated Brookeland...not exactly sure of score.
  4. Play this evening (Friday). Major playoff implications.
  5. [quote name="DesertStorm" post="1000360" timestamp="1303324001"] Probably because the game was scheduled with both school being out of school on good friday, but lost the day off due to bad weather. Because they played on monday or tuesday they cannot play on thursday. UIL only allows 1 game during the week. [/quote] BINGO!! We have a winner! That is exactly what happened. Chireno had to make up a weather day on Good Friday.
  6. Game had to be moved because of UIL rule about playing one day between Monday and Friday. No choice...it was the next available date. Coaches concurred. Probably not what anyone really wanted, but the UIL makes the decision a no brainer.
  7. [quote name="bulldogs1990" post="998910" timestamp="1303094437"] look im talking baseball ok not football im not a fan of either team i was in town an came to the game cause i saw lights. u can say what u want i didnt say the calls won the game for pineland im just saying it was very one sided both teams or either young or need new coaches both was very sloppy but the calls was one sided if i was coach both teams would still be running jmo [/quote] Bulldogs...bad coaching...bad umps...everything I said sailed right over your head. Oh well, I tried.
  8. My final thoughts on this matter: flash...the groveton game did not get decided by the officials...nor did they have any outcome on the game. Had the Tigers' defense stopped anyone that particular evening, the game could have been won by three to four touchdowns. I believe the final was 41-38. Everyone notices the officials in a tight contest more than they do in a blow out...that's part of the drama. It's all in the perspective...if you go into a game looking for an excuse for losing, you can always find one. If you go into a game saying officials are going to blow several calls today and the team has to overcome all obstacles, then you are prepared to win or lose with grace and dignity--no blame game. This topic is nothing more than a microcosm of what is happening in society today...people increasingly want to point their finger somewhere else when things don't go in their favor. I, for one, will not be party to such, and I only wish more parents, coaches and players would adhere to the same philosophy so that our kids would grow up understanding that life is about personal responsibilities. Again, sports is a great avenue for playing out life's lessons on the court or field. Let's all do our part to help make a difference by reclaiming the idea of personal responsibility and quit making excuses when something wrinkles our covers. I'm through...thanks to this forum for allowing me to express my opinion. Again, best wishes to all in the district.
  9. I'm sorry you feel that way; however, the officiating had nothing to do with the outcome of the game. When players, fans and coaches allow the officiating in any sport to be used as an excuse for a loss, then I believe they have totally missed the bigger picture in dealing with athletics. Everyone should understand that for every mistake that the officials make, the participants in the contest probably made three times that many. Ideally, we would like every call to be made correctly every time...that is never goning to happen as long as there is a human element tied to officiating contests. That, to me, is what makes the games so incredibly entertaining and true-to-life. Remember, we all get some wrong in everything we do on a day-to-day basis. Best wishes to all in the district.
  10. Check out this link to determine unearned runs...it may help. [url=[Hidden Content]]
  11. [quote name="BaseballWarrior" post="995466" timestamp="1302473423"] [quote author=rounder17 link=topic=82928.msg995449#msg995449 date=1302470837] [quote author=adminbaberuth link=topic=82928.msg995322#msg995322 date=1302447489] [quote author=BaseballWarrior link=topic=82928.msg995319#msg995319 date=1302447169] [quote author=adminbaberuth link=topic=82928.msg995308#msg995308 date=1302445237] A pitched ball to a catcher is never scored an error, it's either a wild pitch or pass ball. [/quote] If a runner scores on a wild pitch would that be earned then or an error assesed then? [/quote] If the runner got on base without an error, it's a earned run. WP to pitcher. [/quote] Unless there was an error made with 2 outs. Then it would be a unearned run. [/quote] What if it was a WP/PB on a K with 2 outs, should have been the third out, still no error considered and earned run? Hard to believe it would be considered earned. [/quote] Earned run if it was a WP...unearned on PB because he would not have reached base otherwise. Passed ball is similar to an error in this case. Hope that makes it clear as mud.
  12. 23-A Updated Brookeland 3-0 West Sabine 3-0 Broaddus 2-1 Zavalla 2-1 Chester 1-2 Colmesneil 1-2 Burkeville 0-3 Chireno 0-3
  13. [quote name="whsalum" post="969129" timestamp="1298171383"] In #3 defense it's hard to shoot the 3 in the open arena if you haven't worked on it some.The depth perception can be a little different animal. [/quote] I don't doubt that; however, an earlier post said #11 for West Sabine was 7 for 9 beyond the arc...was he able to get in the gym early?
  14. I understand both sides of this issue as well. Folks, be prepared...this is not the exception any longer, it is becoming the rule. In an effort to tightnen up the purse strings, schools are taking some gut-wrenching, unpopular measures. It is unfortunate to say the least. Much wisdom is being lost in the process. Great coaches and teachers are being riffed without replacement, or being replaced by less costly employees. This is not just a Texas trend, but a national trend. We are in the midst of a deep recession (regardless of what governement mouthpieces tell you otherwise), and good folks are reaping what corrupt folks have sewn. What's happening here in our state is a microcosm of the larger, national picture. Saying that "trained", younger folks is a wonderful solution to the problem is so over-the-top offensive that it hardly merits a repsonse. However, to make a point, I will opine: Blanket statements suggesting that all older personnel educate by saying “just open you book to page 320 and read, test on Friday” shows lack of understanding on the issue. Many wonderful, teachers, coaches are much more than educators...they are MORE IMPORTANTLY mentors to some very troubled kids. It's hard to understand what a mentor is unless you've lived [i][b]for [/b] [/i] a time and [i][b]through[/b][/i] some times. I have respect for old and young alike, but when I need some wise councel, I go to the one who has the experience. Incidentally, wisdom may not come with age, but it most certainly comes with experience. If education" is the end-all, then by all means, let's fire every teacher and let the computer itself teach the children everything there is to learn. After all, isn't that the trend..."facilitater", "guide to the side", and other overused catch words and phrases coming from campuses near and far. Teaching is much more than disseminating information whether through a textbook or via the current technology, which changes faster than schools can afford to update it. We are in trouble in this business and many other government-run businesses as well. Raising taxes at this time will only crush consumer confidence and small business entrepeneurs alike. If a tax hike was fiscally savvy, then why did the Obama administration agree to do something it said it never would...extend the Bush-era tax cuts? Until we hold government officials accountable for ill-advidsed and out-of-control spending habits, and tighten up our belts at the same time, we may never see an America that looks like the one that our founding fathers and so many others like them have fought to preserve. Best regards to two fine people and all others like them. You will be missed by your students.
  15. Since we've expanded the discussion to include using profanity in the classroom, let's take it a bit farther. How about the use of profanity when training our young men and women in the armed services? Is that appropriate? I'm not trying to delve off into a subject that is off topic, but I wonder if people look at this in the same light as training kids in sports or school. Discuss.
  16. What the "heck?" Throw the"goshdarn" ball! Get your "flippin" butt down! Shoot the "freekin" thing! What's the "dang" problem? Does anyone see where I'm going with this? I would suggest that "profanity" is the intention of the word, not what each of us may view as profane. I get the arguement against using words we all [i][b]know[/b][/i] to be "cuss" words, but what about ill-intended words that may not be viewed by societal norms as "cuss" words (i.e. the above examples)? Or is it an acceptable practice to use words that are closely related to their "relative" cuss words, provided a coach doesn't use society's unaccepted word(s)? In your heart, aren't you meaning the same thing without necessarily saying the "bad" word? Just curious to what everyone's thoughts are.
  17. [quote name="Burkeville Chronicle" post="952155" timestamp="1295623936"] How many of the players that moved were baseball players? [/quote] Of the four that moved to Pineland, three were eligible to play high school baseball and the other was in junior high. Two of the three varsity-eligible players played...both seniors and both JV.
  18. If I must...four boys moved to Pineland last year from Brookeland. Three others moved to Jasper and another to Newton. That's [b]eight [/b] if my math is correct. Of Pineland's four: one was an 8th grader, one a junior and two were seniors. Ironically, the junior was approved for varsity play while the seniors were not. While the junior got limited varsity play, the two seniors were relegated to junior varsity sports for their senior year. They chose to do that rather than continue as varsity players at Brookeland (I'll let each of you read into that what you will). I believe all the others that moved to other schools were approved to play by their respective district commitees, but I'm not certain if any of them actually played varsity ball (I will again allow you to read into that what you will). The Pineland junior and 8th grader are now senior and freshman. They both play, but they are in no way the only reason West Sabine is playing so well. West Sabine's senior class has been very good since they were together in junior high. They have lots of depth, and the two former Brookeland players add to that. Would they be good without them? I absolutely believe so. Are they better with them? I believe they are. Where does that leave us? Pineland is good. Hope this helps the inquisitive types.
  19. [Hidden Content] I found ths site. It has all the scores and a few game summaries.
  20. [quote name="bigdog90" post="871874" timestamp="1286765024"] soonerbeintexas ur funny [/quote] Thanks for the backhanded compliment, but I really just wanted folks to understand a much larger point: Attacking players, coaches, administrators, board members etc is non-productive and only serves to denigrate others. Sometimes the other team is better-coached, has more motivated players, possesses better chemistry, sees themselves destined for bigger things. Give credit where credit is due. While I understand peoples' frustration, throwing daggers at Jasper players, coaches and others only incites the mob(followers...not leaders)to do the same. Try being constructive and offering positive alternatives and you might be surprised to see a change for the better. But, like I said in an earlier post, I'm afraid this is what we have become...a society of finger pointers. Just my two cents. Now, I shall step down from the soapbox and depart.
  21. [quote name="bigdog90" post="871240" timestamp="1286724084"] its all coaching we have none period it was horrible every game this year we have ran the same plays ben up the middle. when are they gonna figure it out we dont have a line for that i just dont get it. [/quote] And to think, the coaching was so good last year beating Kirbyville, WOS and the like. Wow, I wonder what happened in June and July that the coaches became terrible. Well, just goes to show...it's ALWAYS the coaches!! Maybe colleges should quit recruiting players from Carroll or Lufkin, or any 4A, 5A school period... since "its all coaching." Just go to your local 1A, 2A, 3A school, load up the kids and go play against USC, LSU, UT, BAMA etc. Oh wait, you gotta recruit some coaching first. The Blame Game...what a wonderful thing!! "It's not your fault, coach, you don't have any players." "It's not your fault, baby, your coaches are terrible." (Insert your favorite blame-someone-else qoute here) People, get over yourselves and start looking in the mirror. YAWN...
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